"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday - Making Bread

Okay okay - I don't know what I did - but I tried to make that chocolate from last week - I failed. It was so hard and not creamy for me at all.

Tried to cream the tofu and it just went into small white balls. I don't think my blender was strong enough - I just have a hand blender. I need to get a strong counter blender - my old one broke and was trying to get along without one.


The good news is I have a friend named Sue at Rue Mouffetard's Blog. She is an amazing woman and now friend. She had a small group of gals over about a month ago - to see her beautiful new home and made lunch for us.

She made this Rosemary Lemon Bread that was out of this world.

So I asked her for the recipe - mine turned out pretty good - but not quite as nice as hers or as pretty as hers - but it was the first time ever I worked with bread - so I give myself an A.

The ingredients

You wait 12 to 18 hours for it to bubble - I thought this looked at the bubble stage.

You fold it in half twice then lay it out for it to double in size - 2 hours.

Coat it with cornmeal or flour.

She used a 2 1/2 quart Dutch Oven - I didn't have anything that big - I split it in too - and put it iin what I had. Plus my oven is 26 years old - but since I don't use it that often (lol) it is not nearly that old!!!

After baking 1/2 hour take the lids off. Bake another half hour.

The baby one with no sesame seeds - for the GS.

And the nice one for the adults.

Wondering if I should have left them in longer...

I'll tell you this - they were good enough to eat - and no my grandson did not like it.

I was so incredibly nervous.
Remember to check Sue's Blog I posted above - her recipe is on it!
Next week Apple Crumb cake and on the 31st - a Halloween treat.

Oh yes and a thought for the day:
"There is no failure except in no longer trying. " ~ Elbert Hubbard


Jill said...

This looks and sound so good! I think you did a great job!

Janie Fox said...

good job Martha! haha

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it looks good to me, the bread i mean and i would have loved it since i am a bread addict. i gave up many years ago on baking. i have no baking gene in my body, nary a one. i can not follow a recipe and it never comes out no matter how hard i try. some things are better given up.

Sweet Tea said...

You are a BRAVE soul. Baking bread is not for the faint at heart. I'm applauding!!

Susan said...

Wow, Sandie. Good for you! I have never worked with tofu. Ever. I've baked a lot of other kinds of bread, though.

Because I try not to eat too much bread, I've sloughed off in the past few years.

Yours looked WONDERFUL. Bet it made the house smell great, too. Take care and have a super Monday. Susan

betty said...

oh my gosh Sandie, that bread looks delicious! I'm sure it tasted so good! Good for you for trying to make bread too with yeast; there's an art to getting the yeast just right, etc, but it looks like you did fantastic!! Sorry about the chocolate/tofu though!

I hope you have a great Monday!


Retired Knitter said...

looks great. I have made break before but it took too long. So I buy breads even if they are expensive because I know how much effort goes into doing it myself.

Great pics.

Changes in the wind said...

There is something special about home made bread:)

Janie said...

For never making bread, this is quite impressive! I like to cook, and bake, but shouldn't because I love to eat. I would definitely love to try this recipe. Don't have a dutch oven w lid either. I was thinking I could use my big cast iron skillet with lid? Will check out Sue's blog to see what she did.

What kind of oven do you have that is 26 years old? I had a Wedgewood made in 1940 and used it for about 35 years. So I share your pain on that. The temperature was always off by 5 to sometimes 10 degrees. Since we move only two years ago I have a modern oven and LOVING it.

Bev said...

Looks great! You've never made bread before?? Well good for you for trying! It gets easier!! Have a wonderful week!!

Marie said...

Sandie it looks delicious. I haven't made homemade bread in years! I love your thought for the day...so true!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Sandie, I love bread but I've never had much luck in baking it. At least the kind you put yeast in and have to knead it and let it rise, etc. I've kind of give up trying except that a few recipes I've saved from bloggers keep calling my name! I'll probably try again now that the weather is cooling off and I won't mind the oven being on. Your bread looks very tasty! Have a nice day!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Boy, does that look good!

What fun to get to see Sue's new house, too. It looks pretty from the pictures. I need to pop over to her blog and see if she's posted lately.

Love you...


Sheila (who hates TOFU!) LOL!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I am so proud of you for making this bread!! It looks great. I am planning to do more baking this winter myself and I'll have to get that recipe from Sue!!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I'm impressed too. I love rosemary bread. Putting the lemon in it is an added bonus. It looks great. I can not remember the last time I made bread. I wouldn't even tackle tofu. You are a brave soul.

Lois Christensen said...

Seriously you wait 12 hours for it to rise? The though of lemon bread just sounds so yummy!!! It looks good and you should feel proud to bake your own!!! Looking forward to the next recipe. I love to cook!! Hope you're having a good Monday! It's beautiful up here today. Beautiful.

Carol............. said...

Looks wonderful...now you've got me in a bread making mood! (My hubby will thank you..LOL!)

Anonymous said...

sorry about the chcocolate recipe not turning out but you aced the bread for sure Oh my gosh I think I can smell it,, yup I smell it!!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your bread is beautiful!

Knitty said...

I bet that bread smelled heavenly while it was baking. Years ago when bread machines were newly popular, I got one. I found the results were dense and the paddle in the bottom of the machine often baked into the bread. It now sits in the bottom of a closet. I think about getting it out and using it just through the kneading cycle then baking bread conventionally in the oven, but truthfully, I have become a very lazy cook.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie, that bread looks very yummy. Can almost imagine the smell of new baked bread. I have to get into that habit again - funny Paul and I was talking about it the other day.
Enjoy your day my friend.
Hugs x

Debbie said...

Laughing about the chocolate because that's about what would happen at my house. Now, the bread looks divine!

I like that quote at the end, too. Somewhere in my forties, I quit trying some things. I am getting out of that rut these days.

theconstantwalker said...

Home made bread straight from the oven... wonderful to smell.

I live in Northwich in the county of Cheshire about 200 miles north of London. It's only a few miles from Chester on the border of Wales. Chester was the Roman City Deva and has a great history stretching back nearly 2000 years.

Take care and keep on baking.. xx

Lynn said...

I think they look pretty darn good and I'm glad that you enjoyed them! For truly easy, great bread please check out Artisan Bread In 5 Minutes A Day-I've been making it for years:@)

Dar said...

It must be the air~~~I baked onion bread from scratch that was the best yet. Also made homemade pizzas over the weekend. I think I liked the warmth the oven was throwing off on such a windy weekend. Like I said, it must be the air.

Ann said...

Believe it or not, even though I bake for a living I have never made bread from scratch. All the bread I make at work is from frozen dough. This one looks and sounds good though.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the apple crumb cake.

Belle said...

I love anything with lemon in it and the bread looks delicious!

Sally said...

YUMMY!!! I've never tried to make bread, but that doesn't surprise anyone around here. :)

Angela said...

I think you did a great job with the bread making Sandie! It looks so yummy! I'm wanting homemade bread now and it takes hours to make! lol


Michaele said...

I had to double check and make sure this was your blog. I don't remember you ever doing a cooking post. You had me at lemon : )

Mevely317 said...

Oh yum!!!!
I'd like to come apprentice in YOUR kitchen, Sandie... eating our mistakes :)

Tanna said...

I am so excited! I love it when folks try something new. It is really one of those things I think changes life for the better. AND I think your bread looks fabulous!! I've never had good luck with tofu. I think it is a mental thing for me that comes out in the recipe. ;) Great job, Sandie! blessings ~ tanna

Sharon said...

I've gotta give you credit. I am NOT a baker, and I'm rather impressed by your culinary skills. I think the lemon bread looks delicious. Yup, you get an A!


Nikki (Sarah) said...

Awesome and looks like you had so much fun....it's in the doing and the friendship that's the absolute best

Tweedles -- that's me said...

It looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

That bread looks pretty dog-gone good to me!

Catherine said...

But I need to know ~ did you still eat the hard chocolate? I totally would have.... ;)

xo Catherine

Unknown said...

Some women should be chained to a stove, and others need to be. Just sayin'.

Granny Annie said...

Then I am quite often a failure because after a while I just quit trying...especially when it come to baking. Looks like you did good Sandie

Desiree said...

I love rosemary in bread, but I've yet to try it paired with lemon. I will have to give my daughter your recipe to try, as she is the keen cook these days...I resigned from my post in the kitchen a while back :)
I have to agree, there's little to beat a yummy homemade loaf!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, Thank you very much for visiting back,leaving a nice comment, following my blog and for putting my button on your blog. Thank you. The people I have met blogging are just so wonderful and I am happy to have met you. blessings, Catherine
p.s. I bet the bread you baked was delicious served warm with butter!