"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fun Friday with a little help from my friends....


Senior Wedding
Jacob, age 92, and Mary, age 89, living in Fort Mohave, AZ , are all excited
About their decision to get married. They go for a stroll to discuss
The wedding, and on the way they pass a drugstore. Jacob suggests they
Go in.

Jacob addresses the man behind the counter:

"Are you the owner?" The pharmacist answers, "Yes."

Jacob: "We're about to get married. Do you sell heart medication?"

Pharmacist: "Of course we do."

Jacob: "How about medicine for circulation?"

Pharmacist: "All kinds."

Jacob: "Medicine for rheumatism?"

Pharmacist: "Definitely."

Jacob: "How about suppositories and medicine for impotence?"

Pharmacist: "You bet!"

Jacob: "Medicine for memory problems, arthritis and Alzheimer's?"

Pharmacist: "Yes, a large variety. The works."

Jacob: "What about vitamins, sleeping pills, Geritol, antidotes for
Parkinson's disease?"

Pharmacist: "Absolutely."

Jacob: "Everything for heartburn and indigestion?"

Pharmacist: "We sure do."

Jacob: "You sell wheelchairs and walkers and canes?"

Pharmacist: "All speeds and sizes."

Jacob: "Adult diapers?"

Pharmacist: "Sure."

Jacob: "We'd like to use this store as our Bridal Registry."

A husband had just finished reading a new book entitled: You can be  THE Man of Your House. 
Finding new courage that he never knew he had, he  stormed into the kitchen and announced to his wife, "From now on,   you need to  know that I am the man of this house and my word is the 'Law.'

You will prepare  me a gourmet meal tonight,   bring it to me, and when I am done eating my  meal, you will clear the dishes and serve me a scrumptious dessert.   

After   dinner, you are going to go upstairs with me and we will make love  the way I want! 

Afterwards, you are going to draw me a bath so I can relax. 

You  will put on soothing music, wash my back and towel me dry and bring me my  robe.  

You will massage my feet and hands to relieve any last bit of  tension so that I can sleep like a baby. 

Then tomorrow, guess who's going to  dress me and comb my hair?"

The wife replied, "The funeral director would be my first  guess, unless I have you cremated." 

Church Fart (thanks Debby at Just Breathe)

This says it all about getting older & the whole aging thing.
An elderly couple are attending church services.

About halfway through, she writes a note and hands it to her husband. It says, " I just let out a silent fart, what do
you think I should do?"

He Scribbles back, " Put a new battery in your hearing aid."

I loved Mr. Fred Rogers and this just made me feel so good thinking back.  Do you know he was a Presbyterian Minister?

Thank you Monica at Expressly Corgi.


"Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby." - Ruth E. Renkel




Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Too funny! I thought nothing could top Senior Wedding, then I read Man of the House -- it's s toss-up!

Debbie said...

Wonderful laugh this morning! I laughed right out loud at the church one. Shame on me, but that was just funny.

And I did not know Mr. Rogers was a Presbyterian minister. Interesting! I did know that he was a good man who left a glorifying legacy.

Jill said...

Oh my gosh...I laughed at every one of these today. I adored Mr. Rogers. I miss him.

I hope you are finding reason to smile today, my friend.

Miss Debbie said...

Hi! Came here by way of Walking on Sunshine. Glad I did, your post made me laugh! I will be back!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

brahahahha on the bridal registry. and that is MY kind of sign, since when i see a do not do something sign, i want to do it.

Unknown said...

Hehe, love the old peeps one! Loved all of them!

LL Cool Joe said...

The silent fart cracked me up! :D

Anonymous said...

Love the husband who thinks he's going to be king of the castle...

Cheri said...

Funny stuff there Sandie. Love the Man of the House and the Bridal registry. Needed this today.

Mary said...

LOL new hearing aid batteries!!! Mary

Shelly said...

These were great laughs! And I, too, so miss Mr. Rogers. What a gentle soul he was~

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Happy Friday! I loved the quote of the day!

Love Of Quilts said...

Happy Friday!

Lynn said...

Thanks for the Friday chuckles! Hope you have a great weekend, Sandie!

TexWisGirl said...

i really like that shadow quote. :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Loved these! I always know where to go on Fridays to get a good laugh. Thanks, Sandie! Have a nice weekend!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

You always start my Friday's off with a good laugh! hugs, Linda

Shug said...

Gurl...you crack me up...I have missed my daily dose of laughter, so I am glad to be back...
Have a great day,

Wendy @ E-1-A said...

Housework is the thing that women do but nobody notices unless they don't do it!

This is definitely true in my house!

Wendy @ ECTaS

Beth said...

I can't stop laughing. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

love your elderly jokes. May you be on the mend as days come of the loss of your friend. I know you will never forget her but it is just trying to forget she has gone to not hear her voice or see her. That is the hardest I found.

I put my friend up in my blog to remind myself . I too miss her so much.

My friend was a beautiful lady as well and she was so healthwise and fit. When your time is willed by the Lord . Health does not wait it seems how much you try to look after the body. God called her home at a very young age.

BelovedBomber said...

I was sitting with my mom and mother-in-law, and we all shared a laugh at todays post. We all were reminded of my grandma and the jokes she would share. Thanks so much!

Granny Annie said...

Glad Ron and I found each other before that had to be our bridal registry!

The great thing about having a housekeeper is that you can blame her if the house is a mess. Now I need a cook to blame when the meals are late or bad:)

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Ha ha. Another great Friday post Sandie,
So funny.
I always have a good laugh on Friday.
Wishing you a blessed weekend.

tammy said...

I guess I'm a "law-breaker" I read the sign...HOOT!!

Paula said...

You know what they say-- Laughter Is The Best Medicine. Thanks for several today.

momto8 said...

oh my gosh..really very funny. really!!

deb said...

OMG! Those are good!! Thanks for the laughs ♥♥
And thank you so much for voting!!!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post, Sandie.... Great thought for the day.

I laughed outloud at the Church Fart one...

The funeral director one is great too. AND --I loved the one about the Bridal Registry.... Ah-shucks... they all are good.


renae said...

Merci for the laughs again. I've been meaning to say all week that I love that you have Nancy's photograph on the top of your blog. Nice touch. Can I use the Mister Rogers on my blog not next week but the next?

Ginny Hartzler said...

The bridal registry joke is so cute!! wWe loved Mr. Rogers, he was a calming influence in a world gone wild.

Unknown said...

As usual your Friday posts are very uplifting - thank you for the giggles :-) Love, Eva

Marie said...

Good stuff Sandie! I loved Mister Rogers! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

you always make me smile, i hope today is a bit easier for you,

Wanda's Wings said...

Your post always make me smile and remember to be thankful.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Such a wonderful post. Thanks for the laugh. I love the drug store one. I got to tell that to my hubby. Hope you have a great weekend.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Didn't know Mr. Rogers was a Presbyterian Minister. I was raised in a Presbyterian church.
Love the bridal registry. LOL Thanks for the mention. Hugs, Debby

Nancy's Notes said...

Sandie, another smile and laugh, you are the bestest!

Anonymous said...

The Mister Rogers video is definitely making it's rounds, in one form or another. That was S.D. and my viewing last night before bed.

Arkansas Patti said...

The church fart got me too. Thanks for all the smiles and chuckles. Great way to end the week.

Sweet Tea said...

Bridal registry. LOL!!
I totally agree with the housework quote!!

betty said...

LOL with the elderly engaged couple and the bridal registry! I did know Mr. Rogers was a minister; I really enjoyed watching his shows with the kids when they were younger :)

hope you are doing okay Sandie and you have a restful weekend


Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Oh you find some funny ones. Hope you had a super day. Susan

jack69 said...

Hey dear lady, enjoyed the jokes and the neat encouragements. I love to laugh. But for sure the undertaker ain't dressing me in the morning!!!! hahahaha

Cannot watch the video no playee right now, bad signal will check it later, I like Mr. Rogers!!!
Love from here!!!!

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I'm not sure which one is the funniest of the bunch ... I loved them all!

Anonymous said...

Very cute post today! Sending wishes for you all to enjoy this father's day weekend. Stay cool!

Rob-bear said...

Ah! wonderful as always.

The Bridal Registry bit I have read before, but it is still fun.

Yes, Fred Rogers was a Presbyterian Minister. Also, in the 1960s, he worked in Canadian television for the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation). It was during those three years that he developed what would become "Mr. Rogers Neighbourhood." Another Canadian gift to America.

Bev said...

I love this post...so funny all of it... You know I never knew of Fred Rogers....new saw him....on TV... hmmm and I'm even Canadian:)

GrammyK said...

Dropping by to catch up. It's been a while since I've been able to make the rounds on blogland. I'm thankful to have so much to keep me too busy to be on the computer too much! Ha Ha!!

I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I pray that the Lord will fill your heart with peace and warm happy memories so that the sadness is easier to bear.

Thanks for the Friday laughs. :-)
Blessings! Kris <3

JeanMac said...

You give me my laughs!

renae said...

Sandie!!! Thank you!!! you made my day (complimenting me) yes, yesterday was our 12th and it's ok. You have had your mind on other more important things. (hug) thank you for being there for me. :D

Jocelyn said...

LOL!! I loved these!! :) So very funny! Loved the stories - all of them! And the pictures and everything! :) I'm your newest follower =D

Ann said...

I'm a day late but these made for good Saturday morning giggles.

Nancy said...

Love them all -- a great collection of smiles. :)

Kerrie said...

Haha, I'd be the ding-bat trying to press the "green" enter button instead of the green "yes" button.


These put a spring in my step. Very funny. The airbag one applies here. Both my hubby and I need one. LOL Take care.

Grammy Goodwill said...

Oh, how I love your jokes, esp the bridal registry one. Oh, and the silent hehehe fart.