First of all - do you remember Kurt Cameron? He was on Growing Pains - the sitcom. He always played the irresponsible one always getting into trouble. When he was 17 he went through what I guess I would call a Christian conversion. He refused to play the irresponsible lad any longer and some people felt that is what led to the demise of the show. He also met his future wife on the set - one of the girls that 'Mike Seiver' was dating. That was 23 years ago. And his Christianity it still going strong.

Love is not a fight . . . beautiful song. It was in the movie . . .

Kurt also is part of a daily Christian Radio station:
This show is apparently on every day Monday through Friday and Kurt seems to be in the middle of it! Daily Christian topics.

The movie had a half a million dollar budget. It was filmed here in GA. Kurt was the only one who was paid. One of the extra sections of the CD explained that the entire rest of the cast were church volunteers and they acted in the rest of the parts. Kurt gave his money to charity.
His charity - a camp for sick kids. Such an excellent show. I have watched it many many times and I would have loved it to have been out 30 years ago! lol
And this is a camp he runs for sick children: /
And look what I got in the emails today - A God Wink:
“Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius. ”
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
I have a lot of respect for Kurt Cameron. He seems to actually "walk the talk". So nice that he uses his celebrity status for the good of others...I enjoyed that movie and have heard some say it changed their life for the better.
I saw that movie in the theater and although I appreciated the message, I found it so poorly acted that I had a hard time enjoying it.
I watched this movie in a church, with one of my daughters and her boyfriend. I had also bought the book for my two oldest daughters for Christmas. Funny, I never put the actor together with the child actor. Very cool that you posted about it. Amazing story.
Interesting info... I saw the movie a few years back... last fall was told about the web sit The Way of the Master... Good to see someone that follows the Truth!
Interesting info... I saw the movie a few years back... last fall was told about the web sit The Way of the Master... Good to see someone that follows the Truth!
I saw Kurt in some other movie he did with a Christian message and it was good...
I seen the movie on tv about 2 years ago I think. I liked it but it was very intense.
I saw the movie and loved the message. The acting (other than Cameron's) was poor in my opinion, but given the fact the story/film wasn't backed by the big boys in Hollywood it truly didn't bother me much.
FIREPROOF was worth seeing and I'm happy to say at least one actor in the business doesn't see the need to take off his clothes, yell the F word at the camera (ahem...ME!)or otherwise feel compelled to act like a fool for a mere buck.
Personally I'm proud he stood his ground. Wish more men (and women) would!
Great post, Miss CC!
I really enjoyed this interview. And he is still so cute, he looks like a teenager! Hard to believe he has so many kids!
I had forgotten about Kurt and his beliefs. Awesome man he is! Now I'm going to have to get this movie now. Thanks for sharing this and adding the camp information too! What a wonderful cause!!
It was wonderful to hear the video and know he won't kiss anyone but his wife. He is the real thing.
I have seen this movie several times and it is an awesome story with a totally great message. Because the message was so good, I felt it made up for some of the acting. I've seen Kurt in several Christian Movies (he's one of the main actors in the Left Behind Movies)and have always enjoyed the parts he's chosen to act. When we got TBN in this area (we don't anymore) we used to watch the Way of the Master quite often. Our computer isn't fast enough to watch things that are more than a couple of minutes long. I wish all couples would watch it. So many don't realize the problems that porn causes, and this also makes Christ's love and forgiveness very clear.
I have never heard of Kurt Cameron, but reading your post, I couldn't fail to have great respect for him and his beliefs. Such a change from the usual people in this celebrity led world that we seem to live in at the moment. Nice post Chatty.
I have never seen the movie. I've heard a lot of people say they really loved it, though.
Believe it or not, I have yet to see that movie. I want to, it's just that I kept and keep forgetting. I love KC, and I respect him so much for the stand he took about the kiss.
God made a difference in his life. I want the difference that He made in mine to be as apparent.
Now, I'm heading to your family reunion post. I didn't realize that I had missed it until my mom mentioned it. She reads here too.
never saw growing pains and dont recognize him at all, the movies sounds like one i would like. i watched the video and hope it does well for them. amazing no one got paid but him. i have never heard his name before.
That is a great movie, Sandie. I have a lot of respect for Kirk Cameron. I used to love the show, "Growing Pains". Of course I thought he was cute. :)
When you, in the daily news, not the gossips mags read that Madonna (52) is dating a 24 year old! It makes you want to scream. The way these celebs buy these babies, like Charlie Sheen's ex wife, cause they want one makes me ill! Kirk Cameron is truly a great example of a Christian. His movie Fireproof would be a wonderful movie for people in difficult marriages to see. I am not prompting staying in an abusive marriage or anything but in our society today people have this expensive weddings and then get divorced in a few short years. My co workers daughter (27) married a guy (23) and three months later they were splitsville! I think the sign of the times, where anything goes is destroying our society. I am so happy to see a refreshing face like Kirk Cameron tell it like it really is. Thanks for the movie info Sandie. This was just great! Anne
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