"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, August 08, 2011

What do the Golden Years mean to you?

Love from me to you!

First of all good morning. I want to apologize to everyone for making them cry yesterday - that was not my intention - however I guess that sometimes it's good to laugh and sometimes it's good to cry - right? I thought it was a beautiful story though about love and how much God loves us too when we do stupid things or we get embarrassed and reject him.

Now I really love this quote below. I think this is what makes a person strong - not giving up the first, second, third and so forth, time out to deep waters. And if you can weather it together with someone - so much the better - but it can also be thought of - for me - the love of God can be made stronger - or even you love of self can become stronger - meaning self esteem.

Those who abandon ship the first time it enters a storm miss the calm beyond. And the rougher the storms weathered together, the deeper and stronger real love grows. ------Ruth Bell Graham

My question that has been on my mind a lot lately is this - Why do we call it "The Golden Years"? And if you youngins' know - share your answer.

I have tried to look it up who coined that term and there are a few answers, but not one that satisfies me yet. I'll not sure I would call it the Golden Years - however there are some ways (lol) that I am better today then I was in my youth.

I don't care as much as I used to - what people think. I'm much more able to say what I need to say (nicely of course) and just not care as much what people think back. I can ask for things I need. I'm not as embarrassed. I can make fun or laugh at myself more. Some of the fear factor is gone.
Now what about you? What do you think?

Hope today I can make you laugh with a silly penguin dance.

Silly Penguin Dance -- powered by flowgo.com



Changes in the wind said...

Don't you wonder why he was the only one dancing? I have seen it before but love it just the same.

Retired Knitter said...

The penguin ... looks like he had ants in his pants!!!


Lynn said...

Time for the penguin to switch to decaf???

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Chatty. I love penguins and that dance is so funny. The term Golden Age (Χρυσόν Γένος) comes from Greek mythology and legend and refers to the first in a sequence of four or five (or more) Ages of Man, in which the Golden Age is first, followed in sequence, by the Silver, Bronze, and Iron Ages, and then the present, a period of decline. By extension "Golden Age" denotes a period of primordial peace, harmony, stability, and prosperity.
I love being the age I am now and, as long as I keep my health, can't see that view changing.

Wanda's Wings said...

Did the penguin have too much coffee? lol. Well you are right that we take what people say about us less serious than when we were young, I think the golden years means you had better have a lot of gold to take care of things,lol.

TexWisGirl said...

he's just feeling his oats, isn't he? :)

Sweet Tea said...

"He had ants in his pants
and it made him want to dance!".

Maybe the term "Golden Years' refers to the fact that we are getting closer to "The Golden Gate" and I don't mean the one in San Francisco!

Ya think?!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Well, I always like the theory of there being a golden age - the title has so much promise :-)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Speaking of Golden Years...lol...I think they are OK and hopefully getting better. Love that Penguin he just found out he won the lottery!! Yay!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i wish i could jump like that, would lose a lot of weight i think.
golden years is because it take every penny of our gold to pay our doctor bills... that's my theory. my other theory is that a YOUNG person coined the saying Golden Years because 50th anniversary is gold. in reality it should be called
The Royal Pains years, Or Creaky Bones years or Snap Crackle Pop years because of the sounds when
we move. Arthritis years, Can't sleep all night years...

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I'm beginning to think "Golden Years' was the carrot on the stick we dangled in front of ourselves to keep on going all those years we worked and are wroking that one day, we can stop and enjoy the fruits of our labors. For most of us, sadly, we're worried the gold was an illusion.

Doris Sturm said...

I always thought of the Golden Years being the winter of life - not necessarily even as early as retirement, but older than that - maybe in your 70s or 80s...I think it used to be the Golden Years when you didn't have to work anymore, and stayed home to watch the Grand kids for your children, when you lived with your children till you died (and not in a home) where you were part of the family without any financial obligations, just having fun with the grands...but that was a long time ago and stuff like that doesn't happen much anymore, so therefore the Golden Years might be on their way out too...

Remington said...

Funny....that is what Beth looks like when she dances....I'm just sayin'....

Knitty said...

I love Thisisme's explanation and reply!

Like you, I worry much less about what someone else thinks. We're never going to please everyone anyway, and I bet some of the folks we think are judging us have their own dirty little secrets tucked away. Often the most judgmental are in the saddest way, don't you think? Both inwardly and outwardly.

Just this morning I thought how lucky I am that all that I truly felt I HAD to do today was make the bed and fix dinner tonight. The hours in between are mine to play with. A dear relative of mine feels that she has to be productive ALL the time. This would be fine if she had joy in doing being this way but she complains about doing things and complains that no one appreciates her efforts. I think her family avoids her because she is frenzied all the time.

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Golden years? Hm. Maybe because the sun shines off of our gray hair and give us a golden halo??

Love the penguin!! Yes he made me chuckle!!

Nancy said...

That penguin is a hoot....wish I had that much energy....

When I hear Golden Years for some reason I think of way back when life was simple and people trusted each other....everybody looked after each other's kids and you could ride your bike where ever and your mom wasn't worried.....Food was fresh and healthy and you didn't lock your door at night......

I guess that's enough explanation.....Have a good week.

The Boston Lady said...

I'm not quite at what I would consider the "Golden Years" - maybe I am and just don't know it!! My vision of the term is a time when work is done, worries are few and pleasures are plenty. Not a reality for a lot of people these days, I think. My parents were fortunate enough to experience what I would call the golden years - travel, no schedules, etc. after many years of hard work by both of them. I am happy they had that, especially since their last 5 years was fraught with illness, disability, worry and dementia. I hope in their darker times they were able to look back at the golden time they had.

Well that took a depressing turn. Sorry. May we all be "Golden Girls" and say what we want, eat what we want and do whatever we want! Ann

Liz Mays said...

You definitely made me smile with the penguin!

Michaele said...

I don't know why it is called golden age or at what age we are golden, but what I do know that JUST when it all starts coming together, it all starts falling apart. Like - I feel wonderful about myself and where I am in life until I look in the mirror and realize my skin didn't get the memo.
Loved the penguin. I will now forgive you for yesterday's post.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

We all need to cry whether it was yesterday or in our Golden Years. Ask me when I'm eighty...:)JP

Ann said...

I have no idea why they call them the golden years. I know I've grown in a lot of ways, improved my attitude and my who way of thinking but now I'm starting to feel the effects of getting old.

Jeanie said...

Lot's of good Golden Years answers. All I know is that if the markets keep up like they were today there won't be near as much gold in my "golden years".

Karen Lange said...

Love the penguin! Talk about happy feet! :) Maybe he was dipping into the chocolate? :)

Thanks for your wise words, friend.

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I think the years are golden because they become like the trees, more colorful as time passes. I actually think, though, that winter is silver when the leaves are gone, and the branches are covered with frost. Each part of life is interesting. I am like you... I care less now than I used to what other people think. I care, but now, I care more what God thinks of me. Does that make sense?


Sheila :-)

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Chatty -

My opinion on the Golden Years: hopefully one is older and wiser, doesn't make the same dumb mistakes, and learns to enjoy each day. Or...it could refer to the sunset as in approaching eternity.

Susan :)

Rick Watson said...

CC I think it's a matter of priorities. When I was younger, my focus was on the wrong things.
These days, I feel like I'm on the right track.

BTW, thanks for visiting my blog. That Sush has sent a bunch of folk my way and I'm grateful.
Again thanks and I look forward to your updates.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, I loved that post yesterday... It just hit me hard for some reason, maybe because of something which had happened in my family... I'm fine now--so don't feel bad about making us cry. Like you said, crying is also good for the soul.

My Golden Years are the times I finally (after many years of raising kids and working) am at peace with myself. I am much more relaxed. I don't care as much anymore about pleasing or impressing others... I can be ME ---and be happy about it...


Susan said...

Don't really know if there are golden years, per se, Sandie. I sure love having a little more independence. That's REALLY nice. Take care. Susan

Bev said...

Hmmm Golden years... I always thought the end of you life years... You know 50 years...Golden Wedding Anniversary...but when you really think about it..hmmmm I have to sleep on this one:)

Love Of Quilts said...

Yes it's good to have a good cry at times. Trish

Sush said...

Hi Sandie,
Well you have certainly set some minds to thinking with this post. I was thrilled to read Diane's (Thisisme) knowledgeable information. It makes sense, and I do think we have reached the Golden Years when we have reached this point in our life. Even the burdens are something we have learned to handle. Hopefully with more courage, style and grace than when we were younger. Life lessons can help us when we reach the Golden Years I think.

Thanks for some provocative ruminating today and of course...

Kerrie said...

G'day Sandie,

Wow! You've really got me thinking here, and smiling.

I wonder if the phrase the 'golden years' originally came from the first ever gold rush. Back then, when people first struck gold I guess everything was golden, from their smiles to the cash in their pockets. For years and years everything was so good, or golden, till all of a sudden it all dried up. Just a thought.

Anyway, with God, we have struck it rich! So I'm going to say that I'm in my golden years.

Cya! Keep Smiling.

Sweet Blessings, Kerrie

Anonymous said...

I'm reading older post and I cried,and now reading this post and am laughing out loud,some days we fell like the penguin and somedays reality knocks on the door and we are blasted into sadness,but we can't have happy without sad,we can't have joy without grief.
hugs to you friend.

Debbie said...

I'm going to have to catch up on what I missed this weekend. I have gotten so behind, and you have been a busy blogger!

As to the golden years I have always thought that was because they are post 50, and 50 is the golden year.

So they say, anyway. LOL

For me, I take things much slower now, and I do not apologize for it... until I'm so slow that I'm dragging up the behind.

The penguin dance is funny.

Sharon said...

Tried to find an answer to this one. No dice - but I did find this amusing tidbit:

Reporters interviewing a 104-year-old woman:
"And what do you think is the best thing
about being 104?' the reporter asked..
She simply replied, 'No peer pressure."

I'd have to agree with you that one of the good things about getting older is the freedom to accept and be yourself.

Maybe they're the golden years because we're nearing the golden streets of Heaven...

Kerrie said...

Hi Sandie,

I was really upset to see that you've no longer on my followers list?

I love you and I love your blogspot. I am wondering if it's me. If I've said anything wrong. Please forgive me.

I treasure my friends old and new!

You gave me such a happy comment when you last visited and asked for my email address?

Are you still wanting to email me?

I really would appreciate your honestly and feedback. There is no hard feelings if you feel I'm not the sort of person you would like to be friends with.

I just have a very fragile heart and to lose a friend, well it hurts.

Sweet Blessings, Kerrie xOx