Imagine what it would be like waking up tomorrow and having only the things you are thankful for today. . .
Kind of an interesting thought isn't it?
What would be in your tomorrow?
I am thankful I believe in God, I'm thankful for my family and friends, my home, my health, and my life. Now those are the big things we all kind of thankful for -right?
But what else is going to be with you tomorrow?
For today I was thankful I was able to go to and afford the dentist and I had a good report.
I was thankful I was able to drive out of my way to Wal Mart to get my niece a DS game for her daughter she couldn't get by her Wal Mart.
I was thankful for the trees in my yard that have leaves falling down gently from them like snow.
I was thankful I was able to take my grandson to the park and dog and we just played it was such a wonderful day out.
I was also thankful for letting the two of them - dog and GS look out the window when I drove home - they were so cute.
And I am a little late with computer stuff because my GS was home from school - voting day - but I am thankful for my computer and all my friends that live there!
And I have a lot more - what about you?
The picture of your GS and the dog looking out the window just melted my heart. Very, very sweet.
Your right...there is lots to be thankful for. Pretty cool that in Nov. your GS and his pup could have the window down.
I love that saying! It really makes you stop and think what you are thankful for!
Love the picture of your kids! So cute!
I am grateful that I saw the thrown up oversized hair ball outside my bedroom door before I stepped in it.
Our health. Our God. Our friends. Our relatives (well, most of them :)). Baseball, football, dogs, guns, the notion that we are all equal, firemen, people who volunteer, chocolate, chess, goin' fishin', the bible, my guitars, Fanny Crosby hymns, Dr Charles Stanley's sermons, Cindy's King Ranch casserole, weightlifting, smartphones and my bloggin' buddies and so much more....
I am thankful for so much, God's love, my comfortable home, my family, my friends, my computer just to name a few.
There is just something about a boy and a dog. Loved the pic.
I have many things to be thankful for, finding such a good blogging friend as I have found in you is one for sure!
beautiful post by the way!! Sounds like a perfect day!!
Hi Sandie....Oh, boy. GS sure loves that little doggie, doesn't he? So cute.
Well, let's see. I'm thankful for soooooo many things....blog friends, in person friends, hubs and kids (of course), heat in our house when it's cold outside, my fireplace, washing machine and drier, Greek yogurt, my car, and on and on and on.
It's SO GOOD to be thankful.
Take care, Sandie, and have a wonderful Wednesday. Susan
Lovely that GS has that cute doggie in his life. Such a lot we have to be thankful for. Obviously God, family, friends, our health, our homes, our interests. I always say "thank you Lord" when I'm out and about and manage to find a parking space. I know, silly isn't it, but to me that is also a blessing in my day. Good post my friend.
Sandie, I'm thankful for my little Chelsea girl (Welsh Pembroke Corgi) and my little Milo (orange marmalade kittrs). They love me no matter what!
xo, Cheryl
I try and live a thankful, grateful life...
I saw an Oprah clip not long ago of a beautiful young girl who was burned beyond recognition in a fire. He life has been full of pain ever since being hit by a drunk driver...
It's easy to be thankful for my life when viewing such things~a bit more challenging with the dishwasher floods the house or the roof leaks...
Still, I try as I know at any given moment someone out there would long to have the life I live.
Beautiful post Miss CC~ :)
Sandie what a sweet post! I am so thankful for you and reminder to look around me each day and be grateful for all my blessings. hugs, Linda
That was so much fun at Sue's. It was nice meeting you, too.
very nice. savor those days/moments.
that picture of your GS and disco hanging out the window is priceless and precious. love it. did you notice the light in the sunbeam on the water is in the shape of a heart?
right now i am thankful i had the strength to clean the outside of my windows that were so dirty. much to be thankful for every day, and your list is very similar to mine.
I am thankful for SO much. Great post, my friend!
Great idea. It's those little things we're thankful for, isn't it? And of course, our family!! LOVE the photo of GS and dog. I think it's an award winner, if you submit it somewhere!!
I am thankful for all the communication devices that allow me to keep in contact with my daughters and grandsons so many states away.
I am thankful that you keep reminding me to be thankful. Really. I mean that.
Hi Sandie, love the photo of your GS and doggie looking out the car window. I'm thankful for so many things that it would be a very long list. I am mostly thankful for God's love and grace, for my family, our home, my hubby's good job that provides for us, our health, and friends. I'm thankful that I found the land of blogging and for the dear friends I've met here! I'll quit now, but I could go on and on. Great post! :D
I'm so thankful today that my daughters are here in my living room visiting and doing some work on the computers.
Dear Sandie,
We have a lot to be thankful for - I am thankful for all my bloggy friends, that keeps me up. I like the photo of your GS and the dog looking out the window, so cool!
Have a lovely day my friend!
Hugs x
Too hard to list - there are so many things. But that's a good thing!
Gosh, what a cool picture!!! I have so many things to be thankful for, too. My wonderful husband and family first!! And that I can still get around and walk a little bit!
Beautiful list of thankfulness and I love the picture from the car window. Have a perfect day!
I am thankful for Hope. And for temperate fall days. And for an interesting array of friends and family.
I like your thankfulness...I agree with them. I like the leaves falling too
Your very first sentence - yes, VERY interesting thought indeed.
Makes me stop and realize how much I take for granted, even if I don't mean to. An attitude of gratitude is worth cultivating. It makes life so much easier - for us, and for those around us.
LOVED the photo of GS and Disco. Oh, the joys of being best friends with a dog, and vice versa!
Great photos, especailly nose to he air..err noses to thr air! LOL
Great photos, especailly nose to he air..err noses to thr air! LOL
I've been feeling really thankful for a lot of just normal things like your list lately. Love the picture of your grandson and the dog. Glad you had a nice day!
love the picture of your GS and Disco. Duke says there's nothing quite like sticking your head out the car window and feeling the breeze.
So many things to be thankful for, I've got a list a mile long :)
I am thankful that I could afford to go to the doctor.
I am thankful that he said that my list of "ailments" were just a result of getting older and not "life-threatening"
We have had some really nice weather. Glad y'all enjoyed the park before the rain.
Wonderful Post!!!
I had to come over and say Hello... I have been gone all day and this is the first I could get on the computer.
Lets see, I am Thankful my Husband loves me and I him. I am thankful I am almost healed completely.
I am also thankful that I have met so many wonderful bloggers... like you!!!
I could go on and on, but I will stop there
I just love this whole concept.
I love the idea of thinking about what your tomorrow would be like if we only had what we are thankful for TODAY. That's fantastic and convicting.
I think that most of all, I would wake up with my family since aside from my relationship with Jesus Christ, that is the thing for which I'm the most thankful.
Precious doggie photo. I have been remembering to be thankful for the little things too lately. Like just having the car start every time I go out. It has never not started. But I am still thankful every day.
What a cute picture of GS and Disco! I bet they enjoyed the park! It is good for us to be thankful for ordinary things like you mentioned and to give thanks in everything! I need to do this more; I used to but then I got out of the habit; I need to resurrect it again.
This pix made me smile so big ... and your first question? Wow!
Would you mind if I added that to our company's Thanksgiving newsletter?
Love ya,
Oh Sandie....Most of us are so very blessed. We do have so much to be thankful for...thanks for the reminder..
Hi Sandie -
Beautifully said! We're often thankful for the big stuff, but forget the wonderful, everyday things.
Susan :)
Amen! I had tried to leave a comment earlier, but it didn't go through...
I love your post today- When I read it, I couldn't help but smile and nod in agreement :)
Yes, that thought about only having the things we are grateful for today is a good wake up call. Reminds me to keep my focus on all the many, many blessings I have every day. Thank you, Sandie! Glad you and GS had a good afternoon. blessings ~ tanna
Cute, cute picture! I was so thankful of the great weather we had today and being able to take a walk after work. Thankful, too, for sweet blog friends. Feel so blessed.
Hi Sandie, Interesting post for sure.... Love that picture....
I just want my health back. I want to wake up with lots of energy and feel GREAT... Is that too much to ask one week after surgery??? I think so!
I try to live my life with a grateful heart too. It helps to be that way. It's easy to forget all the good things in your life sometimes. I think I remember Oprah saying she keeps a gratitude journal. Good idea! I'm grateful I discovered your blog. It's full of fun things to read. I looked through some of it yesterday and really enjoyed it!
Rembering and thinking about being thankful can change a bad mood into a happy one.
I love living in your computer and being your friend!
Life is such a blessing and we do well to remember that each breath is a gift. Thanks for the wonderful reminder!
It is the small things in life that make me tick. You are such a devoted grandmother for that grandson of yours. I bet your dog loves spending time with him. Computer stuff can consume a person, and you always seem to get that done way before I ever do.
* The old rusty bathtub is not mine, just a subject I found. I do have a friend that has one on her property.
Yes, you have indeed been given much to be thankful for.
Dear Sandie, It is everyday that there are miracles to be thankful for. Just to get to meet and communicate with all of you is such a blessing. Catherine xo
love love love your list of gratitude stuff. And going to the dentist....well...you know how I feel. Tons of hugs to you special lady
I am grateful that people like you are in my life to remind me to be grateful! :)
I love that picture..
I always learn from you and at my age..that's saying something! At least I have never reached the place where I think I know it all.
Loved this post..but then I love them all.
Love the GS and dog. God is almighty and life is good. Praise Him.
Did you notice the light on the water forms a heart?
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