"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Have you ever been in God's Waiting Room?

Do you know what I mean by God's waiting room? Have you ever been there? It's just like being at the doctors waiting room - you sign in (or say your prayers) and then you wait and wait and wait. And sometimes you just know people who came in after you had been called already. You even go up and ask why - and there is always some excuse why they got to go first.

You pray for an answer or something you think you need and you sit there. And you sit there and you sit there. And you keep praying - over and over and over again.

It is like grief - you first start in denial - no He hasn't missed me...
Anger - Why haven't You called me?
Bargain - okay God if I do this then will You do that? I've been good and I've been faithful.
Depression and tears can come - pleading. Surely You don't want this for me.
Then they say you then get to acceptance. I think at times I've reached it - then wham - all of a sudden I realize I'm starting all over.
Maybe He's saying no - but I haven't heard it that loud yet.

I am in God's waiting room now - and have been a long time over something. Moses was in God's waiting room 40 years! When my parents divorced and my father remarried and had other children I waited for an answer why - and it took me 25 to 30 years to realize it was so I wouldn't be alone after they died - I have a beautiful sister who is one of the best friends I have. I know eventually there will be answer someday - I wish it was sooner then later - I'm tired of waiting.

Have you ever been there? Have you been to God's waiting room?

Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forwards.

- Soren Kierkegaard



Wanda's Wings said...

Waiting is so hard. Sometimes it is easy to question God. Somethings won't be answered until we get to heaven.

TexWisGirl said...

what a lovely, yet yearning and painful post. i hope your prayers get answered soon.

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Yep daily. Hugs to you while you wait.

Betty said...

My prayer is that God doesn't keep you waiting too much longer.

Patti said...

I seem to always be in God's waiting room. And I don't much like it. I'm right there with you...hoping and praying you get out of the waiting room soon.

Love ya,

Rick Watson said...

We've all been there to some extent. Saying a booster prayer that you don't have to wait as long as Moses.

Sharon said...

Sandie, you will know by one of my posts last week, and our email conversation, that I know EXACTLY what you're talking about.

Waiting is so very hard. Waiting with hopeful expectation is nearly impossible. It's one of those things we just can't do without the help of the Holy Spirit.

I have been tremendously helped by a series that my friend, Peggy, has been doing on this issue of *waiting.* You may want to visit her sometime: www.mazmagi.blogspot.com

Praying for you (and me) as we wait UPON the Lord.


Chris Graham said...

Dear Lady,
Waiting is so hard. We as human beings want answers. Waiting builds trust as we reflect back on other times we waited and the answer finally broke through.
I am praying for you!!!!

Nancy said...

We've all been there...waiting and waiting but one thing you can count on is that God's timing is perfect and He will answer. I think He wants to grow our faith and trust His heart. Not easy lessons for any of us...

I will pray He will answer just as soon as He can for your long awaited answer....

Mevely317 said...

Oh, Sandie -- I'm so bummed to learn you're burdened!

Yes, I think all of us have been there, and it just plain HURTS when someone else is "served first" or worse, that He isn't paying attention.

Or so it seems.

Sending prayers that you find those answers which ultimately bring you some measure of peace.

Ann said...

Oh yes, I've been there. You may have seen me. I was in the corner with the pouty face, remember? :)
Seriously though, I think you know that I have been there many times. I still go from time to time. Hey if you like I can sit with you while you wait

Belle said...

Yes, I have been there. Sometimes it takes moments for an answer, sometimes years. All we can do is trust Him.

Linda O'Connell said...

It is hard to embrace this reality, but everything is in God's time. I hop eyou get your answer. Sometimes our answers come so unexpectedly, don't they?

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie I have been in God's waiting room many times and I'm sure there are many more in my future. I try to stay open to what God wants me to hear....hard as that is at times. hugs my friend, Linda

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

I've been:

1) Preparing for a conference.
2) Attending a writers conference.
3) Sending out post-conference

Want to talk about waiting?

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

P.S. You're in my prayers, my friend. Hold on tight to His hand.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Seems like our entire lives are "Hurry Up and WAIT"... God certainly is the answer to this 'waiting' in our lives.

Sally said...

I'll pray for you as you wait, and hope it won't be much longer until you get the answers you need.


Ginny Hartzler said...

A good friend of mine just left and we were talking about this same thing. She has been very depressed for years, and has been on all kinds of depression meds. She wonders why God answers others, but never her all these years, she is mad and confused. I know she has real problems, but I see so many blessings in her life, and wanted to tell her to start looking at what she has and giving thanks for the many blessings, but I think that just may have depressed her more. So much for being a good friend and her deacon. Well, we do what we can, and in this case it was only listening, I guess.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Its like a long journey. Sometimes feeling lost? Sometimes feel like slipping off the cliff?
Yes,, I have spent a lot of time there.
I hope you get a life preserver to help you

Granny Annie said...

Better question might be,"Have you ever been OUT of God's waiting room?" Seems like I spend most of my time there.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope you find ways to fill your time with happiness to ease the waiting. Hang in there.

Tanna said...

Yes. I'm sitting there along with you, Sandie. blessings ~ tanna

Liz Mays said...

I've been there, and sometimes I sit there for years before I get the answer. Hoping your waiting room time is almost finished!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

well, from reading the comments you have lots of blogger friends willing to wait with you. don't know what you are praying about or waiting for, but i do know that sometimes we pray for things that will never happen unless we do or make a decision. God does not make decisions for us, so we pray for wisdom, but if we don't make a move one way or the other the answer will never come. also when praying it has to be something that needs his wisdom. like praying for a leg if you don't have one would never happen. so it depends on what we are praying for. also praying for someone else to change or do something, will not happen. we need to pray for god to give us wisdom to make the right decision, then make it.

Sweet Tea said...

I'm just now seeing this post.
Your faith and patience is beautiful.
God is working it all out in your behalf and his timing is perfect. (((HUGS)))

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie, even better than your post are all the wonderful comments you received. BTW, I'm in the room next door to you, it's the overflow waiting room - pop over and we'll talk a bit. Ann