"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesdays Tail

Good morning dear friends - 

No this is not my picture- but I think it is what Disco feels like today!  lol

Do you ever think about the fact that while I know a lot of dogs/cats are mistreated - there are so many that are loved?  I look at our little guy and he is so lucky.  Now anyway.  The rescue people said they found him outside - but I tell you what - he so so sickly I have to doubt it.  

He has allergies galore.  I'[m getting kind of worried.  How did he ever survive outside?  He's going to have to go for allergy testing.  He has been on steroids and can't go on many more times.  Now he has a staph infection.  We take such good care of him too - I can't figure it out.  So more medication and an antibiotic.

They also have this new thing out - like the Front Line - for allergies.  You put it on once a month and it protects him for a month from allergies getting into his skin.  ?? Not sure how it will work, but we will see.  

Funny I have some allergies to him maybe he is allergic to me?


I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”
Abraham Lincoln
I think I would have really liked Ab Lincoln as a friend.  I'm not sure I would part from them when they went wrong - unless they stayed wrong.  You know what I mean?  Everyone deserves a chance - but I can see what Ab was saying.



I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Years ago we never heard of dogs having allergies yet today many do. I know my daughters dogs are suffering right now too. They do this every year and she has to put them on meds too. I hope that new thing works ! I also hear a lot more about allergies my grandchildren are having...my own never had them when they were young. I truly wonder just what has happened. Is there something in the air or are we just more aware of it?? Hope your Tuesday is a terrific one!

Parsley said...

One of my dogs is allergic to grass! Hard to avoid it! We did find switching her to a grain free food helped. No corn,rice, or wheat. Hope your pup feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous picture of that little pup....so cute.
I think all living things are developing allergies. It's all the contaminants we have soaked our environment in.

Shelly said...

I worked as a vet tech when I was in school and used to ache for those little guys with such bad allergy problems. Hopefully this new treatment will do the trick-

Cheri said...

Poor Disco...I hope he feels better soon. Love that pup picture.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Poor Disco. Probably just genetics - I know you take great care of him. Some animals have weaker immune systems, just like some people do. I hope the new allergy drops will do the trick!

Jill said...

I've been hearing a lot about holistic vets for dogs. It sounds like they do wonders. I can't speak from experience though. Maybe an idea? How it goes well today...for you AND Disco. None of this is your fault...I'm sure it's genetics.

I LOVE so many of Abe's statements, including today's.

Remington said...

Hope Disco feels better soon.... Mr. Abe certainly had wise words for us all....

andy said...

Hope disco feels better soon! Love words for today!

Marie said...

I feel for Disco. My Rambo has had a terrible time with allergies and his skin was a wreck! They gave him steroids, but that's not good for his weight issue. I'm trying to do things more natural. I give him an omega-3 supplement and tea tree oil is so good for the skin and so much more. I'll email you.:)

Jeanie said...

Disco is very lucky to have you to take such good care of him. I hope you find something to take care of the allergies. Our dog was a stray before we got him. Fortunately he has not yet developed any health problems, but he is still pretty young.

Beth said...

Disco is very lucky that you rescued him. I hope he is all better soon.

Wanda's Wings said...

Sounds like Disco is having a rough time. Hope the vet figures out what is going on.

Susan said...

Oh my gosh, Sandie. I learn something every day. I never knew dogs could get allergies.

Well, I suppose animals are much like humans. If they can get cancer, like humans, it stands to reason they can get allergies, too.

So sorry little Disco has them. Take care and have a good Tuesday. Susan

TexWisGirl said...

good luck with disco. poor boy...

Anonymous said...

My dog supposedly has allergies that affects her ears. The vet wanted to put her on special food and absolutely no table scapes (though, that didn't last long). I think some dogs, like humans, just get prone to getting sick and being sensitive easier then others.

renae said...

Sandie! Nice info here today. Perhaps his breed is prone to certain ailments.(?) I love Ab Lincoln, too. I always think of him and his honor and then can't comprehend how he died, just can't. I love your new smaller font. It brings your site to a more relaxed calmness. Great! Have a super day ok?

Mary said...

That picture gave me a Wow startle laugh...Best of luck to Disco. Nice day to you.

jack69 said...

Growing up I guess our pets had to live with what ever came. My dad came from the farm. His opinion was love for all animals, but Vets were for the farm animals that supplied life to the family. Of course they could not afford the vet otherwise. (sigh)

I do that often. I Look at some famous person and say, I would bet that guy/gal would have made a 'good friend'. I say that about Harry Truman and Jimmy Carter. I also feel strongly about Abe Lincoln. His was a tough job, but he took to it. I always felt he was an humble man and a good friend to people who came in contact with him. Good thoughts today lady.

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Hello Sandie..
Dogs are very very allergic to fleas. Fleas are all over..they thrive inbetween the grass and low weeds and sand. Its not the dog that has fleas.the fleas jump on them. I have been using front line for more than 8 years now, and its fantastic. You can also buy a collar its called "Scalibor" both are expensive. for one dog not so bad.. but I have 4. Change his diet to dry "Pro Plan" its a very good balanced diet. dont wash him too much..that takes away the natural oils that dogs have.
give him a cod liver oil pill and you will see the difference. no wet food.
hope this helps.
Abe Lincoln 's words are profound.
a very unique president.
happy tuesday Sandie,

Shug said...

Cute picture.. Our Bella doesn't have any allergies, but she can drive you crazy with all the sniffing she does. BTW...Bella is rotten! so spoiled!
have a blessed day.


Poor Disco. Must be miserable with all those allergies. Maybe the crazy weather this year is helping to make it worse??? Hope you find something that works. take care.

Terra said...

I trust little Disco will be healthy soon and that the allergies clear up.

Lynn said...

Disco is so lucky to have you!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Ah sweet Disco! Give him a hug from Aunt Linda! Hope he feels better soon.


momto8 said...

my friends dog has allergies....it is costing them a small fortune to treat them....good luck!!
I love the Lincoln thoughts...what a great role model!

Unknown said...

Great post and cute picture :) Poor Disco, but you really do take very good care of him! Lovely.
Have a great day!


Hootin Anni said...

Abe Lincoln was a great man. At least that's my opinion.

As for allergies, our Winston has them too. Every Spring. And he gets a bit melancholy during that time of year.

Are you sure that's not you in the photo. [insert wink]

MadSnapper n Beau said...

baby girl takes 2 benadryl in the AM and 2 in the PM for hers. it helps but they never go away. hers makes big tumors all over her. with the pills they stay small without they get huge.

Nonnie said...

I don't like it all when animals are sick or suffering. I always wish I could help them understand what's going on. I hope he doesn't have to wear a cone. I understand what you are saying on the Abe quote.

Charlotte Wilson said...

Unfortunately there are puppy mills breeding dogs they shouldn't be breeding. This poor dog may be one of them. I am glad that you are giving Disco a home.


Ann said...

So far no allergies with Duke but I had a chocolate lab who had a really bad flea allergy. She would lose most of her hair if she got fleas. Hope Disco is feeling better soon

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

More and more dogs seem to have allergies.

My doctor looked just like Abraham Lincoln. He even thought so! His whole office was filled with books and pictures of him.


Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Today is youngest daughter, Dawn's, birthday and I just got off the phone with her a short tie ago. She just took in a little dog from a rescue place to help him gain his health back and then they will find him a permanent home. My daughter has a heart of gold..
I doubt he is allergic to you. :) With most it's the food. I use Science Diet and in all these years..no vet bills. Only once and that was because someone threw poison into our yard. It happened all over the neighborhood. We lived right next to a park..open our gate and you were in the park. Anyway....all of my animals have lived on that food..
Everyone has their favorite dog and cat food.
I hope your little pal gets well...but it's NOT you..heavens! :)

Dee said...

Allergies are really bad this year for pets and humans. I hope Disco can get some relief soon. Sure hope your not allergic to each other. LOL

Savannah Granny said...

So sweet! I hope she feels better soon! xo

Blondee said...

That dog picture is hilarious!

I had no idea dogs could have allergies, but I guess it makes sense. Poor thing!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

I liked the Abe Lincoln quote. The man stood for what he believed.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Poor doggie... So sorry that he has allergies--but I've heard that the Front Line really works well.

Love the Abe Lincoln quote... I'd probably would have wanted to be his friend also. I certainly like what he had to say!!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

What a photo! I did not realize that animals suffered so much from alergies until I have been trying to deal with a cat that drifted up here and has made a home for herself. She has alergies really bad and I have been trying to get her some relief. Hope yours gets better soon.
Sorry I have not been a good blogging friend. The last few months have been so crazy I can't keep up with my chores out here and visiting with my friends on here has really been slow. I do hope I get back into being a better friend.
Take care

Angela said...

My chihuahua kept getting ear infections years ago. I took her to the vet who had me change her food to a lamb and rice and it worked. Her ears got better. Some dogs are allergic to the corn in their dog food. I feed my dogs a dog food that doesn't have corn in it at all. I hope you can figure out what is making Disco sick.

Renegades said...

The cat at work has allergies and has to have baths. yeah funny for a cat huh.

Rob-bear said...

Have you considered the possibility that Disco is allergic to himself? As in total body rejection, or something like that.

Hope you day and week improve.

Jim said...

Best of wishes to Disco. Free dogs don't stay free for long.

Jim said...

Best of wishes to Disco. Free dogs don't stay free for long.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I'm sorry poor little Disco is having allergy problems. It's hard to see our fur-babies suffering, isn't it? Hope you are well and having a good week! Take care.

SquirrelQueen said...

Poor Disco, I hope the new medication helps. Allergies can develop over time, maybe Disco didn't have them before. I'm surprised the vet didn't suggest changing his food.

That is a great Lincoln quote.

Linda O'Connell said...

"Everyone deserves a chance"...I love that and have written something similar today on my blog. Have a great day.

Mary said...

Hahaha..That's me...the ballet dancing granny type. and the one hanging by knees in ballet class.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sorry about Disco. My daughters dog has allergies but is doing great on a Duck & Potato diet.