"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesdays Tail - Being Spiled and Static Tails!

Good morning friends -

Is your dog spoiled?
Mine is.
His name is Disco.
He is supposedly half Chihuahua and half Jack Russell. Everyone think with that mix he's wild. Nope. In fact most of the day he sleeps until the kids come home. Then he plays a little with the grandson and then lays with the daughter. He is a lap dog for sure. Now the Chihuahua is bred to like one person. However since he is mixed he loves the rest of us too - but definitely daughters dog.

Now, not only does he sleep during the day - he has a pillow to lay on. He's a cold nature dog and needs a cover - my daughters sweater. Who has who trained?

He comes upstairs with me when I use the computer and the light is too bright for him. This is a peak of the baby sleeping. See the heart on his forehead.

I'm bad right? And the funny thing is I am last on his list. I am because I try not to pet him too much and he never comes in to my room because of allergies. We have tried 3 pugs over the years and each time I've had to give them to a friend. So we went to a different breed this time.

This is a miracle.

This is kind of cute. . .

My thank you today goes to Melanie!

Thought for the day:

Love, Chatty


MadSnapper n Beau said...

pictures of dogs under coats make my soul smile. i love that photo of just his heart showing. great post, and you knew i would love it because it is about DOGS... funny we both did a post about spoiled dogs today

Shelly said...

What would we do without our pups?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

GOtta love a spoiled little dog!

Anonymous said...

Giggling this morning! I have a mini schnauzer...Abigail Joy Flower Rhodes aka Abby Girl. She is rotten ... she has claimed one of my really nice comforters as her blanket..of course it is my fault ..I yield to her cravings and lustful desires...she is so precious to me ...she fills my heart with much joy...I have tried to have other inside dogs but could never get past the "potty training" my DNLAW trained Abby for me....my parents have had two Chihuahua < did I spell that correctly? > and they trembled all the time....and barked at every little pindrop noise...so I knew I did not want one of them... lol ...
Enjoyed reading about your Disco

Nancy said...

We are members of the same society...Pets Rule the Household...but isn't it fun...They are just so precious how can we tell them no......

Jeanie said...

Oh yes, our pet is spoiled. Our dog, Dodger, is pretty much the owner around here and we seem okay with that. Very cute pics of Disco.

The Boston Lady said...

Love that video, too funny! Of course my Bostons are spoiled! We are mere servants to their every whim. And we love it! Disco's heart is so sweet. Ann

Anonymous said...

Bichon's are pretty good dogs for those with allergies, as they are hypoallergenic and despite their long hair they don't shed. They are very sweet and not "too" hyper.

However, because they have long hair, and are white they do need to be brushed and bathed fairly frequently.

Kim said...

Millie is totally the boss in my house. She gets whatever she wants and she expects it. So yes, spoiled (but so worth it)
That video is too funny!

Lady Jane said...

Disco is such a great name for a dog. He looks so comfortable. My Ragsy gets great treatment also. He gets to sleep on the furniture and the bed. Glad you found a dog that you can live with cause there is nothing like a pet. Cheers. LJ
ps, that video was so funny....

Marti said...

Video of puppy looks just like my morning hair. LOL My dog loves me even though I don't spoil her, as in giving her table food. She thinks I need a seeing eye dog, as she always walks in front of me. Some day I am going to trip over her.

TexWisGirl said...

i love that sweet heart...

Sally said...

Yes, Hopper Henry is spoiled and I have no one to blame but myself. :)

Disco is so cute. Love the heart!!

Inger said...

What a sweet dog under covers. How cute is that? I want a lap dog so bad, but all I get are this large ones. Soldier is my lap dog, but he weighs 77 pounds, so he must stay on the floor. I just signed up to follow your blog but my picture is old because (here we go again) Blogger will not accept any of the newer ones.

Aarthi said...

so cute


Susan said...

Awwww, cute photos, Sandie. Disco is a sweet dog who loves comfort.

Honey Cat ALWAYS picks the best, most comfy and warm spot in the house. Usually it's my bed, at the base of a mound of pillows. She is a riot with Queen tendencies.

Loved the video, too. Makes you laugh. Susan

Jill said...

He is so sweet!

Marie said...

You know I LOVRE puppy dogs! I did see the heart, so cute! He's such a lucky doggy! I'm so glad you were able to keep him. :)
The puppy dog in video is so funny and cute! Thanks for the smiles!

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

Dogs Rule is right!! With 6 at our house it is madness and mayhem all the time! They have their own beds, and our beds, their own blankets on the couch. They wake me up in the morning to make sure I'm off to work on time, but really I know it's for cookies (aka treats). Spoiled spoiled spoiled but they make life sooo soo much more fun than without them! They are my four legged kiddos! Thanks for sharing and letting me know that I am not the only doggie spoiler!! =0)

Eat To Live said...

Looks so sweet while sleeping.... I always spoiled my animals. They were like my children.

Remington said...

SPOILED? SPOILED? I believe that is called "well cared for", my friend....so sweet!

Grammy Goodwill said...

No dogs for me, but I enjoy looking at others. Yours is a cutie with that heart on his head. I laughed at that video.

Ginny Hartzler said...

So you are allergic to dogs, but not Disco? He must be the perfect dog for you! I know breeds can make a difference. With cats, black ones are the worst ones for allergies. With disco's breed mix, I would think he would be off the wall all the time! Our friends had a Jack Russell who literally ate holes through the sheet rock walls. FUNNY video!

Lois Christensen said...

Your dog is so cute! And so is that video! Enjoy your day!

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I am a dog lover and yes I spoil my dog!!! I call him my youngest! The video was great. You always make me smile. Thank you.
Blessings for a beautiful day. Catherine xo

Anonymous said...

Disco is cute lying there under the cover sleeping ^_^
I loved that video - what a scary dog eh?! Very cute!
Have a lovely day!


Nancy's Notes said...

Awww, what an adorable sight and Disco is so happy, lucky dog!

Melanie said...

Disco is so cute! Lilly has a heart on her head too! :) I'm so glad you're not allergic to Disco...would be very sad.
That video makes me laugh every time! Hope you're having a good day. :)

Love Of Quilts said...

That video was so cute. Your dog is like mine she doesn't like me she loves my hubby. I posted something for you.

dr momi said...

I've seen that video of the static dog -- too funny. Your pup looks very loved :-)

Together We Save said...

Oh my puppies are very spoiled! Yours is a cutie!

Jane said...

Sure is a sweet looking dog. Spoiled...gotta love our canine babies ! Blessings Jane

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart!

You asked about dog dental care - we have Harriet's teeth cleaned once per year but we did not get her until she was age 4. I don't know how early they like to start.

Ann said...

I think you already know that Duke i s spoiled :) I love Disco's heart.
That video was so funny

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady.
I take my 160 Lb Great Dan to the vet ever year to have her teeth cleaned.She has Big Big teeth. I would like to thank you so much for your sweet comments on my tablescape for Valentine's Day. I hope you have a wonderful week with your family sweet lady.
XXOO Diane

Betty said...

Yes, our dog is definitely spoiled. She doesn't always come when I call her so I go out in the yard and carry her in. Who's trained???

That video of the dog would never be made here. Too much moisture in the air. When they were young our kids weren't even able to give each other shocks by rubbing their feet on the rug.

Belle said...

I love the heart on Disco's head. He is just so cute. The video was precious.

Debbie said...

He does have a heart on his head! That's so darling.

And that porcu-puppy in the video is hilarious. I don't know what is funnier, the puppy or the way they can't stop laughing at it.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

He is so cute! Love that little heart on his head!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

So sweet! He looks downright huggable. :)

Tanna said...

Disco is in the right place... =)

Have a great evening, Sandie! blessings ~ tanna

Jim said...

Hi Sandie ~~ Disco definitely is at least half Chihuahua. Chihuahuas are easily chilled and when cold they shake and shiver.

Mrs. Jim had a Chihuahua when we were married and finally he got to like me. But he was Mrs. Jim's dog. When I came along he really didn't like me in bed with Mrs. Jim even though he slept in the closet on and under a blanket.

Oh yes, we have Adi's teeth cleaned every three or four years. The vet tells us when but she has to go under anesthesia for that. Per the vet it might be never if we would brush them.

Adi has to have an EKG before the procedure now as she has a fairly bad heart murmer.

BECKY said...

Oh, he is ADORABLE!! And I baby Vern like that, too. He has his own "blankie" etc! :D

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love the 'heart' on his head...so sweet. Disco is a nice dog! hugs, Linda

DaCraftyLady said...

oh how funny your doggie is, mine loves towels and she rolls all over them and then gets under em...too funny, love the penguins...

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love that silliness photo!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

He is so cute. Glad he works for you. We have learned over the years that our family does best with the non shedding terries so we stick with the West Highland Terrier, Yorkie and Cairn Terrier.

Janie Fox said...

I think Disco is adorable. Maggie has a Chihuahua and she is a one person dog. She has some issues with strangers. I adore her and she does love me but, Maggie's husband is her go to.

Dolores said...

Oh my goodness, I laughed and laughed at the cute little dog with its hair standing straight up....

My animals are such a blessing to me!!
Thank you for thinking of me.... I love your inspirational blog!

Anonymous said...

I work in an AFC home. First thing in the morning I look for you. You bring me laughter, and give me a reason to smile when it is hard to. Thank you so much.

Dogmom Diva said...

Sandie, you KNOW my dogs are spoiled..they run the house, own the sofa, eat the best food and treats, and we would not have it any other way! I just love Disco and his sweet heart patch..I am sooo glad he has worked out well living in your home, I know it was kind of dicey with the allergies..I'm sure he is a blessing to you all..
I am hanging in there...long story but living day to day...hugs and love,

Sharon said...

Precious Disco - I just love dogs.

And you KNOW that Marty, my beloved grandbeagle, is spoiled. I sure hope I get some grandkids someday so I can spread the wealth around!


ocmist said...

Yes, your Disco really IS a miracle and I am so glad for your family that he worked out so well! He sure is a cutie!

That vid is really funny, poor little dog! :)