"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Thursday - Want to Feel today? Watch this video!

It will make you feel the whole gamut of feelings. You will cheer - you might cry - but it will leave you with a good feeling - the world has a lot of good going on - you just have to look for it.

Two minutes...

Thought of the day:

A little OREO trivia.

Happy birthday OREO!

People always ask what is in the middle. It's cREam. If you look at the letters of oREo - the RE is part of the word cREam stands for cream and there are two O's - that stand for each side of the cookie - put them together means cream in the middle of two cookies. Did I explain that well enough? The Oreo's out this month have birthday cake flavor in the middle.



Shelly said...

That video is so inspiring. Really touched my heart!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oreos are my most favorite of all bought cookies. had no idea. that is an amazing video and it is also amazing he can communicate like that with autism. very uplifting.

The Boston Lady said...

I remember this story - it was so amazing! Ann

TexWisGirl said...

i remember seeing this on the news...

Lynn said...

It looked as if the players from the other side were cheering, too. Now that's sportsmanship. Lovely.

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I saw this young man on the news too. What an awesome team he has. This is a coach that really taught "There is no "I" in TEAM". It is truly a proud moment.

Luv the baby and the fist pump!!

Marti said...

That video was so touching. What a great day for that boy! Thank you for sharing.

Ginny Hartzler said...

WHAT, new Oreos are out? I have to make an emergency stop at the grocery store!!! Loved the video. BUT they didn't say if they let him actually play on the taem for the season. They should, he is so good!!!

Anonymous said...

Amazing video and very inspiring.
Mmmm gimme Oreo's [hahahah] they look so jummy!
HAve a lovely day my friend!


Shug said...

We go through lots and lots of Oreo's each week....Oreo's and milk is the afternoon snack around here for the grandkids...
Love that cake!

Unknown said...

WOW! What a video!

Jill said...

I have seen this MANY times and I LOVE it EVERY time!

Southhamsdarling said...

What an awesome video, and an inspiring young man. WhaT AN awesome photo of that Great Grey Owl!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I have a happy tear in my eye from this video! Hugs, Linda

momto8 said...

I remember showing this video to my boys...a lesson for all of us.
I'll have an oreo in your honor right now!

Remington said...

Awesome! And you are so right....no negative thoughts!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I saw this video when it first aired. Bob Shieffer is my favorite newscaster of all time and has a wonderful way of reporting the news and is always polite, a true gentleman of the old school. It was perfect that it aired on his show. Wonderful stories abound, however, we hear so little of them.

Ann said...

Now that's truly and uplifting video.

Love Of Quilts said...

Oreo's are the best cookies made!

Stella said...

The video touched my heart. Just goes to show the Lord has his hand in the smallest things to bring us joy.

Anonymous said...

what an amazing video. me and oreo share a birthday so my friend gave me the birthday ones. don't care much for them, but hey the package is almost empty!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I remember seeing that amazing video before and it still brought tears to my eyes again! I think even the announcer got choked up at the end.

I love Oreos, and that is a tasty looking cake!

Mind if I borrow the stay strong photo and send it to my kids? I love it!

Have a nice Friday and weekend!

Grammy Goodwill said...

What a great video. Hubby and I both enjoyed it.

Knitty said...

Seeing both teams and both sets of fans cheer makes my heart happy. At the first basketball game after the shooting in Ohio last week (two weeks ago?) the opposing team came out wearing t-shirts honoring the school that had experiencing the tragedy. That made me teary eyed. This is people at their best.

Blondee said...

I remember him being on the news. Inspiring story for sure. :)

Michaele said...

My cup overfloweth!

Susan said...

Awwwwww, that video brought tears to my eyes, Sandie. Way to go! What a kid. Too bad the coach hadn't let him play years before!

Loved your post today. Very inspiring. Susan

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love Oreo's for sure!

Grandma Bonnie said...

The clouds are beautiful and the video clip is breath taking. I had to share this with my children. Thank you for sharing.

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

I loved the video!

Oreo's were once my favorite cookie. Well they still are but I don't eat them very often.


PR said...

Go Jason! Birthday cake oreo's, mmmm :) Universal Gibberish

Changes in the wind said...

Hot as a pistol indeed...great little guy:)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

That oreo cake looks amazing. Your new header pic is so pretty!

Marie said...

I remember this on the news...very touching story.
Oreos are pretty tasty and I would love to taste that cake!

Debbie said...

Why oh Why do I get too busy for the computer when the BEST stuff is posted? That was wonderful, and I'm passing this link along to a blog friend with an autistic son. FANTASTIC!!

Sharon said...


And you just HAD to bring up Oreos. My all-time favorite cookie. I remember the days when I would eat a whole row at one time.
