Pictures in no random order!
This trip has been an incredible gift to me and an incredible journey.
This little girl is so precious - my niece and my God daughter. And the funny thing is she looks like me (when I was little)!
This trip has been an incredible gift to me and an incredible journey.
This little girl is so precious - my niece and my God daughter. And the funny thing is she looks like me (when I was little)!
My tired sister and her family - no sleep 24 hours +
My daughter and grandson. Grandson was named for my brother and he was born the day after my brother died - different year though - but the date was uncanny.
My sweet nephew and God son - how did I luck out here - twins no less. They did great traveling over 2000 miles!
My cousins Carolyn and Suzy - it was held at Suzy's house in 116 degrees heat index!
Daughter's of Ethel - sister to my dad - had seven children.
Daughter's of Ethel - sister to my dad - had seven children.
My sister, nephew, cousin, niece, cousin, cousin's hubby - lunch at Steak and Shake.
This man - a cousin - Butch - was THE SPITTING image of my brother.
Talk about being shocked! He was born on his sister - another cousin to the left and her hubby on her birthday and her birthday was my brother's birthday - all the same day.
If that wasn't enough - the twins were born on the same day.
My brother - the twins - the cousin that looked like my brother- and his sister - all the same day.
My brother - the twins - the cousin that looked like my brother- and his sister - all the same day.
Margie - daughter of Mary - she was there and I didn't get a picture of her!

Stevie and his family - only son of my father's brother Ray. The only one I remember from my childhood was Stevie.
Now this was only half who came - it was a group picture of all who came at 11 - but it was an all day affair - and we had people still dropping in at 8pm!
The gal on the left - cousin - daughter of Mary - dad's sister - Mary had three girls and one boy.
Suzy (cousin-Ethel)
Patty (cousin Ethel)
Carolyn (cousin Ethel)
Chatty and Grandson
Jeannie (cousin Mary)
My daughter
Jim Bob (cousin Ethel)
Amanda (second cousin Ray)
My son
My sis
Even Disco came! He was one hot dog!
Suzy - the hostess with the mostest - my cousin who held the event at her house.
The sad day my sister and her family had to go back home. Pascual is a dear.
I had to accept the joy at the beginning knowing that the sadness at the end would come. My heart breaks having to leave them.
The house where my dear mom grew up. It used to be white. Well manicured. My grandpa and grandma would be in chairs waiting for us - my mom and me - to get in town. We would have a bologna sandwich with mustard and a root beer when we got in.
Totally run down now - over half the homes were boarded up and abandoned.
My two grandsons and my daughter.
Older pictures - my dad at work - probably for an article.

My grandpa - my dad's dad.

My dad - nicknames Slat's.

My grandmother in the middle.
Start at left - Margie. Then Mary - haircut? Then on the right - my dad as a little boy.
The baby is Ray. The littlest girl is Ethel.

Granny - I always thought I got my curly hair from her - found out that she had her hair permed!
So where does my curly hair, my daughter's curly hair, my sisters and her daughters curly hair come from?

My granny again - this is the house I remember visiting her at - and of course it had a wrap around porch and we used to sit out and watch all the action - she lived on a very busy street.

My dad and step mom and brother and sister. I don't get to see my brother out in LA very much.

My mom.

The house where I was born - only lived there a couple months - that was my brother Andy.

And I wouldn't be me without my mom! My son - this was the day of his white coat ceremony for medical school.

And last but not least - my brother.

"When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven’t. ” Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
I am so glad I didn't give up my dream to one day meet my family. This is one of the best gifts God has given to me. I needed them to make my life more complete.
Thank you God. And thanks for the great time.
Tomorrow the story!
Wow, I was blown away when I met 4 of my long lost family. I just can't imagine what this was like for you.
What a gift!!
i'm so glad you enjoyed your time with them. it must have been surreal - strange and wonderful and happy and sad all at once.
what a wonderful family, looks like you had a great time! I missed you...glad to see you back and I love to look at family photos thanks for sharing. :) have a good weekend...Debb
You must be so filled with emotion and memories about now. Thanks for sharing the photos. Such a good turn-out! Will you do it again next year? Neat that you are a have god-children.
Oh Sandie, that was GREAT. Love, love, loved seeing all the photos of your "new" family. How awesome is that? WOWSERS. I just KNOW you had an awesome time. Well, hopefully, that will be the first of MANY times to see them all.
Thanks so much for sharing. Susan
Sandie great photos! I know you had a wonderful time.
Wow! Your sister's babies sure have grown up too fast! They are cuties! Love all of the old pictures you have of your dad and mom and grandparents. Looks like everyone had a great time at the reunion! Lots of people! And Disco of course! Glad you got to spend some time with your family!
You totally must feel really connected, seeing ALL these people. Glad this all worked out to be a positive experience and one that you have documented with photos. What a great time for all involved!
all great pictures, Sandie! Glad your sister and her family could come out for the reunion; the twins are so big! Love the picture of your grandsons, and son with grandson! Neat too to see the pictures of your mom and dad. So neat you were able to go to this reunion!
Wow you look like yall had a good time! I see fun in these families and old pics are always nice to see
You got so many great pictures!! So sad about the old house!!! My mom had a dress just like the one your mom is wearing as a young beautiful woman!! They must have been popular back then. So glad you went and got to meet everyone, and it was fun!!! I'm glad you're back, and with a new background again!!!
I'm blown away with how far they drove with their twins! I can't imagine! But I'm so glad you got to see them, and meet so many other relatives as well. I love the old pictures of you family as well, and the pictures of the houses.
You are so blessed to have had this experience. How fun to reconnect with extended family and rehash common memories.
I'm so happy that you enjoyed your time with them all - nice photos. It's nice to see old family photos - thank you so much for sharing!
Have a lovely Sunday!
wowwweee that is a lot of family all in one spot. this does not happen often in these days of people scattered across the globe instead of in their home town.
both the homes my grandparents lived in are torn down and also my childhood home of my parents has been torn down. no visiting for me.
this is really great for your family and for a record of all the family members. it will be here for people to refer to if they want to "remember"
Will you be publishing the mugshots later on?
how wonderful. the folks in your family sure do make darling children! glad you got to meet and connect with your family!
I forgot to say my favorite is the first one of that adorable little girl. she is so precious
Happy for you that you had this opportunity to re-connect.
Hi There, What a great family reunion. I'm so happy for you --and that you got to meet so many new cousins.
Loved seeing the old pictures also.. My old homeplace is not the same either... Kinda sad to see them not well-taken care of , isn't it?
So glad you got to go.
I"m glad God gave you this wonderful gift to meet your family. What a blessing. I can only imagine how you must be feeling.
You know I don't hear so much about family reunions any more and that's a shame.....So glad you were able to attend and see and spend time with so many of your family members. What a big family...all the more fun, uy?
Love all the pictures; especially the old ones.....I am always curious about the people in those old photos...Aren't you blessed to have them and know about them......
I am so glad you went!! Beautiful family, beautiful you. Thanks for sharing. I hope you journal some of your experiences, thoughts, and feelings.
wonderful selection of photos, old and new. So glad you had a good time and were able to get together with family
Great photos, Sandie!! Thanks so much for sharing your trip with us. Sounds like you had the time of your life.
It's and I are on a similar quest. Though I haven't yet met any long-lost relatives face-to-face, I am connecting right and left with 2nd, 3rd, and 4th cousins I never knew existed. And I have even contacted a first cousin once removed (my dad's first cousin) who I haven't seen since her dad's funeral when I was about 10.
I'm SO glad you were able to connect with all these great folks.
Trip down memory lane with the family is always so much fun. Loved seeing the older photos. Looks like everyone had a grand old time. I can't believe the baby is so big already and rolls over:-)
Wow!!!!! This is so mind blowing.....what An amazing group and all related to you...Chatty....I'm thrilled for you.... You deserve every bit of this good stuff!
I absolutely enjoy seeing your family photos old and new ones. I could see the resembles of your dad to his dad and to your son and daughter. Trish
What a wonderful reunion, and how beautiful the babies are! I loved looking at the old photos.
What a wonderful time you had. I truly loved seeing all of your pictures. They brought back memories of my family, especially my grandparents. I loved seeing your grandparent's former home. I bet when you were little the house seemed enormous but looking at it now I am sure it seemed small.
I hope you can stay connected with them. Personally I love Facebook. It is such a great way to stay connected although it will never replace that good ol' phone call but sometimes that is just not practical and many times all you want to do is just say "Hi" or just share a picture.
Hugs, Sue
Sandie, I don't know how you kept all that straight, but then again, you are you and have tremendous capacity for names and circumstances. I loved seeing those old pictures. The one of your mom with your son and husband made me think your GS takes a lot after his uncle. Looks like it was so much fun. Ann
What a blessing your entire family is!
Your pictures shine with love and happiness.
What a wonderful way to spend the summer!
AWESOME account of your reunion, Sandie! A treasure for your grandchildren!! It is a truly amazing thing after all this time. I am so happy for you. blessings ~ tanna
Hey Sandie! What great photos and information. Thanks for sharing with us. I know how happy and proud you are that you were able to finally get together with FAMILY!
LOVED looking at your family photo's, Sandie. So happy you and your family were able to go!!!
This was the most heartwarming post, Sandie! What a gift that God has given you - and you so deserve it! What a wonderful reunion this must have been - overwhelming in some ways, I'm sure - but oh, so touching.
All the coincidences about birthdays and such were very interesting!
I hope that they all understood that they have found a TREASURE by having YOU in their extended family now!
That is just so AWESOME!!! My prayers for your trip were answered that you would have a wonderful time and have a safe trip there and back.
Thanks so much for sharing all of this and these pictures with us. I've been going through a lot of Auntie's old pictures and finding things about Mike's family that he vaguely had heard about. It's been interesting, so I KNOW being able to meet relatives and learn more about your ancestors must have been wonderful for you!
It is taking me a while to get caught up on reading blogs from over the weekend. What a wonderful time you must have had! I'm so happy for you.
This was an amazing story . It is so cool to have met all these remarkable folks. You are a blessed woman! I love the old photos. I will have to post about my phamily. My SIL brougth two photo albums up for us to scan all the shots. There is a photo of my Sweets great grandparents, the Murphys. They wanted to raise my late FIL when his folks died, very young and the state refused, saying they were too old. He was raised instead by a mean old aunt who lied on his birth certificate and sent him off to the USN when he was 14. By the time he was 19 he went around the world 2 times and traveled on5 out of 7 seas! I need to post more. My oldest Noelle has a subscription to so we need to get busy and get my side of the phamily history.
You are blessed and have received a beautiful gift!
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