"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday - Some Public Service Information:

Maybe I can go from this to (see below) -

I have seen this in two places so I believe it is true. People who sit five to six hours a day have a higher increase in cancer. Colon and I forgot the other one - by 40 % or so.

I am guilty of that sometimes myself! The answer is to get up every hour for five minutes - walk around do something. Easy and healthy.

I read in AARPS a short article called The Only Exercise You''ll Ever Need: WALKING

"Walking may be the single best-and easiest-exercise you can do to improve your health in 2012.

Helps cut heart disease-dementia-brain loss- diabetes. And not marathon walking - peak benefits from 30 minutes of exercise several times a week.

Keep it up and you will lose weight. There was a man - Rick Genter - who lose 186 pounds.

Get a pedometer and if you walk 5000 steps or less you are sedentary. Work you way up to 10,000 steps, which is considered active.

No gym, no equipment just walk.

Little goals ate first. Start slow just never give up.

Start with five minutes and work up."

Okay I am going to start this. I do ride my stationary bike every morning for 30 minutes but I must not be doing it as fast as I should be - lol. I am going to add walking. Five minutes every hour either around my house or somewhere.


Then I'd kill two birds with one stone!

Thought for the day -

"Victory is won not in miles but in inches. Win a little now, hold your ground, and later, win a little more."
– Louis L'Amour



TexWisGirl said...

good advice.

Terra said...

I love your rose colored glasses theme for the year. If you look for Him, you will find him, as you said.
If you are exercising on your stationary bike every day, you are off to a great start. I am going to exercise in a pool this morning.

Janie Fox said...

I did walking tapes for a long time. Just this last few months I started doing harder workouts. I have lost inches but not much weight. So now I am going to hit the food part.ugh But I wanna lose 20 lbs. Most from my waistline. Hello middle age.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is great information. Thank you for sharing it. ((HUGS))

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Walking is wise. Both inside and outside. But more-so outside in the beauty God created. Wisdom walks. ;)
In His Grace, Dawn

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

I had done this last year with two friends -5000 steps. It was fun trying to see who ended up getting in more steps each day.


Pondside said...

Walking is the best! I believe that it's true that it's the most effective all-round exercise for us. Good luck with your walking endeavours!

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

I read that study also and have been trying to move more throughout my day. Even now I am standing as I read blogs. That way I am more prone to do stretches and squats while reading rather than sitting until my legs fall asleep! Ha!

Sweet Tea said...

What a great start to the new year.
Go girl!

Marie said...

Great advice! No time like the present to start. I haven't been as active with my cervical spine injuries, but I do need to walk. We're going to start walking the dogs more often. :)
Happy Saturday Sandie!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I read that insert and it is very good advice. i beleive my waking 1 to 2 miles five days a week is why i don't have the diabetes that all my family members had.
there was one tip in there you did not post, it said to put your computer where you can stand and use it. since i read that, when i am blogging, i blog for a while on the sofa and stand for a few blogs with the computer on the kitchen counter.

Sharon said...

Walking is also good for you because it's pretty easy on your joints. Now, if I could only force myself up and out more often! Working on it...

Jill said...

Way to go!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have heard about walking, it is the best and safest exercise to do. Believe it or not I just threw my pedometer out not an hour ago! Well, i put it in a bag for Goodwill. I need to get one of those thingies that is just the pedals you put in front of your chair!

Susan said...

Oh, man, Sandie. I DO need to get up and walk. I spend a LOT of time in front of the computer---not just on my blog but writing for publication, e-mailing, eBay, etc.

Like Ginny said, I'd LOVE to find something I could put under my desk to move legs while sitting.

Does anyone know what those are called or where to get them?

Take care. Susan P.S. Sandie, I think 30 minutes a day on your bicycle is FABULOUS.

Betty said...

Everything they've ever said about exercise is true. I know it and keep telling myself I'm going to start walking again.

Angela said...

I agree but don't do what I should do. What time do you ride your bike? I'm not very energetic when I first get up in the morning at all.


GrammyK said...

Love the Louis L'Amour quote!! So true. It's so much easier to lose a pound or two than 20 or 30!! So why do we let it pile up? Grrr...

If I keep my carbs to a minimum and walk 20 minutes after breakfast and again after supper on the treadmill I don't need my diabetes meds. That certainly says something doesn't it? :-)

Belle said...

Thanks for the info. I know I need to move around more.

Eat To Live said...

I know I need to get off my butt and stay away from this computer. I might take a day of rest once a week from blogging and go to the mall and walk. Thanks for the info Sandie

Buttercup said...

Thanks for the reminder. I get in at least a mile every day. That includes today with the wind whipping. But I need to step it up (LOL) and can use all the encouragement I can get.

Lois Christensen said...

Well I need to use my walking DVD more often. I stopped because of my back problems, but some weight is creeping back on me and I need to get it off fast! Going to try this week! Thanks for the incentive! Enjoy you Sunday!

Love Of Quilts said...

We are know that this works if we will do it.

Michaele said...

Oh I agree. I learned years ago that walking was the best form of exercise. If you ever get a chance to read the book Smart Exercise by Covert Bailey I think you will enjoy it.

Ann said...

I think I needed this one. I used to walk a lot but I have gotten so lazy lately. I get home from work and don't want to do anything but sit around. I've been wanting to get back into exercising and walking is the best bet

Shug said...

good info. and much needed for me...I feel like I walk way more than 1000 steps a day, but my figure doesn't seem to prove that...Maybe it's just toooo many calories.
Sandie, you always have the cutest stuff on your blog...do you have a lot of secret resouces?

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I think this is a very good topic to talk about.
I wish I did not come up with so many mental excuses as to why not to walk- you know
1. not in the mood
2. don't feel like it
or what ever other excuses we make up.

Karen Lange said...

I love to walk and get antsy when I haven't gotten any in during the day. Happy walking! :)

Tanna said...

Arghhh... I just cannot stay motivated. I KNOW I need to walk. Maybe this five minute plan will get me working on it again. Thanks, Sandie. blessinsg ~ tanna

Catherine said...

I will be so happy when spring returns ~ for many reasons ~ but especially for being able to get back outside and walk. It truly is a wonderful exercise.

Hope you are having a terrific weekend!
xo Catherine

Jim said...

Nice idea. When I had my first back surgery eleven years ago he only therapy my doc recommended was walking. Up to a mile and then extend it to two miles. Every day or two at the max.

Now I don't know what my rehab therapy will be, I have orders but haven't reported yet.

Early to bed and early to wise makes Sandie? My guess is lots of good exercise and then a nice blog write session. Thank you for the "Six Word" comment.

Jeanie said...

It sounds like you have sparked a lot of motivation in your readers....way to go. I do walk the dog every day but need to go longer sometimes.

Dar said...

Absolutely, getting up and going is the best ever advise. Better yet, I'm doing it finally. I was starting to feel sluggish this winter while knitting and crocheting gifts for Christmas. I started walking a loop in the house. Now my GrandLoves say, "Let's walk, Grandma:D," and we walk. It doesn't take long and they ask if they can pass me. It's a blast. Now I'm also walking outside when the cold air doesn't freeze my nostrils together. Ha!
I'm past 10,000 steps a day. Tired at first buy feeling great now.
BlessYourHeart and FantasticEntry

Anonymous said...

I actually love walking. I used to go all the time, but lately I haven't. Maybe, since tomorrow I have off work I'll go for a walk.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Walking is MY exercise. I do not do all of that aerobic stuff --but will do a swift walk instead... I think it's the best kind of exercise especially for someone almost 70...

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I swear by walking- it is the best exercise anyone can do- and doesn't cost a dime (except for the investment in a good pair of walking shoes).

I believe I will follow your advice about getting up every hour and walking around for a bit. I do tend to get over-involved in the computer sometimes and can sit for an hour or two and not even realize it. Great post!

Melanie said...

Very good advice, Sandie. I enjoy walking. We'll walk outside when the weather is nice, but I mostly use my treadmill.
Hope you have a great Sunday. We're out of school tomorrow, yay!! :)

^..^Corgidogmama said...

You could be a motivational speaker Sandie! Thanks for the needed reminder with info to back up your words!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Great advice! Just moving more helps in so many ways (weighs) LOL!
hugs, Linda

Grandma Bonnie said...

I have started walking more just before Christmas and I am happy to say I have much more energy. It does work if I can remember to walk every day.