This weekend my son, his wife, and their son (my new grandson - 8 months old) came to visit. We had the best time. My daughter through my ten year old GS a black belt party. He received it last month, but we waited until my son could bring his family. This is the truth - he drove down from Ohio on Friday and back today. That alone was such a huge gift, but that everyone had a great time and that the party turned out to be a huge success was icing on the cake for me.
And there was a gorgeous cake too. Tomorrow pictures. Today catching up on sheets, laundry, dishes, and cleaning and then for a nap!
My new grandson is a bad sleeper. He takes mini naps during the day and last night he was up all night. Mom is so tired and I feel so bad for her. She did let my son sleep in another room so he could drive them home today. I pray they make it home safe. An 8 hour drive!
So just a quick post today.
I'm hoping you a nice relaxing Sunday.
Here's a quote from Linda.
“When the tides of life turn against you and the current upsets your boat,
don't waste those tears on what might have been, just lie on your back and float.”
~ unknown

So glad the party went well and that you got to spend time with both of your children and grands! I'm still floating today! hugs, Linda
Wow, 8 months old already!! Wasn't he just born last month? How quickly the time is flying.
I'm so glad your son and his family were able to come down to share in that wonderful occasion.
Happy birthday and congratulations to GS #1.
Hi Chatty. Brilliant quote at the end there. How lovely for you to see your youngest grandson, and for all the family to be together like that. As you say, an 8 hour drive is a long way, so really good that they made the effort and you had the party to celebrate your older grandson's black belt achievement. Happy times my friend.
I bet you enjoyed every moment of the short weekend to have everyone all together! I can't wait to see the pictures; Your little grandson; what a character to not want to sleep! He's afraid he is going to miss something! I do feel for your DIL! No sleep is not fun!
rest up!!
So glad you had a fun family weekend but yes the chores of clean up now...
I'm so glad the party was so much fun. What a way to drive to get there! Can't wait to see the pictures!
Happy that you got to spend some time with them, Kiddo! Get some rest yourself..:)JP
I just found you today and i'm so glad I did,, I will love following your blog,, I'll go now and look for the follow but,, I'm a relatively new blogger, 3 months, safe journey to your family,,
Glad you had a good time. Nice that you were able to spend time with your son and new grandson.
I had the most lazy Sunday I've had in a long time.
So glad you got to spend some quality time with your son and grand baby.
How wonderful your son and family were able to be with you all!
I took a long nap today while it was raining, missed a lot of the day though!! :)
Happy to hear you got to spend some quality time with new grandbaby.
Love the frog!
Howdy Sandie
Blessings with hugs to you sweet lady !
I am so happy for you and your fabulous family weekend.
I can't believe it's been 8 months since the arrival of your precious grandson ,my time does fly .
I am still in the midst of many family related responcibilities that seem to take a lot out of me .
I have not been near the computer for a while and discovered I had over 1800 e-mails ! Yikes !!!!!!
So I will try to catch up as I can.
Thank you for your wonderful words of wisdom today .They were truly needed and embraced .
Love and hugs from Texas
Until next time
Happy Trails
Getting enough sleep is so hard for a mommy! Sounds like a good time was had by all. Family celebrations are fun.
I'm so glad that your son and his family came for the party! I'm sure it was great getting to see them again! I can't wait to see the pictures!
What a wonderful gift to have your family all together and spend time with both grandsons! Looking forward to your pictures.
Glad the party was a success.. :) Hope you got some rest....loved the floating... :)Debb
Getting together, always give warmth to life. Have a good day!
Your poor daughter! Glad you enjoyed seeing your precious grand son.
I love that quote - “When the tides of life turn against you and the current upsets your boat,
don't waste those tears on what might have been, just lie on your back and float.”
I'm happy to hear you had such a great time with your family - it's lovely! Looking forward to see the pic's. Have a great Day xx
So glad you had a fantastic, albeit short, weekend. Aren't you glad you don't have those sleepless nights anymore? I am!
My son and daughter in law are going through similar times with a two year old and a new baby . I keep telling them that this will pass one day and they will get a good night's sleep again... Lol
Glad you had a great weekend! That is hard when you have a baby that doesn't sleep.... for mommy!!
Enjoy your Monday!
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