"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, May 04, 2012

Fun Friday

Thank you GagMonkey

Do you see the arrow between the �E� and �x� ?? I had never noticed this before.
Thank you Jerry at As The Cracker Crumbles.

At a Tottenham church Sunday morning a preacher said,"Anyone with 'special prayer needs' who wants to be prayed over,please come forward to the front by the altar."

With that, Leroy got in line, and when it was his turn, the Preacher asked,"Leroy, what do you want me to pray about for you?"

Leroy replied, "Preacher, I need you to pray for help with my hearing.

"The preacher put one of his fingers in Leroy's ear, then he took his other hand and placed it on top of Leroy's head; and then he prayed and prayed and eventually the whole congregation joined in with great enthusiasm.

After a few minutes, the preacher removed his hands, stood back and asked, "Leroy, how is your hearing now?"

Leroy answered, "I don't know. It ain't 'til Thursday."
Thank you Linda B.

Thank you Marydon





25% of women in this country are on medication for mental illness.

That's bloody scary.........

It means 75% are running around with no medication at all...!

Thanks Jerry, (I think). And Linda B.

Hillbilly College Exam

Now, scroll down for the answers

You hang in there Sunshine...
l didn't pass either..!!!


"Noble deeds and hot baths are the best cures for depression" ~ Dodie Smith

Love, Chatty

Okay this is what we did to the grandson from yesterday!

Just kidding! This was at his field trip on Monday.


Jill said...

You've got me giggling again this morning! Thanks, my friend.

jp@A Green Ridge said...

LOL! Adore that photo of the horse! Have a great day, Sandie!!!...:)JP

Anonymous said...

Wohoo...I'm early today! That photo of the horse is just hilarious..thank you for the laughs and have a fantastic Friday!
Only a few more hours and I'm outta here [from work].
Big hugs

Catherine said...

Haha ~ that totally does look like a loaf of bread. Too cute!

Happy weekend!
xo Catherine

MadSnapper n Beau said...

cute jail house, wish i had had one of these when mine were little. or even now.... ha ha. love the hearing joke.

Debbie said...

Does it make me a hill billy that I actually passed? Oh dear.

I grinned at the picture at the end. Hope he had fun on the field trip, and NO practical jokes were played!

Shug said...

A great way to start any day is by dropping by your place!

Cranberry Morning said...

LOL. I had to think about that 'hearing' one. I'm very visual, so that doesn't help. Then I got it!!

Fun pic of your grandson. :-) Yeah, that might have been a good idea for yesterday's prank. lol

Lisa Sall - Sall's Country Life said...

Yikes! It's too early in the morning to wrap my head around all that!! I'm getting coffee and coming Back:)!

Lynn said...

As always - you brighten my day. :) Love these fun things.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Funny stuff! I never noticed the arrow before either. Love the hearing joke! Have a great day, Sandie! It's been storming here this morning, hopefully it will quit soon.

Beansieleigh said...

Hi Chatty! LOVED the little loaf of bread.. er, dog, on the counter! CUTE!.. Have a great weekend! ((hugs)) ~tina

Shelly said...

My heart is joyful- thank you!

Denise said...

Wonderful post! Nice to wake up to a good giggle-thanks for making My morning brighter.Denise

Kerrie said...

The FedEx Logo with the arrow is great, a lot of thought went into creating their logo.

Love the Hillbilly College Exam! :)

Paula said...

Glad I got here early this morning. Reading your blog is a nice way to start the morning.

Jeanie said...

I had read something about the arrow a long time ago and now it is the first thing I see when I see a FedEx truck.
Lots of fun today, Sandie.

Unknown said...

Ok, so I got everything cept the arrow! Going back!

Unknown said...

GEESH! I was looking from the first e! Got it!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

So glad I'm part of the 25% ha ha@
hugs, Linda

Marti said...

Thanks for the happy! I love starting my Friday with you.

TexWisGirl said...

thanks for the snickers!

Wanda's Wings said...

At least I got some of the questions right. lol

Wanda's Wings said...

At least I got some of the questions right. lol

Wanda's Wings said...

At least I got some of the questions right. lol

Susannah said...

More laughs for me again this morning! Love the "hearing" one!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the horse picture! I know what GS is in, it's a shark cage, we have seen those at the museum, and Phil got in one. My picture wasn't as good as yours, so I never posted it.

barbara l. hale said...

I laughed! Love the joke about the hearing and, of course, the pug bread. And I didn't pass either. Kind of scary. lol.

ruthie said...

You always get me thinking and laughing at the same time. Thank you and where do you come up with these things?

BelovedBomber said...

You always lighten my mood...thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend. The field trip sure looks like it was fun!

Southhamsdarling said...

My heart is always joyful when I read your posts, my friend. Loved the one about the hearing! Hee Hee!Enjoy your weekend and see you again soon.

Knitty said...

Not only did I pass the test, I have an alternative answer to 5=5=5=550. A slash / through the equal sign would make it read 5+5+5 does not equal 550.

Ain't I brilliant??? LOL!

Love the dog/bread.

Lois Christensen said...

I always enjoy coming here on Fridays because of all the laughs! I never, ever noticed the arrow before and I failed the test as well! Hope you're having a nice day!


Tami over at Just Not a Hockey Mom had to ground her son. He put cellophane all over her cellphone, hung it from the bedroom doors. She posted pictures. Apparently this must be the IN thing to do, cellophane everything. So your grandson is not alone. Saw the cage, got worried. LOL I can not stop smiling about that LOAFing DOG and women and mental illness. GOOD ONES. Take care.

Sally Wessely said...

Thanks for the laughs. I loved the jokes. You always make me smile. :)

Arkansas Patti said...

Sadly even knowing it was there it took me a minute to see the arrow.
Delightful post, thanks for the many chuckles.
Isn't Gag Donkey neat?

Marie said...

Funny pic of the horse! The medication joke should be about men. LOL
Pic of your grandson is cute! I always enjoyed field trips with my son. :)
I'm always leaving your blog with a smile. Today I have a smile and giggles!

Clint said...

I pride myself on being able to think outside the box. So I'm pretty PO'd right now. I didn't get any of them. Sigh.

Tracy said...

Oh those are great! thanks for the smile on one tired chick! TGIF!!!

Rose said...

Did they have fun on the field trip!

Dee said...

Your so much fun...I love visiting your blog. I had never noticed the arrow in FedEx either...:)

Susan said...

ha ha ha ha ha There were some funny ones there, Sandie. The preacher and the hearing prayers were a riot. Take care. Hope you had a super good Friday. Susan

Debbie said...

lot's of laughs, have a wonderful weekend!!

Ann said...

Oh my gosh that loaf dog is something else....lol
The one about the hearing had me laughing so much Duke gave me a look like he thought I had lost it.

Nancy said...

I coulda used one of those portable jails a few years ago... lol!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What a fun friday post!

Mevely317 said...

You've got me grinning again, Sandie! ... Have a fabulous weekend!

jack69 said...

Thanks for the laughs, I need them before hitting the sack. i do hope leroy's hearing gets better. hahahaha.

Like the shot of the jailed kids and the caption. hahahahah
Take Care.

Tanna said...

LOL!! I needed this!! LOL! Hugs and blessings ~ tanna

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I was glad to see the first photo was from a place called gag monkey because it bothered me.

Like the mental illness joke and the exam!

Have a great weekend.

Jackie said...

Ok Chatty, I've been MIA from blogging for about six months and surfing around doing blog visits tonight and it's 11:35 pm and I'm trying to not wake my hubby up with my laughing at this and your other hilarious posts! Thanks so much for the smiles!!! I really needed it!!! :))))


Wendy said...

Thanks for our daily dose of laughter Sandie... you are such a star!

Sally said...

I feel so dumb this morning, seriously.

Have a great day!

SquirrelQueen said...

The horse photo is too funny! Great jokes, thanks for the laughs.