"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday - Some Public Service Information. . .

1. Public Service Number 1 - don't stand under birds with your mouth wide open!

2. When you leave you car - lock it manually rather then by the remote. Especially now at Christmas Time.

Thank you Cheri.
Check it out on SNOPES.

"How to Lock Your Car and Why !!!!!!!!

I locked my car. As I walked away I heard my car door unlock. I went back and locked my car again three times. Each time, as soon as I started to walk away, I would hear it unlock again!! Naturally alarmed, I looked around and there were two guys sitting in a car in the fire lane next to the store. They were obviously watching me intently, and there was no doubt they were somehow involved in this very weird situation . I quickly chucked the errand I was on, jumped in my car and sped away. I went straight t o the police station, told them what had happened, and found out I was part of a new, and very successful, scheme being used to gain entry into cars. Two weeks later, my friend's son had a similar happening....

While traveling, my friend's son stopped at a roadside rest to use the bathroom. When he came out to his car less than 4-5 minutes later, someone had gotten into his car and stolen his cell phone, laptop computer, GPS navigator, briefcase.....you name it. He called the police and since there were no signs of his car being broken into, the police told him he had been a victim of the latest robbery tactic -- there is a device that robbers are using now to clone your security code when you lock your doors on your car using your key-chain locking device..

They sit a distance away and watch for their next victim. They know you are going inside of the store, restaurant, or bathroom and that they now have a few minutes to steal and run. The police officer said to manually lock your car door-by hitting the lock button inside the car -- that way if there is someone sitting in a parking lot watching for their next victim, it will not be you.

When you hit the lock button on your car upon exiting, it does not send the security code, but if you walk away and use the door lock on your key chain, it sends the code through the airwaves where it can be instantly stolen.

So be careful out there.


The measure of a life, after all, is not its duration, but its donation.
Corrie Ten Boom - Have you ever read her book THE HIDING PLACE - her story, her faith, and her forgiveness is a miracle.



Marti said...

I admire Corrie Ten Boom. I heard her speak and it was so moving. I have heard about the car thief scheme that you addressed. The police here in Phoenix have warned about it. Electronics do have their bad points.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Unbelievable... What will the thieves in this country think of next????? GADS!!! Nothing is safe anymore, is it?

Thanks for the good info.. We'll be more careful.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thank you Sandie. I had heard about this but of course I didn't actually change my ways!! I will definitely be more careful now.
Happy Saturday to you!

Stella said...

Sound like I am glad my magic lock button on my keys is broken. I have been moaning over the fact I have to lock and unlock my car with my key. Thanks for the helpful info. Stella

Ginny Hartzler said...

I think we read this book decades ago. This car lock stuff is so good to know now!!!! I did click on the Snopes link, but I get a page that says NOT FOUND, so now I am wondering if all this is true or not, stuff like this tends to go around at Christmas time, and people believe it.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, your first commenter seems to know first hand that this lock thing is the real deal!!!

Anonymous said...

amazing, now thats christmas spirit!! Wow, the stinkers, thanks for the advice rotte theives are everywhere and with all the advances the thieves are advancing just as quickly, and I won't have mouth open when standing under birds!

Jeanie said...

This is a new one to me. I'm often not as security conscious a I should be, but I will try to remember this.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That's the first I've heard about this car locking business.

Michaele said...

Thanks for this tip Chatty. I hadn't heard of it and I will pass it on.

Ann said...

I've read that about the car door and I always lock mine manually.

Sue McPeak said...

Good Grief!!! And I was so excited to get a click and lock thingy! Bah Humbuggers!!! On a happier note....Merry Christmas!!!!

theconstantwalker said...

A wonderful post to read..I really enjoy reading your posts.
Take care and enjoy the rest of your weekend..xx

Love Of Quilts said...

First I have heard of this thanks. I will send it to all my friends. Trish

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

There is just too much to worry about out there in this technical world. It is better to be safe than sorry, but if I thought of everything that could happen, I would never leave the house.

Have a Merry Christmas Sandi and don't trust any elves. They are sneaky little fellas.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Thanks, Sandie, for the car locking info. I sent that on to my children.
I've read Corrie's book. She was an amazing woman. I ran across it the other day and thought when Christmas was over that I'd like to read it again.
Have a great weekend!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i have been using mine for years and years and never happened, so i would not worry about it to much. and of course I am glad you reminded me not to stand under those silly birds and especailly with my mouth open, but per my hubby my mouth is always open since i never stop talking, so i guess i will have to watch out for the birds.

Janie Fox said...

That car trick is scary. I will lock mine manually when I am out and about.

Eat To Live said...

Thievery (is that a word) has gotten so high tech. What will they think of next.... none of us are safe.

Jill said...

Thank you for the tip!!

Lynn said...

Good information! So sad that we have to worry about such things though-Happy Weekend:@)

Beansieleigh said...

Oh my gosh.. What things you have to watch for ALL the time! Just told my daughter, as I know she is Christmas shopping RIGHT NOW, and probably has packages just lying in the back seat while she runs around from store to store! Thanks for the warning! ~tina

Marie said...

Thanks for the tip Sandie. I have heard of this before.
Hope you're having a nice weekend!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good tips ofr us all!...:)JP

Sharon said...

I had not heard of this latest scam. But it's great advice, and I will take it to heart.

Corrie Ten Boom's story is an amazing one. She is inspirational, to say the least. It is people like her, who hold on to God in the most awful of situations, that speak to me of the reality of God's love.


Lois Christensen said...

I always lock my door with my remote! Thanks for the warning! And I have read that book years ago when I was a teenager. It was so good!

Kerrie said...

Thanks for the heads up on this latest scam. I always lock my car with the remote and never give it a second thought. It is so very sad that people use the advance in technology for evil rather than good.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Good reminder- I've become very ocd about the locks on my car after having it broken into at the mall while Christmas shopping four years ago. You can never be too careful these days.

Belle said...

Thank you for the info on car locks. I will definitely lock them from the inside now. I have read Corrie's book. It is one of my all-time favorites. Even in the worst times of life - God can give you strength.

Betty said...

I hadn't heard about the car lock scheme. Good to know. Around here the scheme is to pose as utility workers and claim they have to check something in the house. People are being robbed, but a week or two ago an elderly lady let them in and then realized and got her gun. She shot at them and they ran away. Sadly, she called 9-1-1 and then had a heart attack and died. Why do people do these things? I guess it's usually drug money they need.

Susan said...

Gosh, still can't figure out how thieves can get the lock code to cars but I'm going to manually lock it from now on.

Thanks, Sandie. Susan

Bev said...

Thanks for the tip... I'll keep my mouth shut under the trees:0...

And yes I have read Corries' book and seen the movie...years ago! What a great woman!

Prime Aque said...

Thank you for this security alert my friend. As for here, technologies are not the sharp, but who knows? So you will expect I will tell my friends about this, specially ones that own car, me, I got a safe ride here with public transports.

Anyway Christmas is very vivid here in your blog my friend. I am really happy to get the time wandering at my favorite blogs like this... Advance merry Christmas!!! :)

ain't for city gals said...

Just popping by to say Hi and Merry Chritmas! Hoping you have a Happy and Healthy New year!

Granny Annie said...

It is important to be cautious every day because vandals are watching all the time. Thanks for this warning. It is also important to be cautious of birds in the trees above us. LOL

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I got "page not found" when I clicked on your link about the car remotes. So I went to snopes.com to check it out myself. Evidently, it sounds like that may be possible, but not probable. Seems most thieves still take the quick and easy way to get into cars (jimmying locks, breaking windows, etc.). But having said that, it still doesn't hurt to be extra careful ... just in case, right? Hope you're having a fantastic weekend!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Thank you for the warning. i had no idea this was happening. I will warn my family.

Knitty said...

I asked my husband about this (cars being his business) and he was surprised about that Snopes verified this. We looked it up on Snopes and as Kathy/Nana said, they said it is technically possible but not probable.

Never hurts to be careful and be alert, but not alarmed.