"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, May 07, 2012

Good Monday Morning Friends - Barns and Foods?

This is a South Carolina (again at fast speed - lol). I think it has seen better days - yet I feel they still used it - I never can figure why people don't take care of their property better then they do.

NO BAKE COOKIES - from Trish at Love of Quilts

No-Bake Chocolate, Peanut Butter & Oatmeal Cookies

Yield: 2 to 3 dozen cookies

Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cooling Time: 30 minutes

½ cup (1 stick) butter
2 cups granulated sugar
½ cup milk
4 tablespoons cocoa powder
½ cup peanut butter
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3 cups quick-cooking oats

1. Add the first four ingredients (through the cocoa powder) to a 4-quart saucepan.
2.Bring to a rolling boil and let boil for one minute.
3. Remove from the heat.
4.Stir in the peanut butter and the vanilla until smooth, then stir in the oats.
5.Drop by heaping tablesspoons onto was paper lined baking sheets.
6. Let cool until set.



MadSnapper n Beau said...

have a happy happy Monday. when does school let out for the summer?

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos and those cookies sound so good, we make them kind of like those but no peanutbutter, cocoa and coconut with oatmeal, I will give these a try and eat too many i predict!!

Anonymous said...

Good thoughts this morning Sandie

Granny Annie said...

Love your heading picture. Reminds me of my big sister taking care of me all my life. About your question regarding why people don't take better care of their property like that old barn. The answer is one word...MONEY!

Unknown said...

I'm with you and don't understand why some don't take better care of their property. Oh, I know it could be finances, and that's acceptable but others just let their yards "junk" up and that's not acceptable to moi.

Lois Christensen said...

Hope you have a great Monday also! Those cookies sound great and EASY! Just what I like! Enjoyed your verse picture from yesterday!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

We have a lot of those old barns in Ohio too. The no bake cookies were a favorite when I had young ones at home. I guess I need to try them out on the grandbabes now. I haven't made them in years. Hope your Monday is a wonderful one!

jack69 said...

You picked a good one, relating the bad attitude to the Flat tire. VERY TRUE!!
Something there is ABOUT BARNS that makes me feel good. My mama said during the depression they drove to Florida looking for work and would sleep in folks barns at night, if they had the money the folks would feed them for a quarter. Simpler times and nice folks.

Jill said...

You are really good at those high speed shots!

Have a wonderful day!

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Oh I want those cookies! Will try! ALso that tire quote is perfect...need to put it up somewhere! Happy Monday, Sandie!

KaLynn ("MiMi") said...

I LOVE these cookies! Now I want some! I have a problem when I make them though: I forget to put them into cookies and just eat the bowlful.........=0(

Happy Monday to you too friend! May God bless you every second of this day!

BelovedBomber said...

I love the flat tire and attitude comparison! I may have to change a few tires around here sometimes...and I don't just mean with the kids. Many blesssings!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Happy Monday! I love those nobake cookies..yum! I'm feeling happy today! Hugs, Linda

Changes in the wind said...

Great post today Chatty and love the header!!!

Unknown said...

Today I am allowing myself a bad attitude, my treat ... tomorrow will bring sunshine.

Love the brn, Sandie. Yes, why don't people treasure & care for these beautiful structures. So much history has occurred in & around these beauties. We saw a couple of lovelies yesterday ... will post soon.

Have a beautiful week ~

Eat To Live said...

No bake cookies used to be one on my favorite things. Yummmmmm you are making me hungry. I might have to go grab one of the energy bars I made.

barbara l. hale said...

I remember making a cookie like that when I was a kid. Brought back memories. I like the rustic look of the barn.

Stacy said...

Love that last picture! Happy Monday to you.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I used to make a cookie sort of like that all the time when my kids were young. Except I didn't put in the peanut butter and mine had coconut in them. I will have to try this out on my son when he comes for a visit. He loved those cookies and peanut butter cookies were also a fav, and this combines the two!
Have a nice Monday!

Aloha Acres said...

I love barns. I think they are beautiful and hold so much history. I also wish people would take better care of them. They can really make or break the beauty of a property.

GardenOfDaisies said...

The no bake cookies sound delicious! I bet that farmer is keeping up as best he can. There are never enough hours in the week (or money in the bank) to do everything that needs to be done on a big property with a house and a barn and probably several other outbuildings too, not to mention the fields and the animals and all the supplies and equipment. :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Monday my friend. Great message you have for us today- Yeyyy for more positive thoughts and attitude :-) Have a great day!


Knitty said...

Is it true that there will be no calories consumed if I eat those cookies while surrounded by water? Oh wait, I think my sister-in-law made that one up while hiding from the kids, standing in the bathtub behind the shower curtain, and eating the last of the chocolate chip cookies that we swore were already gone....

TexWisGirl said...

i love the rusty roofs.

betty said...

Love your new blog header picture Sandie! That thought of the day is a good one too; better get my tire changed :)

I love that barn!

have a great day!


Louvregirl said...

I guess I'm stuck in the house, then.

(Just kiddin')
lg :-o

Hootin Anni said...

Love the flat tire. Boy howdy, you hit the nail on the head with that one. I just can't stand people/and bloggers who continually have such negativity!!! Why? They're just bringing themselves down with self pity and those around 'em. You go girl!!! And the 'no bake' cookies sound scrumptious. Did you try 'em? What's your critique on how they turned out.

Remington said...

Good one....that is so true! The cookies sound yummy!

Anonymous said...

LOVE the quote and your blog is beautiful! Love to you!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

I adore no bake cookies. You just can't go wrong w/ pb and chocolate!

Wanda's Wings said...

No bake is my speed, but I on a diet. :(

Nancy's Notes said...

Great post! I don't understand people not taking care of their property either! Aww, love that cookie recipe! Oh my and bad attitudes, it's up to those that have them, so right!

Shelly said...

I love how you always have such great stuff for us!

Liz Mays said...

Old barns like that are the ones with the character!

Lynn said...

Those cookies sound like the ones my mama used to call "boiled cookies." Happy Monday!

Southhamsdarling said...

I love that cute header photo, and the quote underneath it. So true! Love your posts my friend, and all the different things you find for us! Hugs.

Paula said...

I'm going to try those cookies soon. I have chicken soup in the crock pot now but I don't cook a lot anymore.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I can't wait to try the cookie recipe. Peanutbutter and chocolate are my favorite. Happy Monday.

DaCraftyLady said...

Happy Monday, yum the recipe sounds good...I have pork chops out to bake later.

Belle said...

No-bake Cookies are the best! I'll never forget my sister making them. My granddaughter makes them now.

momto8 said...

yes..attitudes are more important than facts!
yummy cookies!

Ann said...

I love no bake cookies. That recipe sounds exactly like the one I have.

Love that quote at the end of your post. Perfect

Cranberry Morning said...

I like no-bake cookies way too much. I have this recipe. I'm hoping I don't go drag it out now. :-)

Lynn said...

I think I needed to see that first quote today-thanks:@)

Arkansas Patti said...

I can relate to that barn. Still functional, just a bit ragged.
Attitude is so vital to health and happiness.

Debbie said...

i would enjoy a photo of the rusty barn at zero speed although you are pretty good at high speed photos!!

those cookies sound good!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Love your drive by barn! The cookies sounds yummy, I'm pretty sure I pinned that one. Great thought for the day. Have a great Monday and week. Hugs, Debby

Dolores said...

Your header picture and the quote about the old tire made my day...thank you!

Angela said...

Yes, that barn is one that they still use. I can tell because they are keeping the grass cut around it. The reason the roof hasn't been painted is because the farmer is probably old now and can't get up there and paint it. It is a very hard job to do. It cost a lot of money to replace a roof too on an old barn. You'd almost be lucky to find a business who would do it.

I love no bake cookies!


Karen Lange said...

Thanks for the recipe and the wonderful food for thought! You always make me smile and think (not necessarily in that order...:). Love the pictures, too.

Hope your Monday was happy,

Mevely317 said...

Wow ... the stories that barn could share if it could just speak! I love looking at these types of pictures -- for some reason they make me feel melancholy and smile at the same time. (Crazy, I know!)

Mevely317 said...

Oops, I almost forgot!
I adore your new header picture. Would you mind if I "pinned" it?


Velvet Over Steel said...

Hello! Love the recipe. We have all the ingredients and plan to make those cookies tomorrow. Thank you!!

Wishing you a beautiful week!!
Coreen XO

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

With another peanut and chocolate recipe, I fear my lost weight might creep up on me again. Please make your next recipe be about carrots.

Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder said...

Dearest Sandie,

You are so right about the negative that is thrown at us by the media especially. Why not look for the little highligths that change a day?
Well, your cookies are not for me since they contain 2 cups of sugar; WOW. Being diabetic type II that is way too much.
Enjoy the rest of the week, another short one. We had a very nice rain shower around 6:00 PM and that was so welcome.
Love to you,


Marie said...

Another fantastic "high speed barn"! LOL I love no bake cookies! Yummy! I will be making these soon!

SquirrelQueen said...

I just love old barns like that one. I learned a few years back that the outside can be deceiving. We were visiting some friends near the coast and they had a barn that looked a little like this one. When we walked inside I was shocked. He had a state of the art shop, full bathroom and a small kitchen and bar area. There was a flat screen tv, sofa (nicer than the one we had at the time) and computer desk. The floors were tiled and spotless. It was fabulous.

Debbie said...

Love the final quote, Sandie. I can attest to the truth of it, too. Ever since I purposed to find the sunshine wherever I can this year, I have seen a whole lot more sunshine.

And we've made either those cookies or some similar. They are delish.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

The coookies sound delish!

Hope that you are well,
I'm playing catch-up
and think it will take me a while!!

Fiona x

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Hey, that cookie recipe you shared looks yummy.... think we'll be checking that recipe out soon!

Rose said...

It has been ages since I have made those no bake cookies, and we love them.