"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday Services to you.

HOW CHOCOLATE KEEPS YOU HAPPY - from First For Women Improved mood - sipping cocoa drinks can life spirits within 60 seconds - and the good cheer will last up to 90 minutes, according to a study in the journal Appetite. The credit goes to the treat's phytochemicals, which trigger the release of the feel-good brain chemical serotonin.

 Reduces Stress - The polyphenols in dark chocolate curb the body;s output of two key stress hormones (cortisol and catecholamines), say Swiss researcher. This help prevent the high blood pressure, racing heart rate, and shallow breathing that lead to feelings of anxiety and unease.

 Revs Energy - Preliminary research suggest that regular consumption of cocoa can improve physical endurance by 50percent. The reason: Compounds in cocoa rev activity of mitochondria (energy engines in cells), which improves cells' ability to convert glucose into fuel.


 You can use a toaster to grill cheese!

You can die your own buttons.

You can mail any object that you can affix a stamp to - if it is 13 ounces or less!

Marshmallows for a sore throat - the kids will like that.
Good way to store hamburger - freeze like this and you can break off a chunk as you need it.

And thank you Monica at The Chicken Wrangler for your help!




Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Interesting! I especially like the advice from a tree! ;-)

Debbie said...

perfect advice from a tree!!

Anonymous said...

marshmallows for a sore throat...who'da thunk it?

Tanna said...

Most interesting little tidbits!! I'm fascinated by the "mail anything" idea... hmmmm... what can I try that out on??? ;) blessings ~ tanna


NEVER thought to lay a toaster on it's side for grilled cheese??? Kind of interesting. LOVE the TREE advice.

Suzan said...

Morning Sandie,
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your Advice from a Tree!!
Have a great weekend :-}}

Anonymous said...

The tree one is cute.

Happy Saturday!

Unknown said...


andy said...

Thays good stuff to know! ! Have a great weekend! Talk to you monday

andy said...

Thays good stuff to know! ! Have a great weekend! Talk to you monday

Anonymous said...

I love the chocolate and the advice from the tree! Have a great weekend.

Pondside said...

Well, your postal service must be waaaay better than ours. I got a lecture from the postal clerk not too long ago because I'd tied string around a package. I was mortified.

Sally said...

Gotta love the tree!

Happy Saturday. :)

Cherie said...

I'll have to tell my mother about the hamburger thing. She hate the process for freezing it, and that looks so much easier!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Smart on the grilled cheese!
Yes, chocolate makes me happy ;-)

TexWisGirl said...

i love the tree!!!

Wanda's Wings said...

Chocolate is indeed the cure all! very smart little tree!

Charlotte Wilson said...

This post is so interesting as they all are! I really loved the advice from a tree!
Hope y'all had fun on Wednesday!


Beth said...

I love chocolate and marshmallows. What could be better?
Very interesting post!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

This was fun and of course the chocolate info was the most important! hugs, Linda

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great suggestions. Thank you.
Enjoy your day. Love, Debby

Denise said...

As always wonderful advice and hints.The one I'm still wondering about is the Marshmellows help sore throats?

Jocelyn said...

Oooo I could use some chocolate today!! Maybe I'll go make myself some =D

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Some good tips here. Thanks, Sandie!

Susannah said...

Love the advice from the tree!!!!!

Lynn said...

That's good advice from that tree. :) Especially the part about drinking water.

Lynn said...

That's good advice from that tree. :) Especially the part about drinking water.

The Boston Lady said...

Got it! Chocolate! And water. Ann

Buttercup said...

You had me at chocolate. I think I need some to pep up this afternoon. It's perfect weather here and hope you have a great day, too!

Nancy said...

Thanks for the tips, honey. You are such a giving lady. xo

Louisette said...

Hello from Belgium, have a nice week !

jack69 said...

I don't believe that junk about chocolate (LOL), but SHERRY SURE DOES! hahahahaha.
Never thought about the marshmallow but I sure like the idea of the hamburger, but we seldom buy HB anymore. The bad rap given it has made us chicken eaters. Of course being raised by a preacher, I had to love chicken, and I do.
Thanks for a great read....
Love from Pennsylvania...

Hootin Anni said...

That's a nifty way of storing any ground meats. And saves on the bulky packaging in the freezer!!! As for chocolate [dark]...I take some like my meds each day. My cardiologist recommended it...seriously.

LL Cool Joe said...

I always remember my roots. :D I have half of my hair bleached, and half brown and I seem to always be having my roots bleached. :D

Arkansas Patti said...

The trouble with chocolate is it may be good and healthy going down, but it makes me want more food. I tend to over eat everything any time I have chocolate and that is not healthy. Sigh.
We should all be like trees.

betty said...

never heard of marshmellows for sore throat; interesting! will have to try one sometime when I have a sore throat.

hope it is a nice day Sandie!


Sharon said...

Great post, Sandie, especially love the part about chocolate!

Unknown said...

I love your thought of the day today, think I will hold on to that one :) Have a lovely Day!


Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I know that hot chocolate makes me feel better and I do love my hot choclate in the cold winter months...

Would never had thought of using the toaster like that but looks like a cool idea.......

Dee said...

I haven't heard about marshmallows for a sore throat...but the more I think about it..it makes sense. I like the meat idea also and I have been tempted to mail the grands something similar to your photo, but was never sure it would get to them. I still may give it a try. :) I also am still chuckling over the pastor joke from previous post.LOL

Marsha Young said...

Once again, I don't know where you come up with all these fun things. But thank you! :)

Tablescapes By Diane said...

Hi lovely lady. I see some good tips here. Thanks, I love the one for the hamburger.. Thanks for this one also. I hope you are having a wonderful day with your family this weekend, and thanks for your sweet comments on my Island Tablescape.
XXOO Diane

Sweet Tea said...

I think the Tree has gotten it right!
Happy Saturday, Sandie!

Susan said...

Yeah tree! Your advice was right on. Better than any human could give. May you wave your branches proudly!

Treat post, Sandie. Fun and informative, like you! Susan

Karen said...

I always drink a cup of hot chocolate before bedtime...in summer and winter!

Interesting tidbits for Saturday...enjoy your weekend!

MunirGhiasuddin said...

Great post, love the advise from the tree:)

Paula said...

Sure like what that tree said but don't know about putting cheese in my toaster upside down or other wise. lol

Miss Debbie said...

So... how do you dye buttons? :-)

SquirrelQueen said...

That is one smart tree, excellent advice.

And of course being a woman I am always looking for good reasons to have a taste, or two, of chocolate.

BlueShell said...

good advise!!!
and I do love chocolate!!!


Granny Annie said...

What better way to end the week than to learn all the positive effects of dark chocolate. Woohoo. I also learned this week that alcoholic beverages help fight osteoporosis.

That hamburger divider for freezer looks perfect. Usually I prepare patties and separate them with wax paper before placing in the freezer. This looks a lot better and faster.

I'm still in a quandary about the toaster for grilling cheese. I have seen that before and can only imagine the cheese dripping into the workings of the toaster.

jp@A Green Ridge said...


Ann said...

I knew chocolate was good for me :)
Love the advice from a tree

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Thanks for all the tips. I did not know that about marshmellows.
Why do they help?

Mary said...

More serotonin. She is our friend! Actually Chocolate is so tasty. I also love that segmented packaging to freeze the meat. Great service. Mary