"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, February 27, 2012

Chocolate Factory and Blue Moon Pizza


Okay - today is my 59th birthday - one year to the birthday I think I will have trouble with - the big 60!!!!!!!

Since it was my birthday weekend we decided to have Chocolate for dinner and pizza for dessert. I mean why not? Right? Have you ever heard of Groupon? My daughter is the Groupon Queen. She busy them for everything.

We had a chocolate bar coupon and a Blue Moon Pizza coupon. Daughter wanted to do something different so we used them in reverse order.

Those are chocolate eggs of every flavor you could imagine. Peanut butter and jelly, mint, pumpkin, vanilla, chocolate, Oreo, red velvet, everything! So he wanted ten - did I tell you he is a little spoiled, but after all it was dinner. Seriously he let us all have one and give is mom three back for a gift - so he didn't eat that many.

Aren't they pretty?

Husband had a beer with sherbert in it - peach sherbert - he said it was pretty good.
Chatty had a martini - a red velvet martini.
You know what - I have never ever had a martini in my whole entire life - this was a first. It was a red velvet martini. Cost $10 but we did have a groupon - right?
Next we went to the Blue Moon Pizza around 9 pm!
May I say it was good!
They gave the grandson a piece of dough to make something. He made it into a star. And they baked it. Yummy!
Daughter and grandson dividing the pizza.
Okay my daughter sent me this and yes it was a forward - but she said she meant it - lol - so since it is my birthday today I am accepting it as a gift.

"She can deal with stress and carry heavy burdens.
She smiles when she feels like screaming, and she sings when she feels like crying.
She cries when she's happy and laughs when she's afraid. Her love is unconditional.
There's only one thing wrong with her. She forgets what she's worth!.
L-o-v-e Y-o-u!!"
(I love you too daughter of mine.)

Oh oh I forgot what else we did for lunch. That is why we had to do the other things so late - and another Groupon - the Swan House. And yes grandson came and had chicken fingers.

This is a look at the whole house. "Traditionally known as one of the most recognized and photographed landmarks in Atlanta, Swan House is an elegant, classically styled mansion built in 1928 for the Edward H. Inman family, heirs to a cotton brokerage fortune. The mansion, designed by famed Atlanta architect Philip Trammell Shutze, provides a glimpse into the lifestyle of this Atlanta family during the 1920s and 1930s. "

At the gift store I saw something that I wanted for a couple of years - saw it on Debbie's blog. I looked and looked and looked. GS and daughter bought it for me - but I have to wait until Mother's Day. I will show you then.

I had a great 59th birthday. lol I have been celebrating for a few days now- and have a few more things yet to do! I am a lucky gal.

Thought for the day:



At 2pm today we have our first interview at a Christian Middle School for my grandson. My friend Betty's son - Reid - will be getting the results of some big medical test - and my friend Ann is doing her orals for her dissertation - so thanks in advance for your prayers. So many people out there needing some prayers. Angela - Leontien - Marydon - flooding in Australia Kerrie's family Alzheimer - losing a loved one in death or in life - pets - cancer - jobs - alcohol and drugs - divorce - anxiety attacks - blindness - skin issues - autism - accidents - falls - nursing homes - respiratory illness - gosh when I see all this and I have today and for today I am okay - why would I complain about anything? Dear God please be with all of us! And I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. I love you all.


Shelly said...

Happy birthday! What a fun celebration. And, I will be praying for those you mentioned today.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is a great idea and I can't believe i never thought of it. next time it will be dessert first then themeal.. can't wait to see what you got at the gift shop. enjoy the rest of your day and I pray they will accept your GS in this school. i know that would be a load off your mind.Happy birthday

Jim said...

♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday Dear Sandie,♪♪
♪♪Happy Birthday to you.♪♪

Two o'clock in the morning! Wow!
You might be too old for that next year! :)
And for sure you can eat lite today! You celebrating looks like a lot of fun.
Oh yes, I prayed for your grandson, the school people, and all of you family involved. Those other friends too, in bulk.

Happy Birthday, Sandie! Many more!

Lynn said...

I'm glad you had a nice birthday - how could you go wrong with so much chocolate, with pizza for dessert!

Tolga said...

wishing you a happy birthday:)
can i get a littel piece of chocolate. thanks:)i like your blog. lol!

good wishes from istanbul.

Dolores said...

Your birthday celebration sounds wonderful!!! However, I'm gagging at the thought of sherbert in beer.... Yuck!! Your martini looks wonderful. Dessert first sounds good to me, who made the rule that dessert comes last.... go for it!

I love your daughter's sweet birthday message to you. Your grandson is so cute..... looks like he's having fun.
I'll pray for those you've mentioned.....

PR said...

That chocolate bar sounds amazing. Happy Birthday :)

Universal Gibberish

TexWisGirl said...

love that you got the chocolate in first, then the pizza. :) happy 59th, dear lady!

GrammyK said...

Happy Birthday Sandie!!! I'm glad that you were able to do some serious celebrating!!! Sounds like so much fun!!! I know you'll sail through next year's special day too with your good humor and faith in the Lord!!!

I love how your daughter and grandson have the exact same expression on their faces--like a mirror reflection--as they divide the pizza!! Cute!!

Hope you have a super fantastic 59th year!! And a special week too!! Praying that all would go well with the school interview!! <3

Jill said...

Happy, HAPPY Birthday, sweet Sandie. I'm so glad you had such a lovely weekend. You deserved it!

Stacy said...

Happy Birthday! It looks like you had a wonderful day. The chocolate looks amazing, the beer with peach sherbert interesting, and the house, gorgeous! Glad you had so much fun. :)

Lois Christensen said...

Happy Birthday!! I'm so glad to be able to wish you a Happy Birthday here and on Facebook! That pizza looks so delicious! I hope you're having a nice day!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Happy Birthday my dear friend! I would say you had a fun and yummy birthday weekend! Chocolate makes a birthday A-OK! Praying for you and GS today. Love you, Linda

Kim said...

Happy Birthday! Your backwards celebration sounds like so much fun!! Maybe I'll try that this year.
Your prayer reminder is sweet. You are always thinking of others. I hope the interview goes well today.
Cheers, Kim

Wanda's Wings said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a wonderful time.

Ginny Hartzler said...

HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Sandie!!!!! this post is so cool and so fun that I almost feel like I went with you! Where is the chocolate place, what is the name of it? I wish we had something like that here!!! i will have to tell my son about the beer float! The house is amazing, and I can't wait to find out what you bought! the martini looks beautiful, how did you like it? I have never had one, I think they may be an acquired taste. I will go to bed dreaming about the eggs!! Still praying for GS!!!!

Marie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY SANDIE!!! I'm so glad you and your family have celebrated YOU for a few days! You deserve no less! I wish I were there with you! Big hugs and kisses to you Sandie...from me!

I'm thinking of all those that yo mentioned. And I can't stop thinking of your GS and the school situation. Please let us know as soon as possible! Good luck!

Again, Happy Birthday Sandie my friend!
Love, Marie

Marti said...

Happy Birthday, Sandie. I hope that your day is memorable, and from my point of view 60 looks pretty good. I can't imagine beer and sherbet, but that red velvet martini sounds interesting, but was it good?

Sally Wessely said...

Happy birthday, Sandie! My birthday is tomorrow. Let's celebrate all week.

Looks like you had an amazing day. Good for you.

Sally said...

Happy Birthday, Sandie! I'm ten years older, until next month. LOL

Today is my great-granddaughter's birthday also, and was my oldest brother's also. I knew I liked you from the very first.


CalamityJr said...

Happy birthday, dear friend! Since my next birthday will be 60 plus 1, I can assure that you're worrying for nothing. 60 can be a very good number!

Debbie said...

I got here just in time! I'll be back, but I want to stop and pray right now because you're in the interview.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy birthday! Those candies certainly look good. That martini might be a little much for me though ;-)

Good luck w/ the interview!!

Debbie said...

OK, I'm back. I have prayed, and I so hope that you come back with a great report.

AND NOW, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I love the idea of the chocolate dinner with pizza dessert. Your family is just plain fun.

I've been to the Swan House. It's beautiful! I need to google "groupon" now.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dear Sandie!!!
It seems like you've had a wonderful weekend, with birthday celebrations and you deserve ALL of it!
I love that verse your daughter sent you ^_^

Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! @} @} @}


The Boston Lady said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Sandie!!! Your name popped up on my phone today via FB! Sounds like you had a special celebration and how nice to get that forward from your daughter.

Fingers crossed and prayers said for school interview and all those in your circle in need.


Unknown said...

Well Happy Birthday Lady! Maybe I should do that for my 64th!!! Prayers are being said!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Happy Birthday, sweet lady!! You are celebrating in style...good for you!! Your daughter's message is so sweet and I loved all your photos. I bet you have had a huge smile on your face all day! Have fun and enjoy your big day!
Love and hugs,

Mimi said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday...sounds like a great time!

Remington said...

Beth here! Happy 59th Birthday! I refuse to say that so this year will be my 31st Anniversary of my 28th birthday....ha ha! I hope you enjoy your day! We will keep those you mentioned in our thoughts and prayers....

Grammy Goodwill said...

Happy birthday! What a fun day you had.

Ann said...

Happy Birthday. I love your way of celebrating. I think I'll copy that on my birthday and do desert first

Mevely317 said...

Say, may I borrow your daughter when my birthday comes along? :)
I LIKE the way she thinks, Sandie! These pictures made me smile ... and the martini looks incredibly good!
So happy you had a lovely day ... you deserve it!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I had no idea. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy the rest of your 50's. It sounds like you had a perfect celebration and you deserve it!
I love Groupon and buy them often.
I will keep everyone in my prayers.
Again, Happy 59th Birthday to a very sweet blogging friend. ((HUGS))

Angela said...

¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
(¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY BIRTHDAY *

Sounds like you had a wonderful time! Pizza and chocolate! you can't go wrong there! Hope the interview went well!


ps Thanks for the prayers!

Unknown said...

Oh, sweet friend, I wish I had known before. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, wonderful gal! And, I see you had a fabulous dinner with your family. Dessert first wins with me hands down. So enjoyed the family pictures, but WHERE ARE YOU?

May God bless you & keep you, bring joys to your day ... As He brings you sweet love, from a friend far away.

Have a wonderful eve ~

PS TY for the remembrance in prayers.

Buttercup said...

Happy, happy birthday and many more great celebrations. I thought I was the groupon queen! That martini looks so good. I'm not a frequent cocktail fan, but every few months or so somethat like that hits the spot.

Rob-bear said...

So, Willy Wonka has gone Italian. Who would have thought?

Happy Birthday, Sandi.

Just to let you know, turning 60 is no big thing. Been there; done that.

The big thing is when your children turn 60.

Sweet Tea said...

Happy Birthday!!
What a fun day for a fun lady!!
I can't think of anyone who deserves a great birthday any more than you!! So glad you enjoyed it.

Hope the school turns out to be a great find for your grandson!

Susan said...

OMG Sandie!!!!!!!

Today is your birthday! OHHHHHH, Happy Happy Day, Girlfriend. I'm so glad you were born!

Wish I still had your phone number. Don't know what I did with it.

Anyway, SOOOO glad you had a splendid day. Now for a splendid new year of life, too! Susan

Nancy said...

Happy Birthday to you sweet lady....I am so glad you had chocolate for the main course and pizza for dessert....What a way to celebrate..and to have your family with you...It doesn't get any better....

I hope you have a wonderful week and continue to celebrate all week....

Belle said...

That looks and sounds like the best birthday ever! It has given me some ideas for mine. :) Chocolate and pizza, what could be better?

Mary said...

Happy, happy, birthday...sounds like you celebrated well.

Shug said...

Happy Birthday Sandie..
I like your ways of celebrating..Pretty interesting.
I can sense that you truly had a wonderful time...good for you!
Chocolate and pizza, just doesn't get any better than that!
Blessings Sweetie..

Tanna said...

Happy, Happy Birthday, Sandie!!! One of my little brother's is today. He is 52 and we celebrated all weekend! That Blue Moon pizza looks like it was wonderful and you know I'd have loved to have seen the inside of that house. Can't wait til Mother's Day to find out what you wanted.

I know it's late for prayers about the interview, but I so hope it went well. blessings and hugs and one more wish for a wonderful year! t.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Your day sounded so fun..
Good food and surrounded by love.
We will remember to pray!

The Long Awaited Home said...

What a great birthday! Happy 59th to you!!!!

Elaine said...

Happy Birthday.. Age is only a number and you won't feel any different ...

Linda O'Connell said...

Sandie, A very happy birthday to you, and why not eat chocolate as a main course?!

Nancy said...

The happiest of birthdays to you, dear Sandie! What a wonderful day full of food and family. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :)

ClassyChassy said...

A little late, but happy birthday, friend! Sounds like a phenomenal day you DID have! Many more to come!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Hi honey
Sorry I am late but I thought your birthday was today. My sons is today so Belated Happy Birthday.
I enjoyed reading about your day. You had quite the adventures. I squirmed when I saw what hubby was drinking. hahaha
Have a great Birthday week

Catherine said...

I sure hope you had a terrific birthday! It looks like it was fun!
xo Catherine

Betty said...

I'm trying to play catch up tonight. WOW...you did have a busy birthday. Now I know how old you are...you're just a kid compared to me! I've never heard of those places you went to, but they sure sounded like fun. I'm not so sure about sherbert in beer, but I bet it kept the beer nice and cold. Nice poem from your daughter. Thanks for the prayers.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday a little late. My prayers are with you. I always wanted to see the Swan House. The photo is beautiful.

Unknown said...

I hope had a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Babs said...

Sandie, Happy Birthday!! It looks like you had a wonderful day. Red velvet martini and the Swan House? Whoo! Hoo! What a birthday!

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

It looks like you had a fantastic birthday. Happy sweet Birthday to you my friend.


Jane said...

Caught my name in that post! Many, many thanks for your prayers!!


Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
Have a Happy Birthday with all your loved ones, Sandie dear!!
I am sure you had a wonderful birthday with your dear family and friends.
I am sorry to post belated birthday wishes, but we had a bad storm that left us without Internet Service for several days.
Anyway, Have a Great Birthday and for many more years to come ahead on your way!!
God may bless you all, Sandie!!
Big Hugs,
Poet Starry.

Sharon said...


In the hubbub of my life, I'm late to the party. Please accept my very belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You're just barely a year ahead of me. It's not so bad, huh?! (Please say NO!)

Looks like you had a great day.

Still praying about GS and school.