Good Morning friends. Today is Show and Tail with Angela at West Virginia Treasures. On Tuesdays she hosts this and we tell about out animals - pets - things we've seen - information - visits to the zoo - just something about animals. Please join her today.

Number 8

Number 3

Now they say dogs are man's best friends - and that may be true - but what about our blogger friends? They are fabulous friends too! I love them. Thanks for being here.
“There are good ships and wood ships, ships that sail the sea, but the best ships are friendships, may they always be!”
Irish Proverb
Sorry I messed up on the last comment....They are all so good! I can't stop smiling! I do like 4....but 3 is just too funny! Thanks for the smile, my friend!
Number 6 really really had me cracking up!
I like the one where the dog is in the police pat-down line up. Don't now how much love is being shown there but it's a cute picture. And the first one too is super cute.
Have a good Tuesday.
I love the dalmation photo!
oh my goodness.. I have noticed dogs are becoming more and more... especially on this holiday...everyone has one or three dogs!..picture I like best... I think the frisking one!!
#3 made me really that is a good (dog) about loyal.
Definitely number 3! That is THE BEST!!!!...:)JP
I love #4!
#3 was my first runner up.
number 3 is my favorite and the fanny pack is a great idea for the dog. i like all of them a lot, that spotty dalmatian is cute
LOL, that dalmation outfit is so awful!!
They just look so pitiful in the photos where they're all strapped in!
These are so cute! Gave me a good smile today. I also like #1....that is love to dress like your dog! LOL.
these are a scream...My one béc it`s so cute but love 3 and 4 and all of them. thanks for the smile.
They are all cute, guess I don't have a favorite!!
What a riot - I love the large shep skipping roap!
What a riot - I love the large shep skipping roap!
Hello my darling friend, Here I am, almost back again. I am to be released from hospital this Friday, just two days to do. I love all the doggie pictures..Maybe the one of the hound stting on the table with sunglasses is my special one?? the are all so good, and so loving.
Hugs and kisses. Crystal xx
#6!!! Great pictures! Ann
the dog on the push cart is my fave!
I agree with you. It takes a brave soul or one that just doesn't give a darn, to wear spots, like your dog.
I'm not an animal person... I know I'm in the minority here, so I don't get most of them.
OMG! Those are so funny Sandie! I got a good laugh out of the first one which is #10. So my favorites were the fanny pack dog and the back pack dog! lol I don't think I could do either of those with Jazz though! lol Well, she is big enough to cover my rear end but man she would be heavy to carry around there! lol And she wouldn't work in a pack pack because of her short legs she might fall out! Whew! That's funny!
Tuesdays' Show & Tail!
Oh I enjoyed them all but being from New Orleans and the land of costumes I'd have to go for the dalmatian as my numero uno!
cuteness abounded today...thanks
Oh, those are great. I loved them all. Of course, I am a dog gal, so it's not too hard to please me when it comes to those adorable creatures.
I love your new quote!!! You always have the most inspiring quotes. You must have several books of them on your bookshelf.
Hope you're having a wonderful week.
I like the first one. hehehe
I got "nothing better", but I enjoyed all of yours...#3 was very touching...and the last one VERY funny!!
Picture #5 looks like a smaller version of our dog, Dodger, so of course I like that one, but the last one is really priceless. I wonder what the guy's wife says when he goes out in that outfit.
Hi Sandie...I liked the one with the guys lined up against the wall, being frisked, and the dog right along with them. All of them were cute, though. People sure love their dogs, don't they? (And their cats, too.) Susan
I don't know where you find these pictures, but they're great! I thought the homeless man with the cup and the dog next to him with the cup and both with their heads down on the sidewalk was so sweet. There he was with his loyal friend.
I like No. 1 and No. 3... Cute ones, Sandie.
HYSTERICALLY FUNNY!! LOL Some of the cutes doggie pictures I have ever seen. :) Thanks for sharing them!
What a hoot. Thanks for the laughs.
Number 10 - I guess she can't take offense anymore when a guy stops her and says, "I like how your tail's wagging."
Number 9 - Is that Disco???
Number 8 - "Arf, I jumped higher than you!"
Number 7 - "Where's the dog food? I'm gonna get me a pallet full."
Number 6 - "Please don't look at me. I'm embarrassed, too."
Number 5 - Just two buddies chillaxin' in the hood.
Number 4 - I'm not sure if I'm really touched by this one, or sorta disgusted...
Number 3 - "Really, officer, it was all the dog's fault. His plan, and he drove the getaway car!"
Number 2 - "Got any Kibbles and Bits? How about Dog Fancy magazine? Aww...ok, I'll settle for...oh wait, who's that cute poodle walking by??"
Number 1 - Words cannot express. I know they say people can look like their dogs - but, ON PURPOSE?!?!
Dog number 1 is my favourite! He is so cute!! Strangely enough I went to the Zoo yesterday, which was fun.
Those poor dogs on #10 and #5!! lolol
My favorite is the praying dog...I assume they're praying.
The line up was pretty cute, too.
I couldn't possibly pick just one as my favorite. I love them all. I have to say that the first one though kind of defeats the purpose of taking a dog for a walk :)
#1 is awesome... too bad my doggie weighs 70 pounds. LOL
I just LOVE dogs...what I really loved in those pictures was that the dogs loved what they were doing because they loved who they were with.
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