"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends . . .

Remember the cookies I blogged about on Monday - these are what they look like - but who would bake them in a hot car?

Thanks Jerry and Ann

And Old Chatty better quit eating so many or she will look like this! Thanks Ann and Jerry.

Thank you Sharon and Carmen.

Amazing Amish Christmas Lights - these are amazing!

Scroll down to see the Amish Christmas lights.

You know very well that the Amish don't use electricity.

Messing with old people is so easy!


Hey, don't kill the messenger!!
Someone sent it to me before I put it on here!

Okay who is being naughty or nice?


Look what Centrum Silver can do for us! Thanks Carmen!

And here is one thought for the day - that I made up all by myself - When you have a problem - sit on it! teehee (Thanks Ann and Jerry)

A real thought of the day:

"Don't carry a grudge. While you're carrying a grudge, the other guy's out dancing."
– Buddy Hackett



Changes in the wind said...

Always good posts and can you believe those cows!

Marti said...

LOL those cows that love jazz. You figure out what centrum gal I am? Have a good Friday. Thanks for the smiles.

Jill said...

Those cows just amaze me!

Laughing right out lous at the Centrum. I'm going to go order a case of it...right now!

Clint said...

Strip poker. It's fun if you're winnin'...

Granny Annie said...

I am embarrassed to admit that I tried to open the picture of the Amish lights before I got it.

Janie Fox said...

I always love these. The cows are my fave.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the elephant and would love to hug him and LOVE LOVE LOVE the boxers answer to a problem.

Jeanie said...

The Amish lights and the dogs tickled my fancy the most today, Sandie, but the whole post was a fun way to start the day.

Eat To Live said...

I expected the cows to break out in a dance any minute! LOL, how funny they are.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Always smiles from you on Friday! hugs, Linda

Velvet Over Steel said...

I've missed your fun Friday post!
Thanks for the much needed smiles on another cloudy day here!

Have a wonderful day and weekend!!
Coreen XO

Velvet Over Steel said...

I've missed your fun Friday post!
Thanks for the much needed smiles on another cloudy day here!

Have a wonderful day and weekend!!
Coreen XO

Knitty said...

The cows and the Centrum clip really tickled me. I posted a clip today that I could identify with.

Have a great weekend!

Kerrie said...

Haha - I had a good chuckle.

TexWisGirl said...

why is it we can't look like we feel (centrum!)

CalamityJr said...

Hey! My generic Centrum isn't working that way! Guess I'd better splurge on the real stuff!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That person must not have had anywhere to put those cookies!??

That dog sitting on the other cracked me up.

Bev said...

LOVE you quote...plus those dogs... my daughter has one...so the quote and picture is extra special!!LOL

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You got me on the black photo!!
Some really good laughs here today.
Have a wonderful weekend.

Liz Mays said...

LOL to those Amish lights!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

these are a hoot....especially those cows....very cool....and at first with the amish...I thought...hey I can't see anything...☺ and love that little elephant. Thanks for the smiles.....you always deliver. have a great rest of the day knowing you are bringing so much joy to all of us.

sandy said...

Your posts are always so fun. I loved the cows enjoying the jazz..ha.

DaCraftyLady said...

Oh Sandi, I loved the Centrum Silver...lol....now I take that daily, so I guess I am pretty hot looking to some peopel..lol, and who would of thought cows love Jazz..great video, I really got a kick out your dog "proverb" you made up...great Friday post.. thanks for adding some sunshine to my day...Debb

Shanda said...

Your posts always lift my day!!! Have a great weekend.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Yes, indeed - it IS a Fun Friday NOW!

They were all cute ... but I have to admit that I laughed the loudest at the Amish Christmas lights! ;-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the commercial, Sandie!!! It is both sad and funny at the same time!

Love Of Quilts said...

They wanted a cookie real bad didn't they. Trish

betty said...

That is a cute commercial for vitamins, Sandie! Too funny! Liked the cows getting a concert; that really looked like they were enjoying it. Its funny, when hubby plays some type of guitar music Koda will stay by him, other types he goes as far away as possibe :)

Thanks for the Friday laughs!


Marie said...

The commercial is hilarious! But, the cows and doggies are my favorite. Another fun Friday...thanks Sandie! :)

Michaele said...

Who needs facebook when they have Chatty. You have outdone yourself. I loved every single one!

deb said...

OMG!! Didf I need that belly laugh!! The amish one got me...so tickled!!!
Have a great weekend!

Belle said...

Great stuff today! You got me. I did look for lights!

Kerrie said...

Hi Sandie,

Thanks for dropping in to visit me and join my little blog on cyberspace. Just thought I'd let you know because I'm not sure if blogger has had a little hiccup, as I couldn't see your lovely little avatar on my followers list.

I showed the cartoon about Santa with and the poisoned milk to my son, he said, "Can you read that again?" He got a big kick out it!

Have a great weekend, look forward to hearing from you again soon.


Sweet Tea said...

Dear Santa,
PLEASE bring me some of those vitamins!!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy weekend to you my friend.
Thank you for sending prayers to the family that had the terrible fire. I know she will appreciate it.

Susan said...

ha ha ha hahah Oh Sandie, that was hilarious. I DID try to open the Amish lights. I said to myself, "Cheeze, wonder what kind of lights the Amish use." ha ha hahaha Dopey me.

And the Centrum Silver video? HYSTERICAL. Going to buy a million of them tomorrow. ha ha hahahhaha Susan

Cheryl @ TFD said...

That's why I quit taking my Centrums, they didn't do anything for me! Ha! Cute Friday post, Sandie!

Pondside said...

Thanks for all those smiles!

Debbie said...

I love the cow jazz one! I need to make sure my sister sees that. Don't you just wonder what the cows were thinking?

Unknown said...

Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I'm a bit late :(
A fun post as usual! Poor Santa [lol] Yummy cookies hehe. HAve a lovely Saturday! Hugs x

Stella said...

The ball or the elephant? Stella

Ann said...

Oh I can't believe I fell for the Amish Christmas light thing. Boy do I feel silly

Sharon said...

OK, the Centrum commercial was really funny. I got a kick out of that one!

Like your new quote - sit on it!

And, evidently I am one of those old people who is easily messed with. Amish Christmas lights - yup, you had me hook, line, and sinker.
