"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, September 10, 2012


Believe it or not I'm back in middle school - 6th grade.  And it is much harder than I remember!!

Actually when I went to school my elementary school went to 7th grade.  When we graduated I was asked to pick a BIBLE verse and speak about it - this was in a public school.

I read Ecclesiastes 3 - long before the Beatles Byrd's song came out Turn Turn Turn.  Then believe it or not - 8th grade went into high school and I was called a sub-freshman.

A Time for Everything

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:
    a time to be born and a time to die,
    a time to plant and a time to uproot,
    a time to kill and a time to heal,
    a time to tear down and a time to build,
    a time to weep and a time to laugh,
    a time to mourn and a time to dance,
    a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
    a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
    a time to search and a time to give up,
    a time to keep and a time to throw away,
    a time to tear and a time to mend,
    a time to be silent and a time to speak,
    a time to love and a time to hate,
    a time for war and a time for peace.

I still love it today.

This weekend I learned all about Canada - it's funny - I don't remember studying it in school - but I found it's really a fascinating country and I probably know more now then the grandson!  I really listened because I have so many wonderful Canadian friends!!  You guys have a big country there!

He also had to do a book report - do you believe he has gone to school 6 years and has never had to do one.  Now this was huge.  He had to do a rough draft and then rewrite it in pen. Draw pictures.  Covers, etc.

And I had to bake some goodies for his bake sale.  See the picture in the back of the cupcakes?  I think I did pretty good.  lol

Love, Chatty

Another one of my favorites is this:

“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971)(American Theologian)


Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Your cupakes are AWESOME! I bet they sold out!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

they will love those faces on the cupcakes, skeletons are IN right now. or so i saw on TV. so you will come out of GS jr high with your own completed education.

Anonymous said...

This was one of the questions on Jeff Foxworthy's new show "American Bible challenge"...love the cup cakes,just send 'em south.

Shelly said...

Those cupcakes are darling- you can bake cupcakes for my classes anytime! And how times have changed-

Cranberry Morning said...

What cute cupcakes! And isn't it fun to be back in school. :-)

Liz Mays said...

You did such a great job on those cupcakes. Most impressive! I remember how much work book reports were. I feel for him!

Jill said...

Look at you! Those cupcakes are awesome! Peace to you today!

Remington said...

AWESOME cupcakes! Too cute to eat!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awesome cupcakes. Ecclesiastes 3 is one of my favorite verses! Book reports and homework. I do not remember having home work in kindergarten but my granddaughter is bringing home homework every night. Lol, life is getting a little harder for our grandkids.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

OH MY! The cupcakes are amazing...very SCARY! heehee! I love your scriptures this morning...what a nice way to start my day, with a song in my heart!

andy said...

Your cup cakes are awesome! !!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's great to remember the days we had prayer in public schools. I can remember when we had a little snack of milk mid mornings in grade school and we said a little prayer giving thanks for it. While you are learning a lot, homework was never a favorite of mine so I guess I can be very thankful that the grandchildren I see often are little babies yet. I had 7 children and the homework always seemed endless back in the day...The cupcakes are cute! It'll be an interesting year for you it seems.
Hope your Monday is a wonderful one!

Anonymous said...

Those are great looking cupcakes. I'll bet they sold lickety scoot.
By the way, we Canadians are quite happy that no one knows much about us. We don't want anyone to get any ideas lol.

Susannah said...

You are a great cupcake decorator. Everyone will want to buy them!

Gina said...

Your cupcakes turned out so cute!

I'm laughing because I'm also back in 6th grade this year. Can't wait to see how much I remember!

TexWisGirl said...

lovin' the scary cakes. :)

LV said...

What cute cupcakes for Halloween. My granddaughter is grown but has a big things about Halloween. She would loves these. Very inspiring thoughts.

Linda said...

You did NOT do 'pretty good!' You did AMAZING!!!! Good job!!!

Inger said...

We had prayer in our school too and that was in Sweden back in the day. I think it was a good thing. How great that you had a good learning experience with you grandson and those cupcakes are awesome.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love the cupcakes! So cute Sandie! I remember my kids being in middle school and the amount of homework was horrible! Hang in there! Hugs, Linda

Kerrie said...

I can relate to the high volume of homework your grandson is given. That's the way private schools roll. Oh my gosh! My little man is in 4th Grade, and he's on his fifth book review this year! And I'm not talking iddy biddy little books either! He's been putting in long hours. After he reads the book, he has to hand write his notes and draw illustrations. That must be handed into the teacher with a typed copy, making sure paragraphs and correct punctuation are used. He handed one in yesterday, and this latest book, he has do a presentation in front of his class as well. Today is college's cultural day, and he'll be standing at the lectern, addressing all the teachers, parents and students speaking in Chinese. Not forgetting all the other work they have to do and on top of that today he also has two exams. One for SOSE (Social Science) and the other is Science. Holidays are coming up in a couple of weeks, thankfully!!! I really hope he won't have any more book reviews next term. Wishful thinking!

By the way, we love Canada!!!

BelovedBomber said...

Times have changed...I remember prayer in morning and then moments of silence. Now most schools don't do any such thing.

Beth said...

That is one of my favorite verses from the Bible. I love the song as well.

The cupcakes are spooktacular!

Southhamsdarling said...

I love that bible verse, and it is so true. I am more than impressed with your cupcakes. Way to go Sandie!! Hugs.

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Hi Sandie,

Wow those cupcakes look amazing.
Well done you!

Great that you enjoyed school
and that you learned so much about Canada.

The verse is lovely thanks for posting it.

I hope you have a lovely week

x Fiona

LL Cool Joe said...

You did great! They look very professional. :)

Lois Christensen said...

Your cupcakes are amazing!!!! I don't think my son has EVER done a book report! I remember my girl did when she was in 3rd grade and they also included a project of some sort. This was our first year in a private Christian (VERY EXPENSIVE) school and I remember the first time she had a book report/project due. I supervised to make sure she followed the instructions but it was all her work and came out nice. Well, at open house a week later the teacher had the projects on display and hers was the ONLY one that looked like the student did the work. The others were so professional looking you knew the parents did the work and the students just watched. I was slightly embarrassed but didn't care, she did all her own projects for the entire year and received really good grades on them. Enjoy your Monday!

Love Of Quilts said...

You did do good very very good.

Anonymous said...

Those are great looking cupcakes!

Middle school started in 5th grade for me, and I did my first book reports then as well. We had to do three I think...I enjoyed that, but I always liked to read.

And P.S. Turn, Turn, Turn is a Byrd's tune, not a Beatles one. ;)

Hootin Anni said...

That's Jack Skelington [or whatever his name is], right? Neat cupcakes.

As for learning 6th grade geography/social studies at this time in life, I think, would be a challenge. Everything has changed so when I was in school. But the learning process with computers and all, I imagine it's much more intense.

Oh, and I've been called by many names, but NEVER been anything 'sub' somebody. [insert wink]

Unknown said...

Lovely cupcakes :) can I have some (joking). I like your post as usual. Hope you're having a great Monday!
Big hugs

The Boston Lady said...

I see someone beat me to it about The Beatles not singing that song. But they could have!!! I always loved that song and did not know it was so close to that bible verse.

But I do know a little bit about Canada since I grew up there and I'm impressed that GS is doing a book report on our neighbors to the north. When I was in 6th grade in Canada, it was still in Elementary school and I did book reports on a lot of American subjects such as The American Revolution and The Civil War. It was the background for my knowledge of American history when I arrived to the states in 10th grade. Otherwise we concentrated on Canadian history, which I of course have retained very little - that's unfortunate.

Your cupcakes will be the hit of the bake sale I think. I suspect some bakeries may be calling on your talents! Ann

Rob-bear said...

Those are wonderfully spooky cupcakes. I suspect they were popular.

And yes, Canada is a delightful place. Some might say I am biased, but I like it here. And have for almost 67 years.

And the reading from Ecclesiastes is one I use sometimes when conducting a funeral. It says a lot in a little space.

Suzan said...

I remember saying the pledge, singing the Star Spangle Banner AND reciting the Lord's Prayer --- in elementary public school in the 60s!!
Fun cupcakes!!

Dee said...

Doing homework with the grands is like being in school all over again as they do things so differently then we did. The cupcakes are very cute...your grandson was probably very proud to take them to school for the sale. What an honor to be chosen to read scripture and speak about it for your seventh grade graduation...that speaks volumes of your character.♥

Ann said...

I'm pretty sure that if I had to go back to 6th grade I would not do so good this time around.....lol
Love the cupcakes, very cool. I bet they were a hit

Belle said...

Yes, our Canada is huge and beautiful! I love the cupcakes - you did a terrific job.

Lynn said...

Your cupcakes turned out great and I know the kids loved them:@)

Susan said...

Oh Sandie...GREAT JOB on those cupcakes! Wowsers. How did you DO that? Are the eyes raisins? How did you make the mouths? Oh, they are darling.

Take care and have a good night. Susan

Mary said...

I think you did excellently. That character is so popular...you scored with the kids who got those.

Cheri said...

Well look at you...quite a little baker there. The cupcakes are really cute.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Yum! Where's mine? HA HA

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for all the fun you share. As I read a few past posts, I applaud your decision to spend less time on the computer. We have to get out there and live our lives, not just chronicle them.
Yay you!

renae said...

Awh you are an awesome grandma-ma! I bet that all those cupcakes got bought right up. the boys would just love um. or were they cookies? oops.

SquirrelQueen said...

Those cupcakes are fabulous, I love the design. They will definitely be a hit at the bake sale.

I'm not sure if I would want to go back to the sixth grade. I remember lots of homework and tons of book reports.

Lynn said...

Great job on the cupcakes! I love how involved you are with your grandson's homework.

Linda O'Connell said...

When my kids were in school we baked cupcakes all the time and sold them for a dime at recess. Then, the health department stepped in and said no more homebaked goods. What a disappointment to us PTA moms. Yours are so cute.

Granny Annie said...

A time for some blog changes, A time for making cupcakes, A time for being Sandie:)

Tanna said...

Both of those are among my FAVORITES, too, Sandie!! You did a great job on the cupcakes!! Too cute! Well done. blessings ~ tanna

Betty Manousos said...

wow, those cupcakes look really, really great, and delicious!

great job on 'them!


Marie said...

Love your new header! Those cupcakes are terrific! Isn't it fun???

Mimi said...

I would LOVE to be able to start all over in school...do each grade in say 1 month?????I would LEARN so much more!!i used to read my kids school books when they went to bed...but I need to do this again!!!
Good for you
and if you MADE those cupcakes...and I believe you did!!!I think you did a FAB JOB!!!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Oh what fun.... I love my memories of elementary school (or most of them, ahem)....except maybe for the one standing in to corner for chatting in the wrong time.

Those cupcakes look toothsome.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I think you did a wonderful job on those cupcakes. I always loved learning along with my kids doing their reports. I think you get into it more when you are not in school anymore. Blessings dear. Catherine xo

Angela said...

Those are so darn cute Sandie! You did a fantastic job on them!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The cupcakes are adorable!!!