"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My son is 36 years old today -

and I'm wondering just how that can be, when I am only 39!

When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure."
– Peter Marshall

Now here is my diamond and his new little diamond (and mine too)! Happy birthday son and many more.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

two beautiful and perfect diamonds. i like that quote a lot

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday to your son....I am with you where does the time go....

I love Peter Marshall and all of his work...Thanks for the quote...

Have a happy time celebrating with your son...

Betty said...

Obviously, you were a very young, young, young mother. Happy Birthday to your son!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

They all grow up so fast! Yes our diamonds for sure! I hope you are having a great day! hugs, Linda

Jeanie said...

Happy birthday to your son. When my son turned 40 it was harder for me than any birthday I have ever had myself. How can they get to so close to the same age we feel like we are?

Susan said...

Ohhhhh, what a wonderful birthday present your son has, his OWN son. So adorable.

And congrats to you, too, Mummy. Aren't you glad you are not in labor today? hee hee

Hope your day is wonderful. Susan from writingstraightfromtheheart.blogspot.com

Melanie said...

Such a sweet picture! I hope your son has a wonderful birthday! :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Happy birthday to your son! What a lovely photo of him and your little grandson. My eldest daughter was 40 in June - frightening!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Very cute picture - happy birthday to him!

TexWisGirl said...

happy birthday to your son! and my, you were a young mother! :)

Mevely317 said...

Oh, doesn't this picture speak volumes?! Love that "diamond" quote!

ruthie said...

You think THAT is hard to explain! Both my son and I are 27!

ruthie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

happy birthday to your son! these sweet grand babies are our reward for putting up with our own children! hope he has a great day!

Sue McPeak said...

Great Quote!!!! Both of your diamonds are precious gems for sure. My son is 39....now we are the same age!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Your son and his son? How beautiful they both are and what a sweet picture!! Tell him happy birthday for me!!! I have the same puzzlement myself. Our son is 40, and that seems impossible because I am only thirty seven!!!

Shanda said...

I never dreamed of you being one of those loose girls that ran around so young!

Love Of Quilts said...

Well same month a year apart my son's birthday is tomorrow. Trish

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie,
Happy birthday to your son :-)
It's my Dad's birthday today too - miss him lot's.

I like the diamond quote
Have a great Day :-)


Rick Watson said...

Shine on!

Debbie said...

Happy Birthday to your son!

And I love that quote, too.

Lynn said...

From one 39 year old to another... hope your son has a great B-Day:@)

ain't for city gals said...

It is worth geting older if you have those two diamonds!

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

A happy happy birthday to your soon. Wishing you all a wonderful day full of banners, cake, balloons and JOY xxxx

Patti said...

Oh, the little guy is adorable!!! I can't believe how big he's getting.

Wishing your dear son a very happy birthday. Hope his day is filled with love and laughter.


PS I hope you found the award...second post down on my movie blog.

Ann said...

I would like to know who gave these kids permission to grow up and get to be our age. I want to have a talk with that person :)
A very happy birthday to your son. Such a sweet picture that his with him and his son.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

What a surprise! My son was 36 this past March, Kiddo!...:)JP

betty said...

happy birthday to your son, Sandie! 36 is young!! And a great age for being a father for the first time! Wishing him many happy years ahead!


Annesphamily said...

HB to your son! Mine is 18 today! What a lovely family you have! Always happy to see your smiling face at my place! Anne

Sally said...

Adorable picture!! I hope your son had a wonderful day. :)

Belle said...

Happy Birthday to your son!

Angela said...

Happy Birthday to your son! Hope he had a wonderful day!


Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Oh gosh, thirty six!! Happy Birthday to him! How young...I used to think it old. I can remember being that age with young children and my last one only a baby.. I was told I was too old to breastfeed..fooled em.
Peter Marshall, one of my hero's..I think everything worth anything, is made under lots of pressure.. Wish you were closer also. I often attended the very first Hill Song here in Oz.. I never thought it would grow and thrive as it has done. God is good Sandie, I love you. CM xxx

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

Oh what a sweet picture! I hope that your son had a wonderfully blessed birthday!!

Sush said...

He'll always be your little boy no matter the candles on the cake! What a handsome duo!

Congratulations and best wishes for a lovely birthday~

Bev said...

Well you son's birthday is just 2 days after mine...plus 3 years! What a darling grandson!

Unknown said...

New math. Oh yeah, I hope he has a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Cassy said...

happy Birthday to your son!

Cassy from Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Tanna said...

Amazingly beautiful, sparkling diamonds!! The most precious jewels in the world. Oh, that little grandson, I could just scoop him up, Sandie!! Happy Birthday to your son! Enjoy celebrating with him! blessings ~ tanna

Sharon said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Chatty Son!

Such a youngster! (36, huh?? And you're 39? I thought last year you were 29. Hmmm...)

sandy said...

love the photo of the two of them...

Doris Sturm said...

It must be awesome to be a grand parent, something I'll probably never experience, but that's ok. I'm not complaining, I'm just talking out loud ;-)