"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday's Tails . . .

Well my two little elves are sick. My big one has a cold and a cough and is home from school. My little one - I'm not sure if he has sympathy pains or what is going on. So this is a sad tail/tale.

And this is a happy tail/tale:

"A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.
During the night the folks came across this scene.
An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep.
He chose baby Jesus as his comfort.
No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.

We should all have the good sense of this dog and curl up in Jesus' lap from time to time.
The dog breed is a "shepherd!"

I don't know if this is true or not in the literal sense. But it is definitely true in the most important sense.
We must put our trust in Jesus.

From TexWisGirl

Thought for the day:

The worst prison would be a closed heart.

-Pope John Paul II



Marti said...

Hope the little elves are feeling better. Sometimes I think dogs have more sense than people. I want to lay at the foot of Jesus. Have a good day.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

my heart has melted in my chest at the sight of the dog in the manger. so beautiful and sweet. and i love flash mobs.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oops, sorry,i meant to say oh no on the two sick elves,hope they are better today

dr momi said...

Ha....loved the video!

Jill said...

So hoping your little elves are back to themselves very soon!

Love the mob scene from MY great state of MN. :)

betty said...

Your poor elves! I hope they feel better soon, Sandie, especially the big one! Not fun to be sick for Christmas!

Too cute with the dog in the manager!

I liked the quote you shared from Pope John Paul; that is so true!

Merry Christmas in case I'm not back around before then!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Hoping your two elves feel better soon. Love the story and the pic of the dog in the manger...so sweet. hugs, Linda

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....Checking into your blog was a great way to start my day.

Loved the doggie in the manger. Loved the singers in the mall. I'd like to participate in one of those! What fun.

Hope your Tuesday is terrific. Susan

Anonymous said...

Aww, that was a great video. I love watching stuff like that, though kind of makes me wish something cool like that would happen around here.

Pondside said...

Poor little elves - I hope they're up and about soon!

Knitty said...

Aww, sorry to hear your elves are sick. Hope they're both better soon.

I love the flash mob clip! I would love to be part of one, or to witness one. :)

TexWisGirl said...

i hope someone helped that dog...

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I hope he feels better soon!

cute little dog :-)

Changes in the wind said...

Cute the "shepherd sleeping with baby Jesus".

Janie Fox said...

My little birthday girl went to the Dr yesterday...croup and bronchitis. I hope everyone is well by the weekend. Loved the dogs.

Melanie said...

So sorry your little elves are sick. I hope they'll be feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi dear Sandie,
I'm sorry to hear that your elfs are sick. Hope they will be up and about in time for Christmas day. Have a great day my friend. Bright blessings!

Shug said...

Ooooo I love that quote from Pope John. so true!
Sorry to hear that you have a little one home sick...Hope all is well by Christmas....
Have a great day..

Eat To Live said...

What a cute picture of th dog in the manger.

Hope the kiddos get better soon

Bev said...

Hope you little elf is feeling better...too cute the one beside him...He probably is just sad as GS is not up to par:)...Love the dog in the manger!!

Remington said...

Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon! Love the picture and video! Thanks for sharing!

Love Of Quilts said...

It is never good to have a sick elf on hand....and for sure not two. I do hope they are well soon. Love the dog laying in the manager. Merry Christmas to you and your. Trish

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Chatty. So sad to hear that your little elves are both feeling sick :( Tell them that they must get well for Christmas Day!!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I hope the kiddos feel better soon- Merry Christmas!

Sally said...

Oh, I hope your little grandson feels better soon. It's not fun being sick but especially at Christmas.


Liz Mays said...

I'm thinking by Christmas day he'll be very much on the mend.

Love the little dog in the manger story!

Sally Wessely said...

Love your blog. You say so much with so few words.

I hope the elf is already feeling much better.

Lady Jane said...

The good news is the little ones should be up and well by Christmas. I love the dog in the manger. Isnt it the best place to pick!!! Have a wonderful Merry Christmas. Cheers. LJ

Betty Manousos said...

lie sandra says, my heat has melted in my chest just looking at that puppy in the manger.

have a very merry xmas!!

Belle said...

May your elves get well soon. The picture of the dog with baby Jesus is so sweet. I hope the dog found a home. Loved the clip.

Unknown said...

Super quick healing to the elves! The pic of the dog in the manger was passing around the internet last year. Loved it then, love it now!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Oh Kiddo, I hope he doesn't have what's going on up here...my MIL has had a cough/cold for 6wks; Joe had it for 3wks; I've remianed healthy so far. I'm sure someone helped that little shepherd!..:)JP

deb said...

awww hoping the elves get to feeling better fast. And that no one else gets it.

Such a sweet and smart pup. I'm hoping he found he way home.

Ann said...

Aw, your poor little elves. I hope they are feeling better soon.
That dog in the manger is so cute

Lois Christensen said...

Sorry to hear your grandson is sick! And how precious is your dog!!! Love the video!!! Don't know how I missed yesterday's YUMMY recipe!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Sorry your grandson and little pooch are both sick.. Hope they both feel better before Santa gets here...

That precious dog knows the best place to take a nap. Bless his heart.. Hope someone comes along and takes him home with them...

YES--let's put our trust in Jesus.

Buttercup said...

Hope the elves are feeling better and ready to celebrate a merry Christmas. Sending get well hugs!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Hi Sandie, sure hope your little elves are feeling better soon! Your grandson is a cutie.
The sweet dog sleeping in the manger sure tugged at my heart strings. How precious that he knew a safe place for him to sleep! We are all safe in the arms of Jesus, aren't we?
Take care,

Kerrie said...

Hi Sandie,

Sorry to hear the tale/tail of your two sick little elves. I sure hope they both feel better soon. I love the photo! Your pooch is so-oo cute :)

What a wonderful story of the shepherd dog choosing Jesus as comfort. I'd love to share this story! if that's okay with you?

Great thought for the day too! Lots to ponder.

Hope your day is special!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope he is feeling better soon. I love the dog sleeping with Jesus.

Unknown said...

I just saw something on the news tonight about how dogs can catch the flu from us (I think). Anyway, I hope they both make a speedy recovery.

Nancy said...

Oh, it's no fun being sick around the holidays. Wishing your two little ones better health soon! :)

Tanna said...

Hope your two elves are feeling much better today!! Love that photo of the shepherd in Jesus' manger. I hope someone found him a good home like Disco has. ;) blessings ~ tanna

Sharon said...

OK, the photo of GS and Nurse Disco is just too cute. There are few things more comforting when you're not feeling good than a cup of Campbell's soup (yes, I noticed that) and a warm puppy...with a Santa hat.

The other photo was precious. Yes, there is no better place to curl up than at the feet of Jesus.

Tiffanee said...

I stumbled across your blog today and I am so thankful I did! What a heartwarming post. The story about the homeless dog sleeping in the manger is priceless. I pray he got a good home!! Thanks for warming my heart!

Betty said...

It's just that time of year. My oldest elf has a cold and we're doing everything we can to keep from catching it.

I bought our manger scene when we lived in Italy. Our first cat used to climb in and sleep on top of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. It never looked very comfortable to me. She would be right on top of them. That dog kind of reminded me of Poco.

I'd love to be somewhere when one of those flash mobs start singing. It must be something to see and hear in person.

Have you heard about the flash robberies? Yes, they all arrive at a store at the same time and start stealing things off the shelves. They're in and out in seconds and it's difficult to stop or catch them. What is wrong with people?