Advice from Sandra - and I thank her for it and now I am paying it forward to you.
We went to see Cars 2 - and I had my camera with me - and what was there - but who was there but . . .
Here is another reason why to always have your camera with you:
What is a Flash Mob starts singing where you are?
Patriotic Flash Mob in Cape Cod - Inspirational Videos - GodTube
I sure wish I was around when one of these happened or be in one (right Doris?)
And reason number 3 - you're riding in the car and see one of your GS's favorite character on the street.
So you see - it is a win win situation! Just some good advice I am passing on to you from a friend.
Quotes for the day:
""I think I can...I think I can." ~ Watty Piper
A simple but powerful tribute to positive thinking, The Little Engine That Could was written around the same time as the stock market crash and Great Depression, a time when the world needed the spiritual propulsion to keep going despite hardships and challenges.
Although not very large, Piper's Little Engine agrees to pull a train full of toys over the mountain for the good boys and girls on the other side. The going uphill was tough, impossibly so, but with a can-do attitude and conviction in ability, the engine made it up and over the top."
P. S. Thank you Wearthington for following my Blog - please send me yours!
I am writing this down and showing it to my husband. finally on this day someone listened to me Hardy Har Har love the car and GS and the Back off. i found a neat shot yesterday. i parked in a spot at the library that i never park in, it is close to the door and it was raining. usually i park the furthest away spot to make me walk more. anyhooo.. since I got out at a different spot, i saw something i had not seen before.
also if you have your camera with you, it makes us notice things more. good job CC
I never knew that fact about the little train and the depression. wow...things are so interesting.. and hey...those pics....perfect reason to always carry a camera. Have a great week Gayle.....O
Always carry a camera is right! Look what you would have missed? Love the photos of GS. Have a great day my friend. hugs, Linda
I never knew that about "The Little Engine that Could". I can't wait to share that tidbit.
Love your reasons for carrying a camera. I'm all about hauling mine with me wherever I go.
And I would LOVE to catch a flash mob.
I always have my camera with problem is remembering to use it :)
Having a camera with me was the reason behind getting a new cell phone. Until recently I was using an ancient (by today's standards) camera-less flip phone.
I didn't know The Little Engine was written during the Depression. Thanks for sharing that info.
I haven't seen Cars 2 yet, but I plan to introduce 16 month old Colton to the original tonight. If he doesn't enjoy it, he'd better be quiet cuz his grammy loves that movie! :-D
My just three year old grandson absolutely loves the Cars DVD. I was wondering whether I could take him to the cinema to see the new one just out, but I think he might be just a tad too young still. I think it would be the noise that might get to him, because the films in these hugs complexes are always so loud!! I bet your grandson was so thrilled when he saw that car parked outside. He really is gorgeous, with a smile that would light up any room. (Bit like his grandma, I bet!!). Hugs.
Many is the time I wish I had brought my camera with me! Good advice. When I was young, I loved that book about the engine that could.
hope you guys enjoyed the movie, Sandie! how cute to have the car there; great pictures of daughter/GS!
I'm with you, that is great advice to carry the camera! I usually forget and it is then that I see something that I wished I could take a picture of to blog about!
had to laugh, the other day we had a possum in the backyard, it went to hid behind something we had on the back patio. I'm thinking "need to get my camera to take a picture of it" but I thought "nope hubby probably just wants to get it away from here before Koda discovers is "
have a good day!
When you are poor, you wear clothes or you wear a camera. (preferably a big one). Love the captures!
Great pics and advice to always have your camera!
You are so right about carrying a camera with never know when you're going to get a very unusual subject........Your pictures are great and I know you are glad you had your camera with you......
Have a great day fun girl......
That's so cool! I'm glad you were camera ready to get those pictures of Lightening McQueen with your grandson! And you know I always have my camera with me!
Have a Wonderful Weened!
The things I've missed by not having my camera - very, very good advice.
Love the pics with you and your grandson!
As always, I love the quotes...
GREAT catches!!!! I have always wanted to see a flash mob, but the odds are probably a million to one...I even take my camera to the grocery store, and have used it there on occasion!
Cute picture! I carry a point and shoot with me in my purse - just in case.
You were in all the right places at the right time, and with your trusty CAMERA in hand. Go Girl!! A Good blogger is always armed with her Camera. You rock!!
Yes I always try to have my little camera with just never know!!!
I'll carry the camera and forget to use it...duh. And the flash mob...I would love to be in one but would probably forget the steps or something like that so I'd opt to just be there and see one. Wouldn't that be fun?
I would love to be somewhere when a flash mob showed up! that would be exciting,and love the photo op,GS is such a sweety, glad you are "have camera will travel"!
I agree with you on the camera. I try to have mine with me all the time but on the rare occasions I leave it at home I almost always see something I want to get a picture of.
Love that video of the patriotic flash mob. That would be a real treat to see that while out shopping
That's right, Sandie, if you're going to dream, dream big (speaking of the flash mob in Cape Cod) and I bet the Cars2 movie was fun because I enjoyed the first one.
I know of someone who probably always carries her camera with her, can you guess? Yes, Ginny - she cracks me up with her escapades ;-)
Have a great weekend and enjoy your little grandson!
Love you,
Doris and Gizzy
Awwwwww, great post, Sandie. Loved the Flash Mob. So glad it was in my home state. Watching it made my eyes fill with tears. How wonderful to bring joy and happiness to others, and to see the smiles on the peoples faces was priceless.
The photos of GS brought a smile to my face, too. woo hoo. That kid sure gets around.
Take care. Susan
Ah Sandy, Your Andy looks so proud, I hope he gets himself a car like that one day. He is so sweet, Nanna's boy!!!.
Yes, always carry your camera, so many exciting things to catch out there!Love ya. Crystal xx
Hi Sandie! I always have my little kodak camera in my never know when you will get that perfect picture!
Thank you for your sweet comments and have a beatiful day!
Love the tidbit about the Little Engine that Could being written in the Depression. I think we need a new one!
Great shots, Sandie! What did you think about Cars 2?
blessings ~ tanna
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