"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wedneday - Hump Day -My grateful list for 2011

Well I have so many friends to thank this Christmas. I am so grateful for so many things. You know when times get bad and they do - I rely on God and my friends. While I don't share some of my troubles - there are some. And I am just so thankful for my life and my friends here.

Now some things I am thankful and grateful for:

I won all these sweets from Tricia at Saving Desserts. IT IS/WAS DELICIOUS.

Fudge and Minnie is over dosed.
The box - backwards - lol.

My dear angel friend gave me an angel instead! Thank you Jean. We have been friends since 1978!

And the home made knitted cap you made the GS - doesn't it look like his hair?

He loves it.
And Lisa at Two Bears Farm - I won her fabulous gift. (My GS liked it too)

Christmas cookie cutters.
Ribbons and ornaments.

Even Pierce made these and sent them to me! They smell so good.
And Ann from The Boston Lady.
The green jar is from her son's wedding!
A look into Chatty's bedroom.

And this from Jill from Chillin with Jill and I need to send it to seven others and I will.

My friend Debbie for GS's pj's and candy. They are in the wash or I'd take a picture of them. Friends from 1990 - you have gone thru so much too!

My friend Richard for my angel. We became friends when the kids went to preschool - he is a Mr. Mom.

Becky Povich Andrea Bocelli and David Foster My Christmas - we write back and forth all the time about this guy - do you all love his voice as much as we do?

Angela one of my longest follower/friend sends me all the great deals.

Susan sang Happy Birthday to my grandson!

Marydon for helping GS with his school project and candle.

Sharon thank you for helping GS too. My friend from church and she sends me many forwards.

Thanks to Jerry and Ann for helping me by sending me funnies. Sharon my friend at church and many others and forgive me for not naming everyone. Actually there are a lot of friends who send me things I use. Thank you.

The many Christmas cards and I was naughty - I didn't send any this year.

Meeting Sue, Joyce, Cheri, and Linda - bloggers in Atlanta who I've become friends with. We do lunch - well Sue cooks and we eat, cookie exchanges, visiting the Governor's Mansion, tea parties, and much more. I have gotten to meet a lot of other GA bloggers too. I must say we are a fun bunch.

Linda has gotten me so many things, I've them spread all over the house! We have met for lunch many times. She's been a special friend to me.

I think of all the gals who have scared their story with me and ones I've shared my story back with. Nikki and all the others.

And Betty my dear Betty I forgot for her friendship and ornament.

And how could I forget Eva - my good friend from Ireland. She sent me the prettiest Christmas card that she took from one of her awesome paintings. But I did - forgive me.

My thought for the day in pictures. From Sandra at Madsnapper -- thank you!

Now to end with humor - Is this person smart or what?

I hope and pray two things - I hope you don't think I'm bragging - I'm not - I'm really thankful for all of this.

And if I've forgotten anyone I'm sorry. Everyone is really wonderful!!!

And the best gift of all I received - last but not least -
ALL YOUR FRIENDSHIP'S - you all have been blessings in my life. I thank God for you.

Okay I reread this and feel like I've won an academy award and I'm taking too long thanking everyone! I'm sorry!


Jill said...

You sure got a lot of wonderful items there but I agree, friendships are the best and I am blessed to have "met" you this past year! Thank you for all of the smiles you have given me. *HUGS*

Anonymous said...

Give and ye shall receive...the many smiles throughout the year you have brought to the many that passes by your blog, your blog is full of laughter, full of joy and soooo enjoyable ... and the joy has returned unto your bosom! Enjoy and enjoy! Merry Christmas my friend....

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i am laughing my head off at the last comment on the academy award. soo funny. and i was thinking you have all these wonderful gifts and it is not even Christmas day,you are blessed and it is good that you know it and tell others. all that. that hat is really cool. i heard on the radio yesterday, a doctor on a talk show, that keeping a grateful journaly will keep you healthier. so you were right!

Jeanie said...

You have lots to be grateful for, Sandie, and it shows that there are so many that are thankful for all that you do.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

You've had a lucky month! :-) Is that peanut butter fudge....mmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas my dear friend! There is a lot to be thankful for, and I am so thankful for have gotten to know you this year :)

Enjoy your day! Hugs x

Eat To Live said...

You are blessed with friends. And luck too!!!

I tried to win the cookie cutters from Lisa, but you were the lucky one. Congratulations!!

Dogmom Diva said...

Hi Sandie, this is the time of year that we tend to reflect on our blessings, isn't it? Too bad we can't carry that feeling through the entire year...l Have a wonderful day!


Cheri said...

This was a nice post on reflecting your year...kudos.

Thanks for being my friend, too.

Marti said...

I didn't see anyone coming with the hook to get you off stage, so I think that your appreciation accolades are perfect. Sometimes we forget to thank all those who are precious to us. Have a good day.

Susan said...

Dear Sandie...

You are a Georgia peach, that's for sure. I'm thankful for so much, too, including YOU! Susan

TexWisGirl said...

you love and are loved. the greatest gift of all... :)

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sweet Sandie you are one in a million and I am so glad to call you friend! Oh and I'm on my way over to share some of those sweets with you...yummy! LOL...really how wonderful a month this has been and I'm so glad I got to share a lunch with you. All your giving and loving comes back around to you as it should. Oh and I LOVE Andrea Bocelli...oh my! I will have to look for this CD/DVD?? hugs, Linda

The Boston Lady said...

Oh Sandie, thanks for the shout out! The jar looks wonderful in your room. I feel blessed to have gotten to know you this year. You always brighten my day! Ann

Sweet Tea said...

What a fun post.
I enjoyed seeing your things and hearing about your wonderful friends. Such fun!

Remington said...

We all have so much to be thankful for....I am thankful you are my friend.... Great post!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, Congrats on so many gifts... You have won alot of great stuff... Nobody deserves it more than you.

Sharon said...

What fun!

Sandie, your friendship is a very special thing to me - a bright light in my life! Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your blog. You are such a delightful presence in Blog Land!

Love you much!

deb said...

Friendships are very special! I'm so glad we've met. So glad you've received so many goodies, you deserve them!
Merry Christmas!

Michaele said...

WOW! How do you manage to keep it all in your head? So many wonderful things and people in your life. You are LOVED!
p.s. The orange is hilarious!

Lynn said...

Lovin' the orange! Merry Christmas Sandie-enjoy:@)

Michelle My Bell said...

It's such a blessing from the Lord for the good friends we have been blessed with... Love the picture of that orange :)

Ann said...

you are obviously very loved by so many people.
Love your grandsons hat.

BECKY said...

Hi Sandie! You certainly do have lots of friends....and lots of luck when it comes to winning prizes! I'm so glad we were able to meet in person last summer. Next time, we'll have to make it a slumber party or something, instead of a 2 hour lunch! :)
Ahhhh, Andrea Bocelli! Have you watched the entire DVD yet? I just love it. And when he sings Our Father....I get goose bumps!
Merry Christmas, dear friend!

Catherine said...

You sure received some lovely things and it sounds like you have lots of things to be thankful for. Tis the season to think of all the good stuff!
Seasons greetings friend!
xo Catherine

Knitty said...

If you're going to mention the Academy Awards, you should quote Sally Field when she received her oscar: "You like me! You really like me!" Which, of course, is true of us when it comes to you.

dr momi said...

I do believe Christmas is a GREAT time to be thank-ful! Merry Christmas Sandie.

Betty said...

That looks yummy and I've got plans to make Toffee tomorrow. It's on my ever growing "to do" list. I had originally thought I'd do it today, but was too tired when I got home.

If my husband had his way we'd have ditto on our house too.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I've never been naughty, damn it!

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I love your photos for the Christmas holiday's. I also thank God for all my blessings !! I would like to thank you so much for your Friendship. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas.
XXOO Diane

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You have been blessed over and over again. OMG that fudge looks delicious. You are definitely loved.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Just stopping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas, the fudge looks yummy!!!

Marie said...

You received some wonderful gifts!
I'm blessed in many ways and you and blogland are a part of it. I love how you open yourself up on your post. I appreciate all the emailing and your support Sandie.
Merry Christmas!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You are a sweet friend to many, Sandie, and very deserving of all your nice gifts. I am glad to have met you this year!
Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Thanks! I hope you-all have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

AudreyO said...

It's always nice to stop and appreciate those things that mean so much to us. Ok, I just love the orange man. So clever :)

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Chatty. So many things to be thankful for, and we are all thankful for YOU! Have a very Happy Christmas, to you and all your family. Blessings from me to you x

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Don't apologize. I loved every line!

Merry Christmas,
Susan :)