"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Wednesday- Hump Day


Okay do you know why it is good to be a woman?

1. We got off the Titanic first!

2. No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival the Speedo.

3. We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves.

4. If we forget to shave, no one has to know.

5. We can congratulate our teammate without ever touching her rear end.

6. We have the ability to dress ourselves.

7. There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems.

8. We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening anyway.

My favorite is number 8.

Now what about number 9 or 10?

9. ?

10. ?

Any thought - sorry men - I don't mean to make fun of you, just having some good old fun - and if you have any thoughts why it is better to be a man - please feel free to give me an example!

We really can't live without you anymore then you can live without us!




Sandy aka Doris the Great said...

9. We don't have to be embarassed until we're 28 because our voice hasn't changed yet!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

One of my favorite numbers is 8 also. Both my boys have their birthdays on the 8th ( 8th April and 8th May. My husbands month is August ie the 8th month of the year. Also 9 is one of my favorite numbers as is the 9th month which is September, it is my daughter's month of birth.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

One of my favorite numbers is 8 also. Both my boys have their birthdays on the 8th ( 8th April and 8th May. My husbands month is August ie the 8th month of the year. Also 9 is one of my favorite numbers as is the 9th month which is September, it is my daughter's month of birth.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Number 8....too true!! The only time I'd ever trade places with a man is when I have to fix my hair. It must be nice to just hop in the shower, dry off, run a comb through it and go!
Have a nice day!

Jill said...

Nothing more to offer but this is so funny...and true!

Remington said...

I don't have a clue....I am a guy....

Dolores said...

Oh what a precious little bull dog!!!

Cute thoughts .....I love #3....so true of so many men...lol!

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

#8. We were born with a tracking device in out uterus because, when asked by husbands or children... "have you seen...do you know where the ....is? .... we do! I always hated that I did know. People..keep up with your own stuff!

TexWisGirl said...

the only thing i think guys have over us is the ability to look at themselves and see handsome and built rather than frumpy, lumpy and old...

Marsha Young said...

What a FUNNY post.

Thanks for the chuckle.

have a good day. ...Marsha

Shelly said...

Loved this- it's also good to be a woman because our clothes are so much prettier and more fun to wear.

Terra said...

Number 2 is a good one. I am sure men could write a list too, as you suggest. Probably work in gossip and menopause in the list. Giggle.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i agree on number 8 so make that 9 and 10. as for sharing my sparkle does wearing shimmer powder on my face count?

Bev said...

I love that dog!!

Southhamsdarling said...

Oh, it's so good to be back with you all again!! Loved this post about why it's good to be a woman. Very funny, and so true!! Yes, I do like the sparkly picture as much as you. I love anything sparkly.Hugs.

Unknown said...

Well it sure is easier for a man to pee in the woods! LOL Otherwise, I'm good!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

The owl on your header is staring at me!

9. We can be horse crazy and it's cool :-)

Ginny Hartzler said...

Well, I have seen a lot of lists about why it is good to be a man, but not any women ones...I'm trying to think...how about we can act however we want once a month and get a free pass? I LOVE LOVE the owl!!!!

Anonymous said...

I like your new header photo - magnificent owl!
Funny post!


momto8 said...

haha we can dress ourselves and MATCH!

Ann said...

how about of course we don't work as hard as men do, we get it right the first time....lol

Grammy Goodwill said...

These are funny. I must admit that after 21 years of marriage, I can usu tell when my hubby has zoned out on me. It still aggravates me though.

Angela said...

Sandie, the one thing that men have over on us women is they can pee outside with no problems! roflol!


Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell said...

The Speedo...so true! And the passing gas as well.

Blondee said...

GREAT list!!!

I have so enjoyed getting to know you better these last couple of days. You are an inspiration to me. Your kind heart and sweet spirit are amazing.

Betty said...

I'm drawing a blank. You pretty much covered them all.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I love all your pretty pictures!
Are they free?
Where do you get them?
I love the owl.

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....LOVE the owl photo. And your sweet little Tinkerbell makes me smile. YOU definitely share your sparkle with others---with everyone reading this blog.

Now, as for 9 and 10, hmmmmm.

9.We can dye our hair and it looks good. You can ALWAYS tell when a man dyes his hair and it doesn't always look good.

10. We not only get to have fun with our children, we MAKE them!


Grandma Bonnie said...

#7 would be my favorite.
#9. We get the job done with or with out the right tools. (My mom always said we don't need a screw driver or hammer to fix something just get the butter knife or a shoe.)

Marie said...

I agree with Chery's comment. And I love Ginny's comment...so true! This is one FUNNY post!!!

Belle said...

I've got one: A kitchen doesn't confuse women.

Nikki (Sarah) said...

loved this and even more...love your new header. Hope your day shines.

Anonymous said...

Well, I agree but the work environment I have been placed in ...the women in this place outshine the men in rudeness, crudeness and pride...in thinking their you know what doesn't stink...my supervisor has one of the most vulgar mouths around, and well all I can say, and she thinks she is a GODESSS and everyone NEEDS and MUST bow to her to keep her happy....!
I am happy to be a woman....

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Chatty -

Funny post! I found myself nodding and laughing through the whole thing.

Susan :)

VBR said...

What makes a great blog? When the very first sentence you read makes you laugh out loud. First off the Titanic cracked me up. It was toally unexpected!
Chatty Crone you have a great sense of humor.
My favorite number is 3!

Debbie said...

I'm late to this one. I loved it.

#9. Make up covers our zits.

#10. We meet the nicest people when we ask direction.

Sharon said...

#9. We don't have to shave our chin hair on a regular basis - (wait a second...scratch that one).

#10. We can multitask - like drive and talk at the same time.
