"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tuesdays Tails and Tales...

Oh my gosh friends - you caught me running late - seems these days it's my normal.  Maybe I'll be catching up soon though.  Grandson started middle school alright and I thank you for your prayers - he loved it.  Even the uniform was okay. Phew.

He did start it with stitches.  Sunday night - right before we were to leave for MYF - he went to grandpa's workbench - with grandpa down there.  He wanted to make something to take with him.  Well when grandpa wasn't looking he took one of grandpa's knives.  Now picture this grandpa was putting tabs on his new Bible for school and all of a sudden blood flew over his head all over him and the Bible - like it was raining blood.  Guess grandson took and flew his hand back for some reason.

Grandpa was shocked to say the least.  Turned around and grandson was running upstairs to the bathroom.  Daughter and I were upstairs and her hub yelling to come down.  Never a good sign.

Well we tried to close it up for about an hour - but every time he lowered it - it started bleeding again.  Off to the emergency room for stitches.  He started school yesterday with stitches.  He was pretty brave though - but a hard way to start middle school.  lol

We had open house last Thursday night.  Friday we went and decorated his lockers (he got two) with UGA Bulldog items.  His mom - his good mom - color coded all his books and notebook and schedule.  On Saturday they had a swim party get together for six graders and he got to meet all his classmates!! 

Sunday morning he got captured in Sunday school by the youth group and got taken to McDonald's for breakfast. Then they silly tied them - all a good initiation into youth group for next Sunday.

Then there was the hospital visit - so you see - I tell you all this to let you know I am not goofing around when I say I was busy.  lol

Tomorrow I'll give you some more deTAILS about my grandson's first day.  Again thanks for your prayers.

That is my tale for the day.  And since I love to goof around here is my tail for the day.  Isn't it cute?

 So this is my tale on Tuesday's tail, about a tail. 


If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.  Milton Berle

Love, chatty tail - oops, I mean crone.


andy said...

Glad he liked school! !! Not a great way to start! Hope you have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love the tail shot and the pup in the tub. so happy GS had a good first day. i do hope the cut is not on the hand he writes with. don't worry about us, just do your busy bee stuff. soon it will calm down an dyou will be home alone during the day

Unknown said...

Yep, I really was here this time!

Cheri said...

Loved the pup pictures...LOL very cute. That is good news that GS loved school and how fun the church Youth group did a "fun" initiation. School and church are starting off on a good note.

Farida said...

Busy, busy, busy as a bee Ms Sandie :)

Susan said...

Hi Sandie....Oh my gosh. So sorry to hear about that mishap with GS. Yikes. Your hubs must've been upset, too. Oh, Lordy, glad it all turned out okay.

So glad the first day went well. I prayed. Every little prayer helps, right?

Take care and have a good day. Susan

LoLy said...

LOL, I know that i love that little tail :p


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

So glad that your grandson is enjoying school. Sorry to hear of his mishap but glad to hear that all it took were a few stitches to get it resolved. Like I said before, take your time getting back into the routine of the school year ... we'll be here waiting for you. ;-)

Grammy Goodwill said...

Oh, my goodness. I hope that wasn't his writing hand. (Sorry, I still think like a teacher.) It sounds like he's had a good start to the school year/church year. That's great.

Anonymous said...

Yep...you've been busy all right.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

You are indeed a busy gal! I'm glad to hear that Andy likes his new school, but sorry he started it off with stitches in his hand! Hope everything continues to be good with his school and that you get to slow down and relax! Take care.

Beth said...

You are a very busy lady. I am glad your grandson is OK, sorry he had to start school with stitches.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Wow girl, things have been hoppin over there. So glad GS loved his new school. Sorry about the stitches but boys...what can you say! Take a deep breath and know that things will calm down...at least I hope so! Miss you. Linda

Shelly said...

Whew! So glad he got the stitches and is on the mend now- what a sight that must have been!

Jill said...

Sorry about the stitches but I am so happy to hear he liked his first day! Yeah!

Melanie said...

I'm glad GS is OK, and that he enjoyed his first day of school. We still have a few weeks left yet before we go back. Summer vacation went by way too fast!

Nonnie said...

Sorry about the stitches and glad your grandson is okay - but wow! all the rest of the story. What a great start to new school experience.

Love the dog in the tub!

jack69 said...

Love the tale of the tail there, tail!!!
Terrible moment with the cut I am sure. BUT the stitches for a boy? After the hurt & doctors, That is a bragging point!!! Good to have a talking point at a new school! HA!
Hope all continues well!!!
Love from NH

Jeanie said...

That's great that the school year is off to a good start. The first of school is always a busy time.
I hope the cut heals quickly.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Except for the stitches it sounds like a great start to your grandson's school year. I'm babysitting for one of my grandson's today, a two year old. Mom and dad are teachers and had to get ready for the new school year. I'll have the little 2 month old one later this afternoon too. Should be fun. Hope your Tuesday is terrific!

TexWisGirl said...

yikes on the cut!

Wanda's Wings said...

Hope he heals quickly. Love the pugs.


Poor thing, what a way to start school with stitches. Glad he met his classmates and has his notebooks and such organized. praying he'll will heal as soon as possible. take care.

LL Cool Joe said...

I played that song on Saturday night and it when down very well.

Glad school went well, even with the stitches. Ouch!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

Life is always exciting with kids around! I hope he has a good start to school! I'm thinking about all of my grandkids this week, too! Sweet hugs!

Knitty said...

Nothing like getting the bad stuff out of the way, right? I hope his first week sets the tone for a wonderful year at his new school. Later this mishap will become a great story to tell. Right now, I'm just glad he is ok and the rest of you survived.

renae said...

oh I was very concerned about all that blood. stitches and school are a difficult mix. glad things are ok and moving forward. busy is as busy does. love to you in all of your busy-ness.

Sally said...

Not a great way to start school, but it sounds like he took it in stride.

Is he beginning MYF? I was a youth counselow for many years; loved it!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Ouch on the stitches, but thrilled to hear he's off to a good school start!

Southhamsdarling said...

Love that quote at the end about the open door! So glad and relieved that your grandson enjoyed his first day at middle school. That must have made you happy. Let's hope that it continues and that he settles in well. You've certainly been very busy lately!

Charlotte Wilson said...

Never a dull moment around your house.
At least your grandson will have a conversation starter with his stitches. LOL


Paula said...

Trips to ER make me nervous. Glad he is okay and liked his school.

Jocelyn said...

Awww - not exactly best way to begin school, but I'm glad he's having a good time so far. Getting silly tied sounds like lots of fun!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Ha Ha.... Love the TAIL.... Cute!!!

Glad your grandson did so well on his first day... Gosh--your life is definitely not boring, is it????? Sorry he hurt himself and had to have stitches.... Goodness!!!!

Love the Thought for the Day....Yes--let's build a door.

Miss Debbie said...

Oh my goodness, sorry about the stitches. I know that was scary!Glad he enjoyed his first day and that you survived it!!

Marie said...

So glad your grandson is okay. What a way to start middle school...such a boy! Cute tail in the tub! Love...build a door!

Karen Lange said...

Yes, you have been busy! That's just fine, you are doing just what you need to do. Glad all is well.

Blessings and hugs,

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

So excited for your grandson- I hope he has a wonderful school year!

Ann said...

busy isn't so bad except for when it involved the ER. Glad the first day went well though

Unknown said...

i love the bath doggy pic and as for being busy it happens just stay strong and all of us will be here.

Suzan said...

Middle school can be such a challenge!! Sounds like he's off to a great start!! that picture of the pooch in the tub - Yours??? I just saw a report about a pup that looks just like him and how he has over a million followers on Fb. Wishing your grandson a great school year!

Dee said...

Boys...knives...stitches...pretty normal LOL...I am glad it was a minor injury and boys do love to brag about scars.I look forward to hearing about his first day of school. :)

Chicken Wrangler said...

Oh my....that was a surprise,wasn't it! Hope the rest of the school year goes easier on him!

Mary said...

Sorry for his stitches...by this reading he will be tucked in bed ready for day 2... Good Grandma, sleep. hahahaahhaaa

Savannah Granny said...

So sorry your grandson had to have stitches but it's great that first day went well. Hope things calm down some. Hugs, Ginger

Nancy said...

Oh, those boys! Always getting into trouble at the worst possible moment. Lol. I'm glad he's okay and enjoying his new school. xo

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Love all the tails...I mean tales!...:)JP

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my goodness, so sorry about that. Hope all is well.