First of all - today is Oprah's last show. Whether you like her or not - she was on television for decades (25 years) and she changed and made an impact on America in her own way.
I believe she fought for women's rights. She tried to get us to be more positive. She fought to stop abuse - physical, verbal, and sexual. She was global too - helped in Africa and other countries. She has been very generous to her viewers.
Can you remember anything else she did?
I started my grateful journal - say 15 years ago because of her - I still do it every day - and it has literally changed my life.
The commercials for her show today - for 30 seconds - a million dollars! $$$$$$$$

Last week I received this award from Diane at Southhamsdarling - please check her blog out - she is from England! How cool is that? And her daughter just got engaged and the wedding is this summer I believe.

I'd like to thank Diane for this award - The Good Bloggers Pay It Forward Award. The rules for receiving this Award are to post the Award at the top of the page, (oops!) link up with the person who handed it to you (check!) and then pass it on to FIVE bloggy friends. (my dilemma!).
There are not any questions or work to do on this award at all.
This is always the hardest part and I don't know what to do -because I only have first class GOOD followers. So I'd have to take the time to list most of you. Diane this is what has taken me so long to do it. So what to do - what to do.
I will try to list things my bloggy friends have done for me and if you have done one of those things - please take this award and put it on your blog!
I have received so many wonderful gifts from my friends:
Friendship, loyalty, prayers, laughter, silliness, health food ideas, beautiful photos and eye candy, bouquets of flowers, answering my questions, helping me with my blog, telling me where to go to get some information, I've met some of you, been to lunch with some, received gifts, I've learned something new from you everyday - knowledge, advice, support, comradeship, been able to bear my soul, writing tips, identifying with some of my issues (yes I have some - lol), animal stories, joking and playing, crafts, thrifting, recipes, eating, sharing information, and the most important thing of all - I have shared the Christian faith - the people behind the blogs are real - and they have become dear friends of mine.
So my pay it forward - is to say thank you and to send love♥ to all!

If you have done any of these things please take the award - I know so many of you are Award Free, but those who are not - take it and pay it forward to your friends - that is what would make me happiest.

“Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods. Certainly to me it is the chief happiness of life.
If I had to give a piece of advice to a young man about a place to live, I think I should say, 'Sacrifice almost everything to live where you can be near your friends.'
I know I am very fortunate in that respect. ”
—C.S. Lewis
I love your list of the things you have shared with other bloggers.
Congrats on the well-deserved award.
Hi Sandie, Even though I don't participate in awards, giveaways or memes anymore-- I do enjoy reading what others write. Pay it Forward is a good one to pass on... Congrats on getting the award.
I watched Oprah for many years --but stopped watching daytime TV several years ago. I do like her and she HAS done alot for women --all through the years.
I loved her interview shows --since she has always done a good job in that area. I did NOT like the shows where she had her giveaways... I can't stand all of the hollering and screaming. (Of course, if I were in the audience, I'd love those giveaways!! HA)
Have a great day, Sandie.
I'm one of those rare people who have never watched an episode of Oprah. Although I have great admiration for her and what she does, I just haven't bothered to watch daytime tv (except for Y&R at 4:00) because of my work schedule and now that I'm retired, it's too late to start. I might just watch her final show today though to see what I've been missing.
What a beautiful blog....thank you, I needed that! A grateful journal....sounds like a great idea!
What a wonderful way to pass it on, Sandie.
I'm not a big Oprah person, but I do agree that she has had an influence and is a very hard working and creative woman.
To be honest, I pity Oprah and pray that she will one day step out of the darkness into His marvelous light. What a way to use her influence in a way that will really last.
Sandie, I love Oprah's magazine! So positive. And, I love that she got a LOT of people reading with her book club.
xo, Cheryl
Well done on your award. What a wonderful list, it reminds me of so many of the things that are important to me in life.
Hi Sandie...Good for you on receiving your newest reward....well deserved,one and all.
I think Oprah is a wonderful person. She is so generous, when she could easily hoard all her wealth for herself.
She has upped the self-esteem of hundreds of women. She is truly a woman of great creativity and stamina.
Thanks for your post. Susan
the one sentence I see here that sticks in my mind, is the people behind the blogs are real. I like that long list of things you have gotten from bloggers and agree I have to. also, this list makes the grateful list to, all the things you got from bloggers are on that grateful list
I thought I had missed Oprah's last show because I thought it was yesterday and I missed that one. Her last shows have been really good. I watched her from time to time. Some topics I couldn't watch because of the kids in the room with me!
Congratulations on your award! You deserve it girl! You are the BEST!
Congratulations on the Award :-)
I haven't watched Oprah that much, but those I have seen has been very touching, it's her charisma I think, in the way she is and the way she get involved.
What a lovely list :-)
I'm still very new to "blogging" but I love it, because you get so much back, and get to meet real and genuine people, I love that.
Have a lovely Day
Oh you are so smart to figure out how to pass on the award without hurting anyones feelings. That is just how you are. I can't believe it has been 25 years for Oprah!
I never really watched Oprah but my daughter used to watch it all the time.
Congratulations on your award. That is a great list of things you have gotten from other bloggers and I feel the same way about the the bloggers I've gotten to know.
Sandie I made it home in plenty of time to watch the last Oprah show. I was really moved by most of what she said. So many truths she has shared over the years and helped us find the truth for ourselves. I was touched today about how she spoke of her faith and belief that we all have God in us if we just allow it!
I am so happy you received this award. You 'pay it forward' all the time and so deserve this. I am lucky to be your friend and as I told you today, I always feel better after our get-togethers. You are a special friend! Love you, Linda
You are such a sweet person!
I feel bad, but even though I knew today was Oprah's last show, I didn't watch. I kinda stopped watching her a few years ago. I'm not sure why!
congrats on the award! I echo what Jeanie said with what you have shared with other bloggers! You have been such a dear friend to me!!
I never got much into Oprah but I do agree she has been very influential. I have a story to share about her probably next week on my blog, I want to get "all my ducks in a row" before I post.
so did you watch her last show?
Congrats and you deserved the award. I always look forward to reading your blogs. They keep me laughing. Cindy
Congratulations on your awsome award!
What a beautiful post
Hey girlfriend...You know I love Oprah..she is truly an inspirational gal..I know the realm of people missing her will reach far beyond Chicagoland! The pay it forward award is wonderful to have and to really make us take the time to account for what we have been blessed by thru our blogs! I guess I feel more like a Payday loan kinda gal than a Pay it forward...seems like I take more than I give (shame on me) But hey if you are sharing the love...it is a wonderful things to have it from YOU! Evertime I talk to you...CHA-CHING...my heart hits the jackpot!
Oprah accomplished a lot - she helped a lot of people. I just wish she would find Jesus - and then she could REALLY help people.
Sandie - you are a treasured friend! And it's been such a pleasure getting to know you. And isn't it such a sweet blessing to be able to share our Christian faith, too?!
Friendship is a good thing - sisterhood in Christ is the best!
(P.S. You have issues??? Who knew?)
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