"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Sunday - My gift to you


Trust in the Lord Always, again I say rejoice!

I like to keep Sundays short and sweet and I thought that song was just perfect.

A little prayer for the National Day of Prayer this last week:

Hi Lord, its me,
We are getting older and things are getting bad here.
Gas prices are too high, no jobs, food and heating costs too high.
I know some have taken you out of our schools, government and even Christmas, but Lord I'm asking you to come back and re-bless America .
We really need you!
There are more of us who want you than those who don't!
Thank You Lord, I Love you.

"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."
Love, Chatty


Jill said...

Wonderful messages today! I love the prayer. Love it.

Melanie said...

Wonderful prayer, Sandie...so true.

andy said...

Have a great Sunday Sandie! !!!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

As I went through our little town last Thursday I did see a group of people gathered around our gazebo there with hands joined in prayer and I added my own too. Your prayer is a wonderful one! Mine was much simpler. Hope your Sunday is a great one!

jeanlivingsimple said...

Sandie, Thanks for my Sunday Gift!:)

Shug said...

A Beautiful Sunday message...
thanks Sandie..

Blondee said...


Sweet Sunday message. Thank you!

betty said...

I like that prayer, Sandie; for God to re-bless America indeed! Wishing you a great day!


jack69 said...

Something about my early religious experience was: A written prayer is like a canned prayer. But I have found myself in the later years, enjoying actually reading a prayer and saying "YES LORD that is exactly how I feel!"

When I could hear, I did the same with someone praying aloud, I would find my self saying "Amen Lord, that is me!"
Thanks for the prayer, it FITS!!!

Louvregirl said...

"Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."
I like this.
Have a blessed weekend CC!

Denise said...

So beautiful!Have a wonderful day.God Bless-Denise

Susannah said...

I agree with your prayer.

deb said...


The Boston Lady said...

As always Sandie, a lovely post for a Sunday. Love that last quote. Ann

rubyslipperz1052 said...

I LUV those words of prayer! Awesome! and, again..you've hit the nail right on the head... with a great point!


Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Beautiful honey. So glad I came by here today.
Hope your having a wonderful day

Ginny Hartzler said...

A beautiful video, Sandie. I hope you are able to rest on this sabbath and hope you have a lovely and peaceful day. If such a thing is possible.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

amen and amen.

Anonymous said...

Lovely and peaceful, I loved that song. Thank you.
Have a lovely day my friend.


Debbie said...

Peaceful, comforting message. I am spiritual in a different way.

Sally Wessely said...

Thanks. The Lord bless you and keep you.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Perfect message today! I'm praying this prayer also! Hugs, Linda

Southhamsdarling said...

Wonderful song and I love the prayer. We could certainly do with that one over here in England as well. We Christians seem to be sidelined more and more, whilst we have to be careful not to upset other faiths.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a beautiful Sunday.
Hugs, Debby

Cher' Shots said...

Well said my friend ~ well said.
'hugs from afar'

Wendy said...

Love your quote: "Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil - it has no point."

Very good indeed! And AMEN to your prayer - UK too please Lord!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Terrific post, Sandie! And I'll say an "Amen" to your prayer!!
Hugs, Cheryl

enthusiastically, dawn said...

Sweet. Love the rock picture at the top. THat made my day...as well as your visit and prayer! Hugs.

Jim said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jim said...

Good message today, Sandie. :)
You could have preached our sermon today at Abbey Road Baptist Church in London, U.K.
It was from Romans 1:18-23 where man should believe because of all the creation that only God could make.
But then how man doesn't want to face up to God so he denies Him and makes his own gods following design of man, beast, fowl and reptiles. Man also makes up his own creation story called Evolution.
In the end however, every knee shall bow and confess that Jesus is Lord. But that will be too late for those waiting that long.
I wish our American preachers would preach like that more often.

Dolores said...

I love this beautiful prayers....... and oh how true it is.
Thanks for the special gift...

LL Cool Joe said...

I totally agree with that last comment. I've been a Christian since my early teens, and life without God is pointless.

Lynn said...

I like that prayer, Sandie.

BelovedBomber said...

Have a blessed day of rest! It is hard to imagine that He would willingly do all that He did for us while we were yet sinners...God is so good!

GrammyK said...

Hope you're having a wonderful and blessed Sunday!!! Love the prayer and the little rock in the picture was so sweet!!

Praying that your week will be awesome!!! <3

Rob-bear said...

Strange. I was talking about being rooted and grounded in God, based on Jesus' thoughts about vine and branches.

Common thoughts and experiences.

Michaele said...

My heart feels good : )

Arkansas Patti said...

There are more of us than them which has to give us all hope.

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
Today's thought is really inspirational...
The music is so lovely.
Yes!! We really need our dear Lord.
You always send positive thoughts to the world. I love your blog!!
Thank you for sharing your love, Sandie dearest!!
God bless you, and those you love!!
Big Warm Hugs,
Poet Starry.

Wanda's Wings said...

You are so right about life without God having no point!

Wanda's Wings said...

You are so right about life without God having no point!

Unknown said...

AMEN! I totally agree with your last sentence! Love the prayer too, so true!

Bev said...

Thank for the great post!

Paula said...

Pray your Sunday was a blessed one. We only had ten present at our little country church today. The amount isn't important as long as God is there and he was.

Marie said...

Amen! Wonderful post!
Love you,

Debbie said...

Sandie, I love that prayer. And I love the header this morning. That's just sweet. Now, to click the song!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Amen X 2.