So here is the recipe -
Zucchini Chocolate Cake
½ cup of margarine
1 tsp. vanilla
1 ¾ cups of sugar
2 ½ cups of flour
1 teaspoon Baking powder
2 cups shredded zucchini
½ cup chlorate chips
½ cup oil
½ cup sour milk ( you can add a little lemon to regular milk and it will sour it)
2 eggs
1 tsp. salt
4 tablespoons cocoa
Preheat oven to 350 Degrees
Blend margarine, oil, and sugar
Add and blend eggs and vanilla
Add sour milk and other dry ingredients – alternately to other ingredients
Stir in zucchini
Pour batter into a 9x13 inch pan
Cover top with chocolate chips
Bake 40 minutes at 350 degrees
I have a very picky eater here – one of the worst you’ve ever known – and he will eat it – of course I don't tell him there is zucchini in it. And it cooks into it so when he examines it - he can't see it!
I didn't take pictures of the chocolate my daughter made when they were new and fresh - but here are so battered ones - she had left over from the Choi Kwang Do party.
Today I am going to Cumming, GA to meet Becky and Linda for lunch. My daughter and GS are going here . . . White Water.
GS starting on the rope walking over the water.
A lot of people can't make this.
Thanks to his Choi Kwang Do - he's little, but strong.
He's waiting to come back - it is much higher and he always has to swim back.
Nope fell in.
One more thing - word verification. Did you know that blogger has a comment filter that works great. Just this last month I had 33 spams or anonymous notes. Not one appeared on my blog because of their filter.
You go to your dashboard - go to comments - then go to spam - and you will see all the spam they have collected for you. You go thru them and mark them spam or not. Easy peasy. This way you can save the step work verification.
Personally I find that takes up a lot of time when you post. And sometimes I'll post a comment and my hand moves so fast that I go ahead and then see the word verification and it's too late. I'm just wondering here and just suggesting. lol

So what is on YOUR agenda for today? Inquiring minds want to know.
Thought for the day:
"Being happy is something you have to learn. I often surprise myself by saying, 'Wow, this is it.' I guess I'm happy. I got a home I love. A career that I love. I'm even feeling more and more at peace with myself." ~ Harrison Ford
i totally agree with you on word verification. i took it off my blog over 6 mos. ago and have had almost NO problems. Blogger's spam filter works great!!! i don't allow anonymous comments so that removes a few right there. but i find word verification incredibly time consuming - especially when you follow as many blogs as we try to...
Hi Chatty -
Thanks for reminding me to check the SPAM folder on Blogger. I always forget. I never thought of using it instead of the captcha.
What am I doing today? Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work I go. :)
I make a chocolate zucchini cake too - good stuff! My recipe is just slightly different from yours.
Have a great time at lunch today and tell me all about it. Tell Linda "hi" (not sure she'd remember me though). That cake sounds yummy.
Hate work verification and Blogger does filter that spam! ANYWAY.... I'm so excited to see you and meet Becky for lunch. HUGS, Linda
Your cake sounds really good! Speaking of picky eaters; we had one who said he would NEVER eat peas with okra. We had to tell him he's been eating that for ten years. LOL
Have a wonderful time at you lunch! :)
What fun for your GS. I love to see kids be good swimmers.
That cake sounds really good....I'd love some with my coffee right now.
I'm with you on no word verification.
thanks for the recipe, Sandie! Looks delicious!! Glad GS likes it too! Good for him doing that water rope thing! It looks like fun and I'm sure good exercise. Water parks are so much fun in general (assuming one is young and looks good in a bathing suit :)
so neat you are meeting up with friends for lunch; I know you will enjoy yourself!
I'm with you about word verification and Blogger and their spam filters. They do catch a lot of spam indeed! What gets me are the blogs that have word verification and comment moderation. A little redundant if you ask me.
Enjoy the day! I'm working.
Sounds yummy! I will have to check that filter out....thanks!
Your GS in those googles are a hoot!
I don't like word verification either. I do what you do and it works great for me to. I hope people read your suggestion and do it. . .I'm taking dd to camp and I'm preparing school work for DD. We home school and we'll begin on Aug. 8. I've got to get busy!
Totally agree with you on the word verification thing. I turned mine off months ago, and haven't had any problems at all. Any spam messages are always filtered and it doesn't happen that often anyway. texwisgirl is right, word verification can be terribly time confusing and is not really necessary. Enjoy your week my friend.
Amen to the Word Verification thing.... I have been begging my followers to take it OFF for over a year --and so far, I still have TONS of blog friends who use it.... Drives me batty!!!!!
Great recipe. Thanks.
OH that recipe sounds wonderful! Made me a copy. Thank you!
Have a wonderful day my friend!
1st where did you get my photo walking on that fence?
2nd Zucchini chocolate?
3rd what i have planned I have already done, like blog, email go visit friend Rich come home do pool exercises and fight off mosquitoes and run for the house because even in the pool it is to HOT. now i am headed to bed with my BOOK... ah retirement. then when i am done i plant to get my umbrella and walk on our privacy fence.
i love spam folder and hate word verify. i think a couple of times i thought i was done and it did not take because i left to fast.
I'm with you! I don't like the word verification either.
The water park looks like a complete blast. Don't you think you should go too? ;)
I don't like word verifcations. I have a long list that I've kept, someday I may do something stupid with them. I do allow anonymous comments, and most don't hit my spam folder.
I don't own an oven...unless a toaster oven counts. Obviously, I don't do a lot of baking! lol
The chocolate looks MMMmmmMMM!!!
That little grandson of yours looks like such a sweetie. I know he had a blast at White Water.
Hi Sandie,
Hope you've had a good day! As for me I'm just home from work. It's always nice to come in here :-) That chocolate cake sounds delish (yumm) I love chocolate.
Not much on my agenda for the evening - more than Chillax after a day at work!
Enjoy your evening!
Wow ...your blogs...where do you get all you time from! They are great...So far today... I have given a pedicure...made a strawberry rhubard pie...off to check the weeds out... after I hang a load of wash...and its not noon yet.... Have a great week! :)
Zucchini cakes are so moist. I love them. What a fun pool your grandson goes to! Love the chocolates your daughter made. I think word verification is off my blog now, but I'm going to check and make sure. Also, I'll look into the spam folder.
Hi Sandie...I think GS is cool today. Ohhhhh, I want to go to lunch with you girls. booo hoooo Too far! I KNOW you'll have a blast.
Today was a writing,writing,writing day. Tonight, I'm going to a musical and then will write about it. Taking photos, too. Take care, Sandie. I want to hear all about the lunch. Susan ps. I'm grateful for the span filter, too.
That cake sounds amazing!! and that pool looks amazing!!
I finally turned my word verification off. It was a hard habit to let go of, but I think my readers are grateful!!
I'm just wondering though, how are we going to replace the laughs we get from trying to pronounce the nonsense words, and use them in a sentence???
Looks like GS is having his best time. Oh, to be young again!!
Hope you had a great day. I am unpacking from my trip, and catching up in Blog Land. (Mostly blogging, not so much unpacking...)
This is my lucky day since I just happen to have a zucchini in my fridge right now that I was wondering what to do with. Now I know.
I took word verification off my blog quite a while ago. Not one spam comment has made it through. Blogger has done well with that one.
Well, your little GS dude is quite the strong man - his hard work has paid off!! Looks like fun, but I think I would have rather have gone to lunch with you! Hope you had fun! Ann
I can't wait to try the chocolate zucchini bread! I might try to make it tomorrow if I have time!
I just checked and I didn't have any comments in my spam folder!
That looks like a great place to play in the water! Wish there was something neat like that around here.
Have a Great Day!
I'm totally craving chocolate zuccini cake now!! Somehow, my low fat fudge bar just isn't cutting it. Ha!
I haven't had my word verification on for at least a year. So far so good ~ and not having it does indeed speed up the blogging! :)
Happy Week to you!
xo Catherine
That water party looked great!
How fun!
I feel like you do about the veification!
I can't swim, but that water sure looks tempting to me today...It is soooo hot here!
Ooooo, I want to try this cake recipe...thanks
YES! On JUST SAY NO to word verification! I was a little concerned at first, but the blogger filter has worked like a charm. Thank you.
Love the fun your GS looks like he is having! Cool and energetic! Ahhhh...
blessings Tanna
I am with you on the word verification.....and I didn't even know about the spam filter...Thanks for the information....
I can't wait to try your cake.....sounds delicious but then everything with chocolate is divine.......
I hope you have a wonderful lunch with your friends.....
That cake sounds wonderful and I was just given some zucchini from a friend's garden! I think I'll give it a try!
My Kody Bear was just in his first Jiu Jitsu Tournament this past Saturday and he won a Silver Medal! It's so great to see our GS's doing so well, isn't it.
I like that Spam blocker too. It's helped a lot to not have a bunch of junk coming up on old blog posts!
I plan to work on my CafePress shop. It's doing better and better! :)
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