AND do you remember this quote - I think we all have heard it:
“If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch; If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you; If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds' worth of distance run - Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, And - which is more - you'll be a Man (Woman) my son (daughter) ! ”
Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936);
poet, author
I'm wondering if I have reached Womanhood yet - how about you - have you reached being a Man or a Woman yet?
Happy birthday to my mom - she was born in 1919 - so she would be 92 - wow - I miss you, but I will see you again. Her name was Rose...
Hi Chatty. I still miss my dear mum very much,and she's been gone for 14 years now. Loved that photo of the fox blending in with the hounds! Priceless! Also love that Rudyard Kipling quote. I think I'm still waiting to grow up! Hee Hee!!
Happily in my 60-Something years, I still have tons to learn, teach and try to remember(that's getting difficult) and no matter how old I get, I still miss my Daddy who's been in the Lord's hand the past 4 years already.
Wonderful entry, Chatty...love the signature, by the way, a rose for your Mom.
I hope you have lots of happy memories of you mom today. I still miss mine after 46 years.
That fox is pretty foxy.
Wishing you many happy memories of your mom on her birthday.
I love the fox in the hounds :-)
I have a copy of "IF" hanging in my office. It's one of the greatest poems ever written.
Love the pic of Rule #1...love it.
Happy memories of your momma today.
What a beautiful signature line to honor your mom's memory today on what would have been her 92nd birthday! I like rule #1, too cute!! Hope all is well with you Sandie!! Can you believe two weeks from today is Thanksgiving?
I have always loved that poem, that portion particularly.
I also love the part about "deal with triumph and disaster and treat those two imposters just the same."
I have always wanted to fix it so that it could be about a daughter and still have the rhyme. I've seen others try, but they ruin the essence of it too often.
I still have so much to learn and experience, that I feel that I am just a kid sometimes. I am still working real hard on the being hurt part. I am just way to sensitive.
Some days I feel very old and others like I'm just beginning. Wishing you sweet thoughts of your Mom today.
hugs, Linda
I loved the picture and the sentiment behind it.
My Dad's birthday was November 13th and he was born in 1918, so he was a year older than your Mom. That means he would have been 93 this coming Sunday. He died a year ago this past September. When did your Mom die?
awww. a hug to you from your mom via me... :)
my middle name is rose. named after my maternal grandmother, rosalia, whom i never knew.
That is the FUNNIEST picture I've ever seen! Too cute. I will have to show this one to my husband. He will see the humor in it for sure.
The fox is hysterical! Love it!
Happy birthday to your dear Mom, Rose. We never ever stop missing them do we? *HUGS*
I think your mom is smiling as she sees you, and it's a happy thought to know we'll be with them once again in the future. :)
Well, Happy Birthday to your mom! I hope you have happy memories of her today. Always sad when these days come around of our loved ones who are no longer with us. I've been missing my dad more and more lately. I enjoyed that picture! Reminds me of when my hubby came to meet me at college one day to surprise me and he was standing outside the classroom door. I asked him how he got in to the building because security was so strict. He said, "I just acted like I belonged and no one questioned me." I'll show him this picture later and see if he remembers that day! Enjoy your day!
a great tribute to your mothers memory. happy birthday Rose. i have reached OLD woman... does that count?
Beth here....May you have many happy memories today and everyday of your mother.... I miss my mom too....
It can be hard to miss those you love. Hugs to you.
You have the most wonderful things on your posts. I love the photo of the fox! The quote from Kipling was very interesting and good. "If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you..." This is a high goal to aim for. If we can love all people and have God's peace, then nothing can hurt us.
Am I a Woman yet? All I know is that I am striving to be.
I think I need to find that entire poem now. Something to reflect on, for sure.
Happy Birthday to your mom Rose! Happy memories of her...
The fox is too cute!
I like that you give me something to think about each day away from my typical daily thoughts.
Happy Thursday Sandie!
Hi Sandie :)
Really like that photo of the fox blending in. Think I prefer to be that way, I don't like to stick out too much - am too modest lol! I like the quote :)
I doubt very much if I will ever grow up (tehee)
Enjoy your Day!
Hugs x
The Fox blending in makes me think of the problems at Penn State. *sigh
Happy Birthday to your Mom, Rose.
The heart never forgets.
I LOVE that fox with the hounds!! No one can do these things except Jesus. I LOVE seeing these beautiful trees every time I visit!
I miss my Mom too!! But, I talk to her often. Especially when I think she is haunting us.
Right after she died, my TV set would turn on all by itself. My Mom was an avid tv watcher.... It eventually turned on less and less and now it never happens at all.
I love the photo, so cute!
Funny picture of the dogs with the fox hiding with them!
Your mom had a beautiful name. I hope that you remember sweet memories of your mother today and always.
Hugs to you!
LOL .. bad word bad word....OH so funny ...I saw that lil creature blending in...I've done it myself many many times to "NOT" be noticed....LOL thanks for the giggle
Love the blending in pic and quote:@)
I'm afraid that at times I'm still a bit of a child :)
Happy Birthday to your dear Mom.
Womanhood Yes. Have a great weekend. Trish
Some days I feel like, YES, I have the earth and have become a woman; other days not so much. I love that quote!
I also really miss my Mom, Martha. She was born in 1917 and has been gone for 15 years. Guess I will always miss her.
I know you must miss your Mom very much, Sandie. {{hugs}} tanna
ps - i'm still having growing pains... lol.
Sweet tribute to your Mom.... I miss mine too. Mom's birthday was Oct. 1st---and she would have been 111 this year!!!!
Yes---sometimes it is better just to blend in!!!!!
Sometimes --when I am sick---I still feel like a little girl who needs her Mama...
Hi Sandie...Hope your Mom has a wonderful celebration of her life in the other realm.
That first photo was hilarious.
Hope you had a great day. Susan
Haha ~ sometimes being silent is the best way out of something ~ too funny!
I am craving chocolate chip cookies now as I look at your photo and recipe below ~ yum!
xo Catherine
I had the poem on our bathroom mirror for years when the girls were all younger. My second oldest read it as part of her Valedictorian speech in high school.
I bet your mom was a neat, neat lady.
NOPE! I never did grow up! At 71 why start now!
Love the fox and the hounds so cute. Can I use for an email. Hugs,Ginger
Here's to Rose. I know you miss her so. This was my mom's birth month also and her name was Elizabeth but my dad always called her "Rosie" for Rosie the Riveter because my mom could fix anything.
Yes, there have been times I have felt like that fox.
I forgot to say Happy Birthday to your mom ....what a beautiful name Rose! As you I know there will come a day when we can be reunited with our loved ones that have gone before us....Craig used to tell his little brother, Doug I'm gonna always be just this much " and he would measure with his two fingers about an inch" ahead of you...and I see his passing as "this much ahead of us" to prepare the way for us....he and Joe will meet me at the gate...with a host of friends and loved one....
Dear Sandie, Happy Birthday to your mom in Heaven. Catherine
Sandie - It's a pack of Martys!! The little fox - what a rascal!
Love that quote. You know, it's interesting - I think it's only been in the last year or so that I finally feel like I've reached some plateau of womanhood. A place where I feel independent, strong, grounded. It has a lot to do with the spiritual growth that God has accomplished in my heart.
I'm one of the "older" women in my current Bible Study group - and I actually feel like what I say is considered wise. It's a nice feeling.
However, as I've told you before - I'll NEVER grow up!!
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