"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Everyone is getting ready for St. Pat's Day - Chatty is too!

But spring is here in Georgia for sure!

I'm lucky enough to pass this gorgeous tree each time I leave and enter my subdivision.

Okay I am from Chicago but I no longer live there - however every St. Pat's day - they did color the river green and many of you wanted to see it.

This is the downtown area.

It stays green for just a day or so.

Amazing - right?

Now I live in Georgia - can you believe they do the same thing - in Savannah - on the river!

Today Angela from West Virginia's Treasures is having surgery for breast cancer - so please pray for her. Thanks.




Nancy said...

Have never been much in celebrating St. Patrick's Day -- but I love your photos of the green rivers and the blooming trees! :)

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for mentioning Anglea, i am praying and should have mentioned it to. i think the green river is ugly. i am from Savannah, that is my home town, but they did not start greening the river until i left there so i have not seen it green. Savannah is a big celebration town for S Pat day, parades and all that kind of stuff and thousands of drunk people. I always stayed out of the way in a safe place. down here the pubs will be full, but no parades or green rivers.

Shug said...

I love to see the trees in bloom...When I walk out my door, I can smell the sweetest fragrance in the air...
that river is pretty cool! How long does it stay GREEN?
Have a great day!

Lynn said...

The Bradford Pear trees are glorious in the Atlanta area right now. Just beautiful.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

forgot to say how much i love love those shots of your neighbor hood trees, they are gorgeous. do they have a smell? like sweet smell?

Helen said...

Absolutely beautiful ... I need to return for a visit, a Roswell visit. Is your subdivision in Marietta? I've forgotten. Thanks so much for the very sweet comment on my Carl post.

Shelly said...

Beautiful pics, for sure. I am praying for Angela~

Marti said...

That blooming tree is gorgeous. All the citrus are blooming here, it is spring for sure. Have a good day.

Mevely317 said...

Those pix from Chicago are surreal! I'd love to see that in person someday!

BECKY said...

Sandie, thanks for sharing such beautiful photos! I've never heard of cities doing that with rivers or lakes, etc.!! But here in St. Louis, when the Cardinals are in the Play Offs or World Series, the downtown fountains have RED water!
Also...it's Spring here, too! Which is unbelievable! I'm lovin' it!

momto8 said...

do they really color the river?! oh my goodness that is amazing!! the pear trees are just so beautiful.
thank you for asking for prayers for another person...life is so much better when we stick together!

momto8 said...

do they really color the river?! oh my goodness that is amazing!! the pear trees are just so beautiful.
thank you for asking for prayers for another person...life is so much better when we stick together!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Thanks, these are wonderful pictures!!! They dye the river green in Savannah, too? I didn't know that! How far is it from you? And what IS that man snapping?

Nancy said...

I knew they put green in the river in Chicago but I did not know they did that in Savannah.....How cool...

I hope you are having a wonderful day sweet lady...

Just Stuff From a Boomer said...

Gorgeous tree. I have those trees all around my condo community too, but not nearly as big.

Luv the green river. I'd heard they did that, but I've never seen it. Kind of surprised actually that I never saw it on the news. You'd think that is something that would get broadcast.

Dolores said...

I love St. Patrick's day and I love the color of green.... happy day and happy color.

The San Antonio river is colored green also for St. Patty's day.

Praying for Angela.


PR said...

What a beautiful tree.How do they do that to the river? Hope your friend gets better :)

Arkansas Patti said...

That sure is a lot of vegetable dye. Wonder if the fish change color for the day.
Your friend is in my prayers.

TexWisGirl said...

very sweet of you to post for angela, dearie. :)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Sandie, I am definitely keeping Angela in my prayers. She lives in one of my favorite states...

Love the flowering fruit trees this time of year. Our Bradford Pears are gorgeous now up here on the plateau.

Happy St. Pat's Day to you.

dr momi said...

LOVE that green river in Savannah!


Thanks for the ST. Patrick's Day trip back to Chicago. Didn't realize how much I missed that GREEN water until I saw your photos. Felt like going home. take care.

Anonymous said...

How nice your into Spring already.

I enjoy your pictures but the green water. Not my color in water. Other then that you have sold me on the rest of the pictures. Please drop in to my blog for a vist. I hope we can share somemore with each other. I am new at this. I am a chatty gal like you. You will see my blog.

Anonymous said...

I am not really knowing who you asked prayer for but I am willing to pray also.

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

Georgia's trees are wonderful.
The green rivers are something else.
Pretty cool I mean green looking.

I will pray for Angela.


Southhamsdarling said...

Wonderful to see the photo of the green river! Also all the lovely spring photos. Isn't it wonderful to see another season fast approaching. I just love spring when everything is just so new and fresh looking. Great post, as always.

Southhamsdarling said...

Wonderful to see the photo of that green river and all the lovely spring photos. Isn't it wonderful to see another season fast approaching. I just love the spring, when everything is so new and fresh looking. Great post my friend.

Unknown said...

Oh my, just love those trees and the river is so cool!

Anonymous said...

Happy St Patrick's Day my friend, beautiful photos. That river looks so cool in green. Our office got decorated today, with balloons and stuff...! St Patrick's festival starts on Friday I think....and the city will be packed with people. But it's fun..! I love your new header photo, it's so peaceful...wouldn't mind sitting there.
Have a lovely day my friend!
Big hugs

Sally said...

Prayers for Angela, bless her heart.

I went to Savannah one St Paddy's weekend, UGH!!!! We left after one day. Not to be a "downer", but it was awful; there was NOTHING you didn't see! :(

However, I will say I've always wished my birthday was on St Patricks day instead of the day after. LOL

Big hugs to you for being such a sweet and uplifting blog friend.

Ann said...

The trees look so pretty. Can't wait for them to start looking like that around here.
I'm part Irish but personally I think everyone goes way overboard with celebrating St Patrick's day

Remington said...

Not sure what's up but half of the pics are just white boxes.... The trees I could see are awesome! Spring is here also!

Remington said...

WHAT'S UP? Now they are all there! STRANGE!

Kerrie said...

Love your photos of the tree in bloom. Unless you are Irish, St Patrick's day is just another day here in Australia. It's not widely celebrated; however there are several pubs and clubs that create some fun for their patrons.

Betty said...

I made a point of saying a prayer for Angela at 9:00, but then it dawned on me that she might be on eastern time and not central time. Knowing how hospitals work I doubt they took her on time anyway. I'm hoping we hear something soon.

In New York City they always had a parade and they painted the stripe down the middle of the road green. I wonder if they still do that?

Rick Watson said...

It's getting pretty here too.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

The green rivers look so weird! Glad you are enjoying such beauty this spring! Now the allergies begin! lol!
hugs, Linda

Michaele said...

Oh the tree is beautiful!! I am going to have to look up how they make the river green. I had no idea. Again, why I love blogging.

MunirGhiasuddin said...

That is a lovely green. How do they that? I mean color the river.

Bev said...

WOW turn the water green...you Americans really know how to celebrate! The only think I have heard of in Canada..is they may drink green beer...

Susan said...

Wow, Sandie. Spring really HAS sprung in George. Cannot believe the trees are in bloom already. How awesome!

And the green rivers are so cool. Wonder how they get them so green. Susan

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Surprisingly, I have a dress just like the one in your first picture. I am, of course, a fashionista!

DaCraftyLady said...

wow that sure is green, I love it. :) That tree is amazing! :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Here come some prayers for Angela!
So many prayers her way.

betty said...

Beautiful trees blooming, Sandie! I think it would be neat to see the river green, what a sight!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sandie, Our weather has been so nice and the trees are so pretty. Love your "green" photos. I've been to Savannah before, but have not seen the green river for St. Patrick's Day.
I'm back to blogging and feeling better after a break. Hope you enjoy your day.

Angela said...

Thanks so much Sandie for asking for prayer for me! Our prayers were answered and I felt the peace of the Lord upon me!

Spring is beautiful in your neighborhood! Our trees are starting to bloom out too. It's a very early spring for our area.


Sharon said...

I watched a video of them doing that to the river in Chicago. It's very cool. I wonder what the formula is that makes it so NEON?!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love, love, love the trees in bloom. Gorgeous. I ditched HS one day and we took the train to downtown Chicago to see the green river. It was awesome!