"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Thursdays Feelings


I have received a lot of forward recently about bridges. And I thought maybe I would write about bridges.- symbolically of course.

As I go traveling on my bridge of life - sometime the way is so straight and narrow - and I know I'm on the right path and going the right direction. Then all of a sudden - the bridge branches out in two directions - maybe more - and there are no markers on them.

Sometimes it's scary.

Sometimes it's cold and lonely.

But in the end - and this is my believe - if we stay faithful and on the right path - and if we get off the right path - as soon as we know it's wrong - hop back on the right path - then I know where I will be ending m y journey.

And it is not easy!

or this path again.

Is it always easy for you to stay on the right path?


Jeanie said...

Staying on the right path is not always easy, but it is even harder sometimes to know what the right pat is.

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Chatty -

I particularly liked your last statement. Each day is a treasure and filled with opportunities.

Susan :)

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, I pray daily for the Lord's guidance in making the right decisions. It's not always easy to know which path is the best. You are right about each day being a unique opportunity. God bless you today - enjoy this wonderful weather!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

this is great, love all the different bridges, that is a wild and different one that branches off. i have a few times in my life chosen the wrong path and once crashed and burned and had to find a new path, but it worked out for the good eventually. it is so hard to decide which path to take. if i had remembered to let God help me choose the path, i could have saved others and myself a lot of grief. great post

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I think I tend to stay on the right path most of the time. You have a fun collection of bridges here today :-)

Anne said...

I try! Such a lovely blog!~ I'm a new follower ~ ♥♥

PR said...

Lovely thought of the day, everyday is unique. Love those bridge pictures :)

betty said...

This was great, Sandie; lots of things to think about with bridges or paths like the Bible says, to stay on the narrow one. My biggest thing is when I'm on a bridge or a path, sometimes I think I stay on them longer than I should; sometimes I need to move on to a different one. I too seek God's wisdom to make sure I'm on his bridge :)

have a great day!


Susan said...

Hi Sandie....Vince Gill sings a great song about "which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn." I love that singer.

Very nice post today, Sandie. I'd like to walk on a bridge that would take me right to your house. Then we could visit, laugh, and have fun! Susan

Wanda's Wings said...

It is all about the paths we take.

Wanda's Wings said...

It is all about the paths we take.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love your header picture! Yes, hard though it can be, I think I manage to stay on the right path, and hope I don't make too many wrong turns. But I guess my problem would be that I dally too long in my walking!


The path we take makes all the difference. Crossing a bridge to nowhere is never what we need. So it is nice to know there are others to follow. Take care.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie I am so glad our paths have crossed and we have met. It's important to have a friend who understands all that I'm going through. Hugs, Linda

Marti said...

I have crossed so many bridges and burnt a few. I am always looking expectantly for the next one. Have a good day.

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

I love the two pathed bridge over the water. that's a tough decision to make. I also can relate to the "Which bridge to cross and which bridge to burn" sign. That can be difficult too. You left me with something to think about for sure.

Anonymous said...

It is all about the bridges we take in life.

Jill said...

While not always easy, you are so right. You have some fantastic bridges here.

Belle said...

Love the photos. We do have these choices to make in life don't we? Each time we hope we are making the right decision.

AudreyO said...

I love your post. Life constantly changes. We are constantly offered new opportunities. How awesome to compare this to bridges and crossings.

Unknown said...

At 63, I am finally doing a pretty good job keeping on the right path. Thank You Lord!

Anonymous said...

Staying on the right path is not always so easy. Some lovely bridges there my friend :) A great comparison of the road of life...! I love it! Hope you're having a great day! Big hugs! Eva

GrammyK said...

Love the bridges!! There's many in life to cross. :-)

We don't really celebrate St. Patricks day other than to wear green and this year we will be reading about Saint Patrick in our homeschool. :-)

So Happy St. Pat's day and hope you have a great weekend (a bit early but I may not get back here before then!) <3

Kim@stuffcould.... said...

You describe our paths so well...I like the bridges

Ann said...

Love this and all the pictures of the bridges.
To be honest with you I'm never quite sure if I'm on the right path or not. I do know that I'm usually on a path that makes me happy so it can't be all bad

Jim said...

This is a lovely post, Sandie! :)
The pretty pictures match your thoughts soooo well!

Mrs. Jim makes it easier to follow the right path. She tells me when she sees me looking at the wrong one. BTW, she rescued me from the trolls and gremlins along the wrong path.
I write quite a bit about the paths we take or might take. I can't remember any about selection of bridges.
Jim's osts abot paths
Towards the end some come up using the word path except for the promt suggestor, Geraldine of My Poetic Path.

Arkansas Patti said...

Ah yes, the trick is knowing which is the right path or having the good sense to know when it isn't. Still working on that.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Which path to take? I'd like to think I chose the right one every time, but I know I haven't. The good thing is that God already knows which direction I am going to point my toes, so even when I make a wrong turn, he's going to teach me a lesson somewhere along the way.

Tuscany Talks said...

Great post mom. Very meaningful to where I am right now. I'm glad God knows where we're headed (even if we don't :)!!

I love you!

Sally Wessely said...

Great thoughts using a great visual reminder.

Kerrie said...

Good day to you Sandie. A very nice post!

Unknown said...


Dar said...

Life is a journey, each bridge we cross or attempt, is a lesson. I agree with you. May we always take the right turn.

Debbie said...

I'm as prone to wander as the next person. My wandering heart gets off the path in subtle ways, selfishness mostly.

I'm grateful to Him for constantly giving me the holy "ahem". He does it through my family and sometimes friends, even blog friends. Most of the time, it comes as I'm preparing to teach a lesson and I see a big neon finger in the Word pointing out my little detour.

I'm grateful for however He gets me back on track, though, because I'm always so miserable in the wandering.

Great post, Sandie. It made me think. (Of course, since I'm blond I now have a headache.)

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

I like this. It's more like a journey. For me the path is not scary. I don't really fear the direction my life is going. I look at it at all the possibilities ahead of me. :)


Sally said...

Yes, indeed so many bridges to cross but always at the other side, something to be thankful for if we look hard enough.

I've certainly fallen off the path many times, though. Thankfully, He helps me get straitened out again.


Blondee said...

Staying on the right path can be a challenge...especially on those days that you feel like it cannot possibly be the right path.
Great post. :)

I didn't know I had word verification, according to my settings it is off. :/

deb said...

Sometimes it is so hard to figure out which one is the right path.


Catherine said...

It really is hard to know which path to stay on but as long as I have family and friends beside me I know I will be OK! :)
xo Catherine

forgetmenot said...

Lovely post--inspirational. I just posted the quote about crossing and burning bridges on FB the other day (great minds think alike, right?). Beautiful "bridge " pictures. Have a terrific weekend. Mickie:)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I try very hard to stay on the right path, and pray that I will do so. But sometimes I'm guilty of telling God where I should be instead of listening! Hugs, Cheryl

Alida Sharp said...

It is work staying on the path...indeed. So grateful that He is the guide!

Blessings to you,

Lynn said...

Love those St. Patty's Day cartoons. :)

Sharon said...

I loved your thoughts, Sandie. And no, it isn't easy for me to stay on the right path. Sometimes, quite honestly, it's because the right path isn't easy - and sometimes I'm just tempted to take the easy way.

However, Jesus told us that the path to life is narrow. Hard or not, it's the way to go...

...even with tired legs and a weary spirit.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Beautiful post with great inspiration. Thank you.