"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Saturday - Some Public Service Information

Got this off a friends site - did you realize how big Alaska is? I thought this was an interesting fact. A little trivia.

These Home Remedies Work Wonders on a Cut to stop bleeding
Angel Vee/(Linda Brock)

Have you ever had a cut to the point where the bleeding just kept gushing out and nothing you did stopped it?

(I bought one of those slicing hand held gizmos. I was cutting tomatoes and I sliced the tip of my 4th finger off of my right hand and it bled for days - Chatty - this would have been good to know.)

My grandma always highly believed in her home remedies. Years ago she told me many tips for different problems, so here are a few awesome tips to control and stop the bleeding of a cut:

1. Salt and water- Take a small cup mix up some warm water and salt together. Place this onto a rag making sure it's pretty saturated. Then keep blotting the cut with this solution. The bleeding will stop after 2 minutes or so. It will not burn you at all.

2. Flour- Good old white flour does magic almost instantly. Place some flour directly onto your cut. This will work in seconds and the bleeding should stop.

3. Cornstarch- This is the same technique as the flour and it will also stop the bleeding automatically.

4. Tea bag- Take a regular tea bag run it under cold water. Make sure it's completely wet. Squeeze out a little of the excess water place this onto your cut. Press firmly, but be very careful. Hold for about 20 seconds or so then release the tea bag. The bleeding should stop. ( This is the method I used and it worked.)

5. Ground coffee- Take some ground coffee about a teaspoon full place it directly onto the cut. Press down very carefully to almost form a paste like band aide. After 2 minutes or so remove the coffee ground. The bleeding should stop.

It's strawberry eatin' time - wash your fruit!


I was reading a Women's Home Journal given to me by my friend Cheri.
Did you know:

1. You will go to sleep faster if you read a book first.
2. To relieve a headache play a game. (? I think that would give me a headache).
3. Comfy slippers ease anxiety
4. To ward off colds sleep in
5. For all day energy soak in the tub
6. For joint pain watch a sitcom
7. And the best - to fill blissful eat 2 oz of chocolate a day

I definitely believe in number 6 and 7. What about you have you tried any others?



Shelly said...

Very interesting! I was jus reading about Alaska that its coastline is longer than all the other coastlines of the US combined. It's much larger than most of us think~

Shelly said...
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Shelly said...
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Shelly said...
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Shelly said...
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Shelly said...

Sorry- my computer got hung up and repeated the same comment over and over~

Thistle Cove Farm said...

From personal experience I know I go to sleep FAST when I'm reading the Bible. haha Not funny, really.
I love Alaska and have family there; it's a beautiful state.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting blog posting today Sandie! Eeewwww I will wash and wash and wash my strawberried from now on....I cut the tops off before I munched down but ugg.and thanks for the tips on the cut finger.....Happy Weekend

Blondee said...

Ouch on the cut!
Was it a mandolin you were using? I have one and they are scary to use! Thanks for passing along the cut remedies...I'd never heard some of them before like the tea bag and coffee ones!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

love that header. Makes me want to go running in all those beautiful flowers. Bugs on berries..yuck.

Jeanie said...

I almost always read before I go to sleep and I usually sleep very well.
I hope I don't have to use the tips to stop bleeding but I will remember them just in case.

betty said...

I like your new header picture, Sandie. Too cute! Thanks for the remedies about the cuts, I'm going to save them to remember them, I seem to cut myself often. I liked #7 too in that list; I wonder if we would be more blissful if we doubled the amount we ate?

Have a good day!


rubyslipperz1052 said...

Hot camomile tea with about 15-20% almond milk. I use unsweetened original almond milk. I drink one cup and I am "out like a light".

Thanks for that GREAT visual of Alaska's size!


Unknown said...

I sure will remember the cut ideas! Thanks!

Granny Annie said...

Wow, Shelly's computer really went berserk. Love the trivia. I have found the best way to slow or stop the bleeding is to stop taking so many blood thinners! Of course I can't because of my heart disease, but it would work wonders.

Sharon said...

I love the picture with the purple flowers!

Great post! I enjoyed it!

TexWisGirl said...

i have used flour in a cut before. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm all about the eat chocolate one!!!
The vet told me I could use flour on our dog's nails when I cut one to short and it bleeds.
Hope you enjoy this pretty Sat.

barbara l. hale said...

WoW! Great illustration about Alaska. I never knew. And thanks for the ways to stop the bleeding. Hoping I will never have to use any of that. And I do believe that reading before bed helps...except when the book is really, really good and it won't let you put it down.

Ginny Hartzler said...

I, too, agree with 6 and 7. But to avoid a cold, sleep in what? LOVED the strawberry film, Phil eats them almost every day!!! Even out of season! We knew to wash teem, but not about these Strawberry bugs, ICK!!!! We will wash better now and cut off the top! Also the bleeding list is wild... flour, really? Hope your weekend ROCKS!!!

Debbie said...

my niece and her husband live in alaska, he is in the military. i did not relize how big it is!!

some interesting tips!!

happy saturday!!

Anonymous said...

Oh boy, Alaska is BIG lol!
Hope you've had a great Saturday my friend!


Susan said...

Hi Dear Sandie...I had no idea Alaska is that huge. Yowsers.

And those little creepy white crawlers on strawberries? Yuk. Makes me want to buy the berries in that nice frozen sweet syrup. ha ha h

Thanks for sharing. Hope you are having a terrific Saturday. Susan

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Alaska is our last frontier! I'd love to visit that state one day.

I never knew these tips about flour, etc, on stopping a bleeding finger! I always apply pressure and after a few minutes that seems to help.

Ewwww..on the strawberry bugs! I will look more closely the next time I buy some. I usually wash all my produce in soapt water before I cut it up, so I'm glad i was doing the right thing ;)

ruthie said...

Thanks for the home remedies! They are the best medicine! I love that picture!! Thanks for sharing.

Lynn said...

That is so interesting about the bleeding remedies. And I think chocolate does make for a blissful life.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Heard of several but never tried them...I don't carry tea bags when I hike...but I might!...:)JP

Donna K. Weaver said...

*gasp* I may never eat strawberries again!

Arkansas Patti said...

Oh great. I just picked some strawberries. Now I will have to look closely. Wonder how many of those lovelies I have eaten in my life.
I will keep those bleeding first aids hits in mind. My fragile skin breaks in a stiff breeze.

Ann said...

I hope I can remember some of those things the next time I cut myself. I
can definitely follow the 2 oz of chocolate a day plan :)

DaCraftyLady said...

ok what ahppened I lost everything I said???I think the strawberrry bugs are yuck! And I agree with 6& 7 too but how does sit-coms releive joint pain? I must have missed something??? ~Debb~

DaCraftyLady said...

ok what ahppened I lost everything I said???I think the strawberrry bugs are yuck! And I agree with 6& 7 too but how does sit-coms releive joint pain? I must have missed something??? ~Debb~

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Hi Sandie -

Very informative post. I particularly liked the Women's Home Journal List. #7 is my favorite, but I plan to try #2 when a migraine threatens. :)


Anonymous said...

I like that last tip. Always nice to have a reason to eat chocolate! Then again, I really don't need a reason other than it tastes so good! *hee hee*

I've never heard the bleeding tips, so thanks for those. I don't know why I've never thought to use flour. After all, I have heard that if you cut your dog's nails down to the quick, you can put flour on that to stop the bleeding. I never thought to do that for humans.

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Tanna said...

Alaska is a huge state!! I really like #7 myself! LOL! Sandie, thank you so much for your prayers and your encouragement. I feel the grace all around me. blessings ~ tanna

Marie said...

Fabulous info Sandie! I don't normally wash strawberries with soap, but I will now! I already eat chocolate everyday. And at least 50% of the time I read before I go to sleep and it does help make me sleepy. I love fuzzy, soft slippers on my feet. And I love reruns of Seinfeld and it works. :)
Have a terrific Sunday!

Michaele said...

So many useful tips. I am sure sleeping in, soaking in a tub, and watching sitcoms would take care of many things that ail me : )


Love the tips. I had just cut my leg and managed to get a bandaid in place, but it wouldn't stop bleeding. Now I know what to do. And for the record I always read before I go to sleep. It makes the ZZZ's come faster, for sure. Great advice all around. Take care.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You always have the most interesting stuff on your blog! You know I love to read! Hey I love that header photo and I'm in the land of Blue Bonnets now! hugs, Linda

Betty Manousos said...

awesome header photo, it makes me want to go running in that lovely field.
thanks for the great tips on bleeding.

i thoroughly enjoyed your very interesting and informative post, dear sandie.

have a great remainder of the weekend~


Dolores said...

I love your new header picture!

I hope I will remember the helpful hints to stop bleeding...Well, I actually hope I won't cut myself.

Thanks for the video on cleaning strawberries. I'll definitely use soap from now on.

dana said...

I've been to Alaska twice, and knew it was big, but didn't think of the size in terms of the lower 48! Wow! That's an eyeopener. Of course, soooo much of it is pretty uninhabitable. We were in the more touristy areas...Anchorage, Homer, Seward, Denally.

Love all of your helpful tips!!

Hope you had a great Pink Sat! dana

MadSnapper n Beau said...

wow on the size of alaska. i knew about flour and cornstarch but not the others. also add to the list vaseline. my uncle was on a ladder and it slid down and cut both his wrist, my cousin slapped a blob of vaseline on each wrist and it stopped long enough to get him to the ER

Sharon said...

Lovely. Just the other day I ate a whole bowl of strawberries. Now I'm wondering what colony of parasites are living inside of me...


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Okay I have to admit that blood and bugs made me queasy but that's for the great information. Funny I got upset with my dad for washing his strawberries and cutting the tops off! I told him leave the tops on, I like them on until I eat them. I guess I owe him an apology! Hugs, Debby

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I am grossed out about the strawberries! I always wash them with soap, but usually not very vigorously. I wondered what the vet used to stop the bleeding so quickly when they cut Peppy's toenails to the quick...I bet it was cornstarch, because that's what it looked like.

That No. 7....I say the more chocolate, the better the day...so eat chocolate and never weigh. You know I'm a poet.

Nancy said...

I'm a klutz and always seem to be slicing my fingers -- thanks for the tips! :)

^..^Corgidogmama said...

Wow...that's a lot of great information Sandie! Thanks.
Oh,,,those bassetts...their skin goes every which way, doesn't it?

SquirrelQueen said...

I lived in Alaska for ten years and traveled all over it. Some of the flights were really long, it is one very big state.

I didn't know about the flour, I'll have to try that one.