Did you hear about the snow storm in Alaska? It was like a hurricane with snow - something that equated to about 23 inches an hour.

Thanks Marydon!

Thanks Marydon.

Thanks Marydon!

You may recall from a Mechanics course that the period of a pendulum is proportional to the square root of the length of the line suspending the weight - i.e., the longer the pendulum, the slower it swings.
Harvard students built a device with a series of 15 pendulums in a row, each one slightly longer than its neighbor, then set them in motion and filmed the result.
The resulting patterns in this short video are quite fascinating to watch.
Click Pendulum Waves
Thanks Sharon

If you stare at him long enough he changes positions!! Cool optical illusion! A nice way to start the day.
Thank you Sharon.

This is the story of the poor blonde flying in a two-seater airplane with just the pilot. He has a heart attack and dies.
She frantically calls a May Day: "May Day! May Day! Help me! Help me! My pilot had a heart attack and is dead. And I don't know how to fly. Help me! Please help me!"
All of a sudden she hears a voice over the radio saying: "This is the tower. I have received your message and I will talk you through it. I've had a lot of experience with this kind of problem. Now, just relax. Everything will be fine! Now give me your height and position."
She says, "I'm 5'2" and I'm in the front seat."
"O.K." says the calm voice from the tower. "Repeat after me: Our Father. . . Who art in heaven..."
Thank you Jeannie

Thought for the day:
"We live in deeds, not years;
in thoughts, not breaths;
In feelings, not in figures on a dial
We should count time by heartthrobs.
He most lives
Who thinks most -- feels the noblest -- acts the best."
~ P. J. Bailey
WHat's so funny about that first cartoon is the scarecrow lying all flat on the floor!
Love the thought for the day:)
Laughed at all of these today! The pendulums were so interesting!
I am so proud to be the daughter of a veteran! God Bless them all today! hugs, Linda
Again you put out some funnies to make us all laugh.
these are all hilarious, the one that fits me the most is the tomorrow diet. the one i laughed at the most is the Our Father who art in heaven. LOL
All very funny today, Sandie. The optical illusion pic is just weird...how does that work?
I love that you help us find some humor about getting older. The humor is what will get us through it.
I love that optical illusion! It's always so fun to stop by for my Friday smile here. Ann
You always make me smile! Happy weekend! :)
Funny Post Sandie! Love the optical illusion and the blonde joke and the diet tomorrow. I love them all!
Have a fabulous Friday!
Fun stuff!
that video was really neat. :)
that video was really neat. :)
That optical illusion really works. So weird how that happens. Loved the scarecrow funny too!
Hi Sandie...Great post. Some are very funny. Take care and have a super day. Sincerely, Susan
Great post! Smiling in MN! Thanks!
As always, you make me smile. I am very fond of optical illusions and this is a good one. Love the blonde. Isn't she precious...and in here in the south.... that is not a compliment. lol
Thanks for the laughs.
i had the best giggle ever!
loved all of these.
have a great weekend!
I'm glad you still have your tree header. I love coming here and seeing it! The pendulum ROCKS!!!! It is totally cool!!! It has taken everything else out of my head!
I can tell you.... I am happy I don't live in Alaska. I woke up to snow this morning and wasn't really happy about it.
I stared at that guy and sure enough, he moved.
Thanks for the laffs and the terrific video. Really cool.
These are so funny today, Chatty. Loved the one about the woman in the plane, and that would be me then, with the whistling kettle. Hee Hee! They were all very funny today. Thank you for making me smile my friend. Hugs.
Cute post, Sandie... I always love your Friday posts.. My fav was the one about always starting my diet on the same day: tomorrow!!!! SO True.
F.U.N. post! Love all the jokes and that video was amazing. Also the man who changes position. Have a great weekend.
I had lots of laughter from you today Sandie...so cute..love these kind of post...
Thank you for the chuckles. Oh my, what is that I hear, oh its only my tea kettle. Got to make a cuppa.
OK...that blonde in the airplane had me on the AIRPLANE FLOOR!
Thanks for the chuckles!!
Great post! Thank you for the Friday funnies.
I like the photo illusion - that was cool!
The cartoon with the scare crow was funny!
Enjoy your weekend!
Hugs x
Love the Friday Giggles, GF.
Have a great weekend!
Loved the jokes, pendulums and the photo of that guy that changes. How cool is that? Have a happy weekend.
That cartoon with the stuffing from the scarecrow was sooo funny, plus the granddaughter wanting to know about old age. Always good to begin the weekend with a laugh! Hope you have a good one Sandie!
My favorite this week was the instant old age. That was perfect!
That video was just too cool. I think I could sit and watch that all day. The optical illusion with the picture of the guy was pretty cool too
All so great. I haven't heard a whistling kettle for yours.. Love what the woman told her grandchild about how it feels to be old, especially, smearing the vaseline on your glasses.. xxx
Hi Sandie, thanks for this great post! My son and daughter are here tonight and I told them the joke, showed them the optical illusion and we watched the video of the pendulum. They enjoyed as much as I did! Thanks for sharing!!
Have a great weekend!
Haha! Hilarious!! Especially the blonde joke ...
Have a great weekend!!
Happy Veterans Day to you also. I have sat here the last thirty minutes reading many of your posts. I stopped by from My Journey With Candida Blog. Your writing is unique and inspiring. I am now following with GFC and plan to stop back often. Thank you for sharing.
Always happy to stop by for my Friday smiles. Hope you're having a great weekend.
I didnt even realize that was the date today! I wish my late grandfather was alive so I could have shared this day with him. :(
Hey everybody...It is 11-11-2011. Love the blonde moving her head around. What a cool icon.
Dear Sandie, I love all of your wisdom through smiles. Blessings, Catherine xo
The pendulum thing was awesome!! Though it hypnotized me, it was still pretty cool...
The optical illusion with the guy was weird - I doubted it would work for me, but then it really did when I blinked. Isn't it strange how the mind works (or is it just the way MY strange mind works??)
Blonde jokes - love them - I'm brunette.
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