GOOD MORNING - HAPPY TAILS TO YOU! UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN ... oh I digressed for a moment . . .
This is an interesting website - it's about a mommy and daddy eagle - sitting on their eggs - taking turns watching and taking care of the egg. It's a live feed and it's 24/7. Okay there's a 15 second commercial first (yuck), but it's extremely interesting.
Next, this is two minutes of time lapsed scenery and animals in nature - totally awesome.

What do you think about the thought of the day here?
Do you ever feel like this?
We try to live so calm and want to appear to the outside world that we are - but underneath you're really paddling to keep from sinking?
I guess we all do it to some extent.
On the World News last night they talked about the importance of letting stress go because stress can really affect your health.
They also talked about how newlyweds handle stress - has a lot to do with how successful the marriage will be.
So have a happy relaxed stress free day and get out of the water and just lay down without paddling! lol
I love that duckie! Good advice. Now if I can just do it!
It's always fun and interesting to see what you have for us each day....I love the duckie one a lot....
I hope you are having a wonderful day...
The duck says it all!
I've been like that duck a lot of my life and maybe I still am. I do try to relax more and keep the stress down. Have a great day sweet friend. love ya, Linda
Oh yes, I think we've all been like the little duck. Great thought for the day! :)
Hi Sandie, I watch the Decorah Eagles alot... It gets addicting watching them... I watched them last year also. That site is bookmarked on my computer!!!!! ha
The thought for the day does represent me--most of my adult life. I have always put on a happy face and had a hard time sharing with others what was really going on in my life. People were shocked when my first marriage ended since we never showed our true feelings outwardly....Not dealing with things is not good either... Guess we need to find that balance.
Ha! The duck pic is so true for me most of the time too.Our students and church folks used to always comment on how calm and cool I always was. They said it made them feel better. I was always shocked to hear that, because my little flipper feet were going a mile a minute beneath the surface!
Ha! The duck pic is so true for me most of the time too.Our students and church folks used to always comment on how calm and cool I always was. They said it made them feel better. I was always shocked to hear that, because my little flipper feet were going a mile a minute beneath the surface!
Isn't that the truth....always paddling....
I can really relate to that duck. Seems to be that way for many of us. Guess we all need to follow your advice.
I do my best to stay stress free, but it's hard sometimes. Love that quote. :)
That duck is right!
The duck quote is definitely me - that's exactly how I handle stress.
I think stress can do more damage to our bodies than what we can even possibly imagine. Good post
I agree with Shug about stress. I know it proably contributed to my mother's fibro...and has not done me any good either.
we learn so much from little duckies...
the other poster i remember seeing throughout the 80's...
lead, follow, or get out of the way.
yes, paddling like crazy with the most important part being the 'breathing' while you're doing it...keep that oxygen intake high.
Oh, to be a duck and appear all calm on the outside!! THAT would be a blessing. lol
Enjoy your Tuesday!
Super fantastic movie - I loved it, thank you for sharing! I think that some days we're really trying hard to look calm on the surface. But inside we're actually a chaos. Well I feel that way sometimes. Great advice.
Have a lovely day!
Good all the way, Sandie. Stress can be hard to handle and I'm really glad that I don't stress often.
Last season I carried the Deborah Eagles live until the little ones left the nest and their site was shut down. Not sure I will this year.
Good old wonderful stress! Glad it is not as bad as it use to be!
it is a great thought but with me my face shows every single thought I think and projects it out for the world to see, so if i am paddling like crazy, it shows on the top too. but most of the time, now that i am retired, i am calm. i did say MOST of the time
Duckie says it all!!! So true
Lovin' that little cutie in the first pic:@)
Hi Sandie,
I did just that today. I rested and feel good about it. :-)
Sometimes you have to paddle upstream, against all elements; othertimes, it is downstream and you can go with the flow. For most of us, it is 50/50 and that's not bad. Upstream we gain knowledge, downstream we are rewarded.
We all need a soft place to land. You are right - just get out of the water once in a while.
I totally agree that stress can affect your health. I don't think I'm very good at hiding my stress but I'm getting better at controlling it
I am that duck. I've been reading a lot lately about how stress is so bad for your health and I'm really trying to handle it better, but it's hard to keep my feet from paddling. Ann
Our world makes staying stress free a difficult task but a reminder of how bad it is for us is always a good thing. I hope we all find the chance to rest our paddling feet for a time.
Cute duckie! There's been lots of stress around here lately.
I'm that duck!
I like the idea of climbing out of the water!! ;) blessings ~ tanna
You know I'm the duck Sandie!
my husband and i would have loud passionate fights, and often! when we first got married 28 yrs we agree on almost everything and rarely even argue...very mild as we age!!!
Hello my dear Sandie! That nature video was awesome. Isn't it incredible that God made so many wonders for our enjoyment. It IS a wonderful world.
I guess I'm a good duck. I'm always peddaling like crazy, even though I may appear to be calm. ha ha ha ha
Great post, my friend. Susan
For years I've been watching Peregrine Falcons that nest on top of an office building in Jersey City, NJ. They haven't turned the webcam on yet this year, but it's usually sometime in March or April.
Great post, Sandie. I loved the video and my thought was that I wonder how anyone can see the beauty of the scenery and watch the animals and not know God and that He created all this. Not some Big Bang!
Have a great week, my friend!
I watched all of the time lapse nature videos and they were so beautiful!
Thank you for sharing theses!
This is a great post Sandie...not a surprise. :) Hubby and I have been married just a little over a year and we're still in training of how to handle stress together. I've been a single mom for so long that sometimes I forget I have help! We really come together well. I'm pretty high strung and go, go, go and he's more laid back. He can calm me down quite easily. And if we have a disagreement we sit and talk it out. And he isn't intimidated with me being a strong woman. :)
I can definitely relate to the duck. :)
I gave up anxiety and cheese for Lent. So far I'm doing great on the cheese part:)
I chose an inopportune moment last weekend to let go of some stress -- was not a good idea. lol.
I watched the eagles during their last hatching of eggs and it was really interesting.
Stress is a killer.
Best to find a way to relieve it..for sure.
Have a wonderful Wednesday! :)
Hello lovely lady Sandie,
Superb post!! Great advice!!
I love animals. So I love these pics, for they are really cute.
Your wonderful blog is so inspirational. I hope you visit me again, sweet friend Sandie...
I left another good advice in one of your previous post, if you care to read it...
Thank you, Sandie for sharing your wisdom with the world!!
God bless you, and those you love!!
Big Hugs and All the Best,
Poet Starry Dawn.
Sometimes, I am calm on the outside, but having a temper tantrum..complete with lying on the floor kicking and my head. Funny thing, I was thinking about this very thing on the way into work this a.m.
I haven't watched the eagle cam this year, but I've watched on the last two previous years. Love watching those!
Loved, Loved, LOVED the video. Will probably "steal" it and share on my blog!
Oh, that quote is perfect!
Loved the eagle-cam. We're going to be checking in on that a lot - waiting for those babies to hatch!
And the "wonderful world" video brought me to tears. God has created such a beautiful world. Even in its "flawed" state, it is a mighty thing to behold.
I've been quite the duck this past week. I think today I'm going to rest my feathers.
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