"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, July 07, 2011

New Information on the Ten Strikes Bill and Goodle and Picasa Mash

Maybe we don't have the control we think we do on Blogger. Maybe all this is what is messing us up and giving us problems. Now I am just informing you - not trying to make you go one way or another, just think about it:

I am reading up on the bill, this explains some it. if they pass it, everything on YouTube is illegal.

Thanks Sandra.

Did you know that Google to retire Blogger & Picasa brands - CNN.com - and 'mash' them together?

Thanks Blue Ridge Gal


Some information to enlighten you.

Chatty Crone


Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I did know about all this. But surely you can post videos on YouTube if they are ones you made yourself?? Else I will have to figure out how to post all my videos directly from my hard drive file.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

My daughter works for Google and yes they are rebranding some sites but only to make things better. Google+ will be a wonderful interactive website with lots of controls over who sees your post unlike Facebook where everyone who is in your network sees everything. In Google+ you can create circles of friends only, family only, bloggers only and still show things to everyone if you so choose. Many cool options.

Southhamsdarling said...

Eeek! All this is news to me. I hope it's not all going to get too complicated for us.

Barb Hodges said...

Wow, food for thought. (Yes, those crickets can be quite loud.)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my brain is hurting after reading the article about mashable and google. oh NO to making upgrades to blogger...new stuff to learn

Rebecca Nelson said...

My head is spinning. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....

Thanks for the info!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

Question? They are interested in getting us NOT to use copyrighted stuff--like songs that someone else has copyrighted... Right???

NOW--my question is about photos on the internet... Are they copyrighted officially? I know that some people have their names or their company's name on the photo. BUT--what about people who don't? Can we use those photos as long as we say we got them from the internet????

What about things like cartoons or signs or things like that which we get from the internet??? How will we know if they are copyrighted?

OR--is this all about MUSIC?

Thanks for your help.
PS---The Google improvements are FiNE... All companies need to continue improving.

Doris Sturm said...

This is a typical example of mass hysteria. Not everything on You tube is illegal, just the clips that are "stolen" from other people, specifically songs and movies that we did not compose or direct (stuff you pay for!)

Also, blogger is not streaming. Streaming is watching movies/videos online. I stream every day by watching Netflix and that's not against the law because I'm paying for the service. I'm not pirating it.

Does anyone remember the beginning of the VHS tapes where it said in big writing WARNING for personal viewing and not intended for redistribution and that it was a Federal crime to do so, punishable by fines and imprisonment? Well, it's still the same! Piracy has always been a crime and copyright protection has always been a big issue - it's even the same way with crochet patterns and other things, not just pictures and movies.

So, I really don't understand what the big deal is all of a sudden!

Wanda's Wings said...

I'm worried. Will blogger make it possible for us not to do anything illegal?

Belle said...

I don't know what to think. I think this is mainly about music and movies. I have a friend who posts songs from the fifties and sixties and I would bet he will have to stop his blog if the new law passes.

Ann said...

all interesting reading. I hope it doesn't mean I'm going to have to learn a whole lot of new stuff. It took me forever to figure out how to do what I've done so far and believe me it's not all that much...lol

DaCraftyLady said...

ohhh Linda that sounds wonderful, sometimes the media gets a big hype going I think to rattle our cages??? Hmmm did I say cagess...maybe I should say "cribs" isn't that the term used for homes??? Lots of food for thought! Debb

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I am hoping the Google mashup of Blogger and Picasa will make them even better! I don;t mind learning new things ... It's one of the reasons I began blogging :)

Bev said...

hmmm to deep for me.... I just feel I am like the ostrich that hides it head in the sand...and let things happen..

Unknown said...

I really hope that 10 Strikes Bill gets killed. For it is one thing to make CD's of other people's music for resale, but it is another thing entirely to embed a video of someone's song. Hey, I would think that they would be grateful for the added publicity!

As in regards to the Google changes, I about freaked earlier this morning, when I went to publish an article on The Tribulation Times Herald-Exhorter. For my Blogger dashboard was completely unrecognizable. I was allowed and enabled to figure it out, but learning new things is really hard on someone as technically-challenged as I naturally am!

Sharon said...

I didn't know about any of this. Oh goodness. I'm not sure I have it in me to learn new things. I'm an "old dog" who's had enough of a hard time learning the old tricks of Blogger!
