"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, September 09, 2011

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends.

Answer Below


This is AMAZING!!!

Until now I never fully understood how to tell The difference Between Male and Female Birds. I always thought it had to be determined surgically. Until Now.

Below are Two Birds. Study them closely... See If You Can Spot Which of The Two Is The Female.

It can be done. Even by someone with limited bird watching skills.

(Do you believe this girls? I DON'T!)

Thank you JERRY! I think! lol

Brilliant. I had no idea. You learn something every day.
This is much simpler than I thought !
How BOOB(s) Got Their Name

No need to thank me....just trying to keep friends informed and educated.

Actually, this was when I was young... now it's more like BUUU... :(

Thank you Linda Corgi Country

Thank you Jerry!

A VIRUS is going round called Housework . If you feel the need to start housework. Stop immediately. This virus wipes out your social life. If you should come in contact with housework go straight to the nearest store and buy the only known antidote which is called CHOCOLATE.
Please forward this warning immediately!

Thank you Jeannie

Thank you Jerry again!

“It takes courage for people to listen to their own goodness and act on it. ”

Pablo Casals (1876-1973);

cellist, conductor




1. Pour the juice from the second glass into the fifth.
2. The recluse lived in a lighthouse.


Cheri said...

Good ones...I look forward to your Fridays.

Velvet Over Steel said...

What a wonderful Friday serious of post! I LOL several times; got the answer to the first 'quiz' and the second one I felt 'silly' because I should have... ;-)

Have a Beautiful Friday, Sandy!

Wanda's Wings said...

I did better than I thought. Have a great weekend.

Jill said...

Thanks for the giggles! Have a great weekend.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I worked for Sears for 14 years, hubby for 18 years, that last sign, is exactly what sears sales were and are, a play on word. they did that with shocks and other parts in automotive, so when shopping pay attention. Jerry was on a roll today, all great. and the sign is real about the hitchhikers. i was raised a few blocks away from what they Called the Brown Farm, it was where the chain gangs in GA were and these signs meant what they said. once 3 prisoners escaped and were seen running through our back yard in their prison uniforms.

Unknown said...

Thank you so very much for giving me so much credit! (Of course, if people complain, it ain't my fault.)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Good funnies this Friday again! I got the lighthouse one but not the juice...lol. Have a great weekend! hugs, Linda

TexWisGirl said...

must be a good brain day for me or these were easy. i got the top 2 right away. loved the boob thing - especially your commentary!!!

Lynn said...

Good ones! I'm all over that housework antidote:@)

Marie said...

What a Great Fun Friday! Thanks for all the smiles and giggles!

Remington said...

Smiling in Minnesota! Thank you, my friend!

Bev said...

Great Fun Friday!

Southhamsdarling said...

Love your Fun Fridays my friend. This post is always guaranteed to make me smile. Keep them coming!

Susan said...

You are a riot, Sandie. Susan

Liz Mays said...

The bird one just might be true. ;)

Jeanie said...

The fish and chips sign is one I would fall for.

Sweet Tea said...

Now we know. LOL!!
Thanks for the mid-day smiles and have a GREAT Friday, you silly, girl you! I love it - don't ever change!! Promise?

Raindrops and Daisies said...

I always enjoy your Friday post Chatty, guaranteed to make me smile!

Have a good weekend.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I loved the "housework virus" especially now that I'm packing! Yikes!! I need a whole case of chocolate!...:)JP

Love Of Quilts said...

Good ones..you have to come visit me today..want to know what you think. The birds...I THINK THE ONE WITH HER MOUTH OPEN IS THE WOMAN. Trish

Ginny Hartzler said...

These signs are hilarious!!! I have been taking pictures of signs lately, but nothing this funny! Also love the bird sexes!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie,
Just to let you know I am back on blogger. Phew...
I will start posting tomorrow.
Nice post - Friday funnies. I like the virus one :)
Have a lovely Evening.
Eva x

Michaele said...

I am so excited for ALMOST getting the first riddle right. I said put the second glass inside of the 5th glass. Oh I am so intelligent! I just love your Friday posts. I am sure I haven't told you that.

Michaele said...

okay, I just realized I wasn't that smart. the second glass would be "missing". Oh well - maybe next Friday : )

Patti said...

Guess what, I actually got both riddles this week! That is something to shout from the rooftops, as I generally am clueless...even after I know the answers.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Angela said...

Those are some good ones Sandie! I honestly didn't get the first one! lol

Happy Fun Friday!

Betty said...

Those signs about hitchhikers actually exist n Texas and not too far frome where I live.

betty said...

I have actually seen a sign about not picking up hitchhikers because of a prison close by (not that I would ever pick up hitchhikers :)


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Friday to you!

Debbie said...

The bird one was my favorite this week. So funny!

Jenny Woolf said...

Thank you ! All of these made me think (or laugh). I'd never have figured out the lighthouse in a million years.

Sharon said...

All right, the seagulls - I'm not buying it. Besides, when I *squawk* at my husband, he's usually got his head in the sand like an ostrich!!

I'm by-passing the "boobs" thing altogether. Well, OK, I'll just say this. I checked mine out in the mirror, and all they spelled out was S-A-G.

Haven't yet caught the housework virus. Got laid up for a few days with yardwork, but it passed. Evidently, ice cream is a good antidote, too.
