"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Show and Tail

It is Show and Tail Tuesday with Angela - it's the day we can talk about animals - our animals - other animals - tell stories - share information - please join her with your story or pictures.

Okay - we are famous for our squirrels. We have had them in the attic three times - oh my goodness it has been rough. So Ginny on her blog showed us this bird feeder. I loved it - so I got one!

Looks like a yellow live saver.
Hanging off the deck. Now every single bird feeder we have the squirrels have gotten in.
Someone sent me where to buy the squirrel proof bird feeder.
I bought one for a $100! Still didn't work!

Nope - my squirrels are toooooooooooooooo smart.

So I wondered if the squirrel could get through this.

Yep - hopped in and started eating.
And eating. And yes he is cute with those brown eyes!
But so far - we have no birds!


Thought for the day:

"In this world of change, nothing which comes stays, and nothing which goes is lost." ~ Anne Sophie Swetchine

Change is life. Life is change...


TexWisGirl said...

oh, that's hilarious! little fatso in a donut!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

YOU PAID 100 DOLLARS for this? i hope not. tell me that is a typo. and if it is 100 that means thousands of dollars for the house in ginnys post. it is nice and i like and have laughed out loud with hubby over the squirrel life safer... love it, he is so cute. i don't think there is a squirrel proof anything in the whole wide world. daddy fought with them all my life over his pecan tress and garden.

Changes in the wind said...

Trying to keep a squirrel out of a feeder is a trick indeed.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Laughing at the squirrel in the doughnut! They are feisty little critters and love bird seed!


Remington said...

As we say on Remington Drive -- everyone is welcome because they are all hungry! Thanks for feeding the squirrel too!

Sally said...

LOL You always make me smile, and that's a very good thing! :)

Bev said...

That is too funny!!

Angela said...

What a cute squirrel feeder! lol Oops! I mean bird feeder! hehehe Those squirrels around your house are too smart! Do they go to school or something? lol

Tuesdays' Show & Tail!

Doris Sturm said...

Ha, ha, thanks for the laugh - your squirrel looks so snug like a bug in a rug sitting in your yellow life saver lOL fat and sasssssyyyy!!!!

(whatchagonna do now, momma?) get a Yankee spinner?

I loved that video! Is that the one you bought for $100? I can't imagine spending that much on a bird feeder...get a cat, she'll chase the squirrels away!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I loved those feeders from Ginny's blog too!

Is that the same squirrel that wreaks havoc at Texwisgirl's? I'm thinking they must be cousins...

Good to be a Queen said...

I've tried several times to post a comment on your with no luck..Hope this goes through and and I hope that you are doing well!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh those crazy squirrels. We battle them constantly... I have never heard of a squirrel-proof feeder either --but some of them can deter the squirrels like the one in the video you showed. Good Lucky, Sandie!!!!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I have to send this to my daughter who is plagued by squirrels in Georgia. Doubt she would want to pay that much for it though...but..who knows. She would get a kick out of just watching the squirrels try to get to the seeds. What a cute post today!! Loved it!

Sr. Ann Marie said...

We've done everything from greasing the pole to putting some sort of upside down circular contraction on the pole--and still the squirrels find a way. Last weekend we watched them launch themselves from a bush across a rather wide open space on the the top of the bird feeder.

Toyin O. said...

What a funny post,thanks for sharing.

Cheri said...

I have the same problem. Squirrels I mean.

The Boston Lady said...

Oh this made me laugh. We had one of those Yankee Clipper ones and it worked for awhile until weather and seed gummed up the works. I was hoping your lifesaver would work! Ann

Sush said...

I have given up on squirrel proof feeders. They get what they get at snack time and I just hope will share a few seeds with the fine feathered friends.

Really cute pictures...love the lemon lifesaver!

Cindy Caudle said...

My brother has had problems with squirrels eating the apricots off his tree. He has done everything you can think of to keep them but they figure it out. He has decided it is cheaper to just go buy a box of apricots thank all the gadgets. Loved the fat squirrel in the donut.

Belle said...

I love squirrels! They certainly are smart. Thanks for the laugh!

Sweet Tea said...

That feeder reminds me of a huge Lemon donut! LOL
You've got some brave, smart squirrels there and he looked like he was enjoying the fancy new Feeder.
Looks like you're gonna have to come up with yet a different type of Feeder.

Michaele said...

You gotta hand it to 'em. Smarter than the average birdfeeder engineer.
I like the quote at the top of your blog. Sound kind of like an aura.

Ginny Hartzler said...

It still looks really pretty just hanging there. You have the bird feeder in the video?? How do your squirrels get the seeds? We just bought one that works really good, all our squirrels hang around underneath it all the time, cause they can't get to it!! It is the number one seller and it is good!

Ann said...

A hungry squirrel will find a way around anything :) Sorry the feeder didn't work to keep him out but it made for some really cute pictures.

Pat MacKenzie said...

It's a very pretty squirrel...er...bird feeder. I refuse to consider squirrels pests though, even there's at least one trying to gnaw it's way into my attic at this moment.

Mevely317 said...

Too funny!
Must be obvious I've never had a squirrel "problem", on account I think they're soooo cute. Heck, I'd probably fix them a bowl of their own. :)

Susan said...

OMG, Sandie. That squirrel is, well,squirrely. Imagine him figuring out the yellow donut birdfeeder. TOO HILARIOUS.

By the way, I removed word verification from my blog, thanks to YOU! So happy you told me about that. Take care. Susan

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Oh boy that is one smart and agile squirrel! I wonder if red pepper would keep him away? I make a hot red pepper infusion and spray it on my fig tree so the squirrels won't eat the figs. It works well!

DaCraftyLady said...

Oh how I can relate...those little cuties are just too actrobatic for us...and now I have a whole family of ground squirrels visiting daily...4 babies a teenager and 2 largter ones...they frolic around my yard and jump on all my feeders...I buy them peanuts and have aspecial place in the big tree for them, so while they are eating there my birdies get to enjoy some seeds in the feeders...that is the only way I can feed both... :)

Retired Knitter said...

We had to stop feeding the birds last year for about 3 months - because the squirrels got so territorial about my deck that my cats couldn't go out on it without getting screamed at. I was afraid the squirrels would attack them. I have been feeding the birds some this summer again, but it feeders aren't so busy as before. Maybe I will hold up and do the feeding again once the weather gets cold. That is when the birds really need the seed and the squirrels are not so evident.

Kerrie said...

Hehe, that's one very cute and clever squirrel. I sure do love the feeder too! We don't have squirrels here, but I'm wondering if they are related to mice in any way. Mice seem to be able to squeeze into the tiniest of places. My son would love a pet mouse... Yikes, I don't think so. It is fascinating just how clever some creatures are. They have a wonderful ability to outwit, and outsmart us. Sure does keep us on our toes. Sending you a smile and wishing you a great day! Blessings, Kerrie

Sharon said...

OK, I've got to give the little guy credit - perseverance is a good trait - even in squirrels...

And yes, it does look like a big LifeSaver - definitely "lick-able"!!


ocmist said...

THAT would drive our corgis NUTS!!! We've got a ton of squirrels in our pastures that are fatter than little piggies with all the grain hay, but NONE in our yard because of to corgis.

I can just picture a fat squirrel munching and hanging above the corgi's heads as they go crazy underneath!