"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday - My gift to you! A story, a thought, and an inspirational video.

I heard this in our sermon last week before we had communion and I wanted to share it with you.

Dr. Welch was a dentist and a Methodist. In the Methodist church we have communion once a month. Years ago Dr. Welch would see people who were addicted to alcohol come for communion. He felt bad that about the alcohol and the church. So he and his family went out and cut 40 pounds of grapes - they juiced them - capped them up in air tight bottles for a few weeks. When they went back and opened it they expected the juice to be spoiled. Instead it was grape juice. Pure delicious grape juice! He went to his minister and gave him some of the juice to use, then to other churches, and a company was born. He was a dentist and a business man.

If you have time to look at only one e-mail today, make it this one.

Thought for the day:

Hi Lord, it’s me. We are getting older and things are getting bad here. Gas prices are too high, no jobs, food and heating costs too high. I know some have taken you out of our schools, government and even Christmas, but Lord I'm asking you to come back and re-bless these United States of America. We really need you! There are more of us who want you than those who don't! Thank You Lord, I Love you.

"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."



Anonymous said...

Hello my dear friend :) That guy is amazing isn't he - so full of life and positivity. Thank you for sharing this video. Hope you're having a great Sunday!
Big hugs x


Jill said...

I wasn't able to view the video (my computer woos) but I really enjoyed the story of Dr. Welch!

Happy Sunday to you!

PR said...

That guy is amazing, thanks for sharing it. Gona make all my friends watch it :)

Unknown said...

Awesome video!

Pondside said...

Thanks for posting that - he is an amazing man and so generous to spend his life sharing his story and his outlook. Those kids will be changed - they'll never forget him.

GrammyK said...

Just catching up. Had a busy week! Sigh. This one looks to be much the same but I'm hoping to be able to pop in more often. Thanks for the encouragement and kind words you send my way!! Have a fantastic week!! <3

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Exactly the point!! :)
Anyway..just dropped by to say "good morning!" and to wish you a great Sunday.
No one can take God out of anything! Not even! HE is your choice and what you believe is all your own.
I get out of a warm bed in the morning..have the right to attend any church of my choice, vote for a leader, and voice my opinion.
HE is not gone because he is within.
Life is what we make it and all will be well. Men do a fine job of messing things up but men also do a fine job (with support and time) straightening things out.
We are blessed..we really are!
Gas prices are terrible here, my lovely daughter and her husband just lost their home of 12 years over half paid for, grands just graduating from college and no jobs..but I have faith! I do! If I have faith and a good attitude so will my family and they look to me for encouragement.
That's what makes things better. Faith!

Hugs and love to you.. :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love that header shot, i think it is ducks walking on ice and reflections upside down.
great story about the grape juice, never thought about it that way.
as for the prayer, I prayed it, but i don't think there are more of us who want HIM than those who do not, or we would not be in the shape we are in

Southhamsdarling said...

Wonderful video. Thanks for sharing it with us! I really liked the prayer at the end. Hope your weekend is going well my friend. Hugs.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Thank you for your always uplifting posts! Happy Sunday! hugs, Linda

Anonymous said...

Always enjoy your blog ...and today is NO DIFFERENT....Happy Sonday

ruthie said...

What a beautiful thought for Sunday - and I LOVE your photos. Thank you for all the inspiration and uplift you give me.

Susie - Walking Butterfly said...

Never get tired of seeing his videos. Simply amazing illustration of life being what you make of it! Thanks for the reminder!

Shelly said...

Dr. Welch- amazing! Your posts are always a gift to us.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I have seen this guy speak on T.V. before, he is amazing!! So this is the story of Welch's Grape Juice? The above picture is glorious!! It looks like a wet street with all the buildings reflected on it and the ducks are walking on it, am I right?

Sharon said...

I love that Nick - he is absolutely one of the MOST inspirational people I have ever seen. He puts a lot of stuff into perspective, doesn't he?

Yes, Lord - many of us love You so very much. Come back to our country, start a revival in our nation - and start it in the hearts of Your children.


Ann said...

good story about the dentist and the guy in the video is very inspiring.

The Boston Lady said...

Sandie, I don't know where you find these videos and inspirational quotes, but today I really needed to see that beautiful young man with the brilliant attitude! Thank you for sharing and I am passing it on to my daughter right now. Ann

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I'm guessing it's ice, but not sure. Great video- he is such a positive person.

larkswing said...

That reflection picture is amazing!!! I will have to go back and read the rest, backwards! I get stuck on that first pictures. . . obviously I am easy to entertain!! Thank youuuuuuu!!!!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

He is an inspiration, Sandy as are YOU!!...:)JP

Arkansas Patti said...

I had seen that video before and that young man is a true inspiration. There is nothing we can't do if we really try.

Lois Christensen said...

Yes, love the Welch's Grape Juice! Great story, did not know that! Enjoy your day!

Bev said...

Interesting about Welch's... Happy Sunday!!

Rob-bear said...

Let me guess. The picture at the top is of a pair of Mallards on the ice, in a location close to an Orthodox church or monastery. Red Square? Well, perhaps not. Just ducky, I'd say.

Which reminds me, the Canada Geese have started returning to River City. Today. Out on the river ice, and swimming in the icy river.

The rest of your post was wonderful, too.

Blessings and Bear hugs.

Karen Lange said...

Thank you, Sandie. You always make me smile, laugh, and/or feel inspired. You're a blessing!

Belle said...

Beautiful photo of the ducks and reflection. I've seen this video and think he is a wonderful man. I just bought Welch's grape juice a few days ago! It was the only brand my mom bought when I was young.

Buttercup said...

What a great story of my favorite Welch's grape juice! Hugs and wishes for a happy week.

Jim said...

Nice Sunday post, Sandie. Makes me want to start back doing an inspirational Sunday post.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

It's always fun and thought provoking to stop by here. the duck picture had me for a minute.....great video and facts on welch. Chatty.....have an amazing week......filled with only good stuff.

Tiffanee said...

Love this! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Debbie said...

Amazing video!!! This man has no legs, and yet he was able to give me a kick in pants. He has no arms, and yet he was able to hug my heart. I am so glad you shared this, Sandie!!

Changes in the wind said...


Anonymous said...

Dr. Welch is buries less then a mile from my house. I never knew this until about two weeks ago when my Dad and Fiance started talking about it after seeing a Welches commercial on television. I'm going to find his gravestone.

Marie said...

Your header looks like ducks walking in a puddle or wet street and the those are reflections from buildings.
That guy is amazing!
Love the story of Dr Welch!

Alice said...

That is very interesting about the grape juice, who knew?