My daughter and GS saw it too - it was like watching the Animal Planet on television.
Ever see something like that - I felt I was in another place in time. It was breath taking. Sad, but awesome at the same time.
Like in slow motion yet it was so incredibly fast.
These are not my photos - I didn't have my camera with me and it would have happened so fast I wouldn't have had it ready, but this is what it looked like from someone else's photos.

Something to think about:
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever." ~
Carl Sagan
I bet that squirrel thought he had forever and then in one moment of time - his life changed forever. So thinking about that - we need to appreciate every single minute!
I know what you mean Chatty...had that happen in my back yard when a hawk caught a bird and proceeded to eat it perched on my block planter.
well nature can be harsh, but its real.Great reminder how life can cut short,, (poor squirrel),,I'm glad we're not somebody's perspective lunch!
We have had coyotes catching squirrels and rabbits around here. Not as dramatic as a hawk, but sobering nevertheless.
Wow! I've never seen anything like that either. I can only imagine how awestruck you must have been.
We really do have squirrels on the brain! I can't believe you saw this, TOO!!!!!
I think that's the reason the poor little squirrels are trying to get into our eave. The other day I heard this loud bumping. I thought some children were banging on the fence, so I opened the door... nothing. I went back to my computer, and then BANG BANG BANG again. I went outside, and I saw a GIANT bird descending with a squirrel in its tallons! Then I saw a poor little guy creep down the electric wire to a nearby magnolia tree.
Days later, I saw a cute little squirrel on the side of our oak tree, and then I noticed that his paw was hurt and side all scratched up. I think he was an escapee from that bird of prey. Still not sure what it was. We have hawks and owls in this area.
It does make you realize how fleeting life can be, and that's one good reason to pray for protection each day before your feet hit the floor.
That must've been so incredible to witness!
I was feeling sad as i saw the progression of photos. Then you put it all into perspective. Great job.
A few years ago, we lived on a 100 acre used to be farm. We seen one fly down and catch a rabbit. We looked at each other like Holy Cow!!
so true, our time on earth can be just like this squirrel, running through life and suddenly something drops from the sky and changes life forever. we have a hawk who hunts in our yard and sits in the tree, have never seen him get a squirrel but have seen him hit the doves. he seems to prefer doves maybe because they are slow moving and trusting. i yell at him, but he pays me no mind. food chain and all that, but i love my doves.
Thank you for the 'truth' of the day, Chatty. No, we surely don't know when, how, or why we might leave this earth. I know that my leaving will be enjoyable as soon as I die.
Around here we have hawks, osprey, and eagles to catch the land varnmints. I have never seen one.
Too, we have grey herons and white ones who live on our lake. They will swoop down and catch a fish, we do get to see that. One used to sit on the long bridge and watch for fish. But somehow he (??) got killed.
Link: Jim's friend on the bridge
That must have been something to see and nature is nature but I probably would have been rooting for the poor squirrel to get away.
What a great life lesson for us! Thanks for the reminder
Oh, the poor little squirrel! I love to watch the squirrels in my backyard. We have hawks and I'll see them circling the pasture some days. They're looking for something to eat, no doubt. I hope they leave my squirrels alone! I know that is the way of things, but it's sad to see another animal taken like that. I'm just an old softie, I guess!
Have a nice day!
Oh dear...I don't think I'd ever want to see that in person. We used to have parakeets and I'd hang their cage outside on nice days. One day I looked out and there was a hawk sitting on top of the cage. I grabbed my camera and took a picture and then brought the poor parakeets inside. They were just sitting on their perch like nothing was wrong. Perhaps they understood that they were safe behind bars?
Agreed! We need to cherish every moment in our life. It is hard to do sometimes but it should be one of the top things on our list each day. I love eagles and I know they have to eat but out side of town this guy checked on the nest and found 15 dog collars in it. I don't even like to think about things like that....
Wow. That is something I have never seen, nor do I want to.
Oh my goodness, Sandie. That must have been amazing to see. Shocking, too. Bet GS's eyes almost popped out.
Ugh, can you rent out eagles for one's attic? Just a thought.
You are right that our time on earth can vanish quickly. That's why we must savor every second.
Hope your day today is awesome. Susan
Amazing, yet terrible. Yes, every moment we're here we need to appreciate. :)
Wow that is amazing Sandie.
Fiona x
earlier this summer when we had squirrels coming out of our ears, i was certain the hawks would take a few. nah. they coexisted in harmony.
Wow, that must have been something to see. (That poor squirrel though!). Hope your son wasn't too upset at watching it. I so agree that we just have to make the most each day, for we never know which day will be our last. Hugs.
Poor little squirrel! But I know exactly what you mean about it being awesome...nature is that way!
Love Carl Sagan's quote...and yes, we need to appreciate every minute!
Dadgone it.... I wish the hawks around here would visit and enjoy some of our squirrels!!!! We have WAY too many squirrels --and they won't leave the bird feeders alone!!!!
Yep saw a similar sight outside my kitchen window a few years back. A hawk swooped down and grabbed a blue jay and took off. All that was left were a few tail feathers. Pretty terrifying yet awesome to view. Nature is not kind...
We have hawks in the woods behind our house. I think they got my cat Emily when we first moved in. I am just glad I never saw it. We have seen them with squirrels. Its the food chain but hard to see sometimes.
We have lots of squirrels and birds in my backyard due to all of hubby's birdfeeders. We also have many hawks because of it. When we don't see the feeders being used for a few days, we know hawk(s) has been around. Birds usually stay away if they know a predator is nearby. Right now, the hawks are outnumbering the birds. It is sad to see, but it does save us the money for the seed. So is life....
Wow, Sandie!!! God showed you something fearful and awesome and you knew just what to do with it, too!!! You got the message!! Very cool!!
Must have been a frightening experience to see! We did have a goose fly into our windshield one day while driving near our home. It belonged to the farm nearby and thankfully he didn't crack our windshield. It did scare me though! Hope you have a great day!
It's amazing to be able to watch something like that - it's the nature of life isn't it?
Wonderful images of nature in action... many thanks for sharing these.
Hope all's well take care xx
It was so nice to meet you at Sue's brunch last weekend. I just found your blog today. It looks like an interesting read. That's quite something to see a bird grab a squirrel like that right in front of you. I would've gasped! Some of my neighbors would've welcomed that sight because they've had problems with squirrels chewing on their house (so have we). I've got a little boston terrier dog, though, that tries to chase them away. Ha! Now, I'm off to check out more of your blog. Have a great week!
These large birds are certainly majestic looking. I do look forward to the day when the lion will lie down with the lamb!
Great photos!! Yes we never know what the next day may give or take from us!!
As amazing as it would be to watch it would also be sad to see the poor squirrels life come to an end. I've seen plenty of hawks but never one catching his dinner.
Wow! That must have been something to see! thanks for visiting and your nice comments!
I've seen that just once, and it was fascinating. However, it stayed there and ripped its prey apart and that part was a little too much!
That's so sad. I know it happens, but there's a lot of things I prefer not to see. I've heard of people losing their small dogs to hawks, how awful! I've rescued a lot of squirrels and birds. I've only rescued one hawk. He was in the middle of the road with a broken wing. Someone must have hit him and kept driving. When it comes to God's creatures I help them all. :)
No I have not seen it happen. We have many hawks and owls here. I am always worried about the dogs.
I'm not crazy about those parts of nature.
Let the Hawks swoop down and catch snakes not sad....the older I get the more "cry baby" I get..its crazy! I cannot even watch National Geographic anymore!!!!
Wow, what a thing to see Sandie! I happen to like hawks. Hubby saw a falcon get a mouse once. And you are right, we need to appreciate every single minute of our lives!! Hope you had a great day, Sandie!
Wow! I used to raise pug puppies and never left them unattended in the yard b/c I had been warned by a lady who left hers and lost one to a hawk. How scary!
All I can think of to say is.........COOOL!
I will see this marvel of nature transpire often when the hawk swoops down for one of my chickens. Thankfully most of my girls are too fat and heavy for the hawk but my little ones need to beware. I'm afraid I don't feel good toward the thieving hawk.
My husband and I saw the same thing once. Yes, sad and awesome at the same time.
I am also amazed at videos I've seen of birds diving into the water and coming up with a fish in their mouths. Always seems like a miracle that they can do that.
And you ended with a great point to ponder...
Teach us, O Lord, to number our days.
When we realize how short a time we're really here, we do well to make the most of each moment - make it count for the Kingdom of God!
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