"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Tuesday Tails

I need a dog whisperer.  

When we got Disco - he was 14 pounds and a little fraidy cat. I mean dog.  

Now he's 16lbs - yes a little overweight and he thins he is 160 pounds.

All that happened was the heating and a/c man came to to ready the furnaces for winter.

He might be part cat - as his hair down the center of his back stands up and turns deep red.  I have never seen that on a dog.

I actually have to gate off the door way.  And if I shut the door - it is worse.  He 'needs' to see what is happening.

The man who came was scared. I was so embarrassed. If someone is already here - he does better then someone coming in.  And if we pick up one of the grandson's friends with the grandson - Disco is okay.  When he has someone come over - Disco can't be trusted.

I missed the cutest picture of him on his two back feet turning around - hence how he got called Disco!

He was formerly abused and is a rescue dog. 

It's hard and tiring to be a dog.  Now he's peacefully asleep and you'd never know his alternate persona.


No one else.


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

He is very protective of his territory I know it's a worry if you have people come in, but keeping him behind the gate is protection for both of you. But it is good to know if someone comes around. I miss my dogs barking to let me know when someone came. I have gates here from when I had the beagles. Now they get used with the grandchildren. We got to keep our babies safe. Hope you have a terrific Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

He's just performing his duty as guard dog...good job Disco. My moms dachsund had the same thing going on with the hackles..short bristly little hairs that seemed to turn deep red.

Anonymous said...

Disco is adorable. Harriet's hair turns and stands up like that on her back occasionally. My niece rescues abused dogs and some of them never get over the trauma. Disco was just protecting you!

Unknown said...

Oh yes, we understand the protection thing! Miss Mindy had to be crated when a stranger comes in the house!

Liz Mays said...

All that standing guard will wear a pup out!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh DOGS.... Aren't they just fun to watch and talk about???? He thinks he is protecting you!!!!! ha ha

Cold here this week... We've had a fire in the fireplace all week... LOVE it.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

He is cute! I'd be one of the ones who'd be afraid of him--even though I'm hundreds of times bigger. I guess because I'm not used to dogs.

Southhamsdarling said...

Disco certainly looks a real cutie, but I can imagine that it could be awkward when people come to the door! I think that I would probably be quite afraid of him as well!

Unknown said...

It's awesome that disco is a rescue dog. I love people who rescue animals. I have to rescued kitty cats myself. I'm just glad us as humans can help save mistreated animals and give them brand-new loving homes.

Lois Christensen said...

Oh my, I think you would have to put him away if I were to come to your house! Hope you're having a good Tuesday!

TexWisGirl said...

he is wonderfully protective of you, but yes, that has its dangers, too.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

love your background, your blog looks really festive. good job. when the fur stands up, that is called Hackles, and all dogs do it when upset. that is where the saying Don't get your back up comes from.
baby hates the mail man and her hackles stands up all down her back and she barks loud and frantic. she is really friendly and loves strangers but not the mail man. jake is another story, he goes in his crate if i let someone in. when the plummber was doing work in the bath room for two days, i stayed on the computer with him shut in the room with me, and bob would take him in the back yard for a while. we have to lock him away from strangers.

Linda said...

Rescue dogs are a bit more trouble but well worth it! Our Lucy is a rescue dog and we have our problems! She herds ME and barks at LD! But she LOVES him!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

It's hard when you have a dog that is too overprotective. We used to have one like that. She was sweet when she knew you - but she HATED delivery men (she was a rescue too).

The Quintessential Magpie said...

One of my late Min Pins used to have her hackles stand up like that. She did it when she encountered a bigger dog for some reason. She liked poodles, but other terriers and big dogs... look out! She loved people to pieces, but some drunk was wandering down the street in St. A on the side street by our house there, and she was off the porch and at the gate barking ferociously at him. Hackles standing at full attention.

I don't know. Dogs are funny, and terriers are funnier. I think Disco has a lot of terrier in him, and they will guard you to the death. So he thinks he's protecting you. I think his barking could be as much about him being part terrier as it could him being abused. Our terriers always barked, and I have iived with six over the years.

But you are right to keep him away from whomever it is he's barking at because you don't want him to bite someone. Some people will say, "Oh, my dog likes to bark, but he doesn't bite." I would always either crate my girls or put them on leads when strangers came over. They were funny about who they liked and didn't like, and one of mine was a scaredy cat who would have bitten if sufficiently scared. She used to bite the vet. Hated him. Didn't mind women vets, but hated this particular male vet who was the sweetest person on earth. Yet, she was my husband's dog, his baby. So go figure. Try as I might, I never could figure out her likes and dislikes. She was like a cat that way. LOL

Disco is definitely guarding you, and he's tired aafter being on guard duty! It's exhausting work. LOL



Marie said...

Disco is adorable! If our pups hair raises on their backs it's time to watch out, especially with Rambo! I do think Disco is protecting his family and home. I think you should check out Dog Whisperer website or get one of Caeser's books.

Grandma Bonnie said...

Awe it is sweet to see him being over protective. I think it is best to keep them behind a gate. We put our dog out side and chain him when ever we have work done. The internet service man has been here twice this week. He is terrified of our dog. I feel bad but I would not ever be able to give him away. He is very protective and sweet to all the family even the grand kids.

Jeanie said...

Cute pictures of Disco. Our dog is also a rescue dog, but he doesn't seem to have that protective attitude....he mostly just thinks if someone comes they are coming to play with him.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

He is such a sweet dog. Mom's little dog thought he was a big old guy also and would bark and bark! Hugs, Linda

Cranberry Morning said...

Ah, Disco. What a dog you are!! Bridger and Misty are the same way. If we put them in another room when guests arrive, rather than letting the dogs go to the door, they get used to the unfamiliar voices and then are fine with company when they're let back into the room. We're getting company this afternoon. I think I'm going to break my rule, however. We'll see. Disco is a CUTIE!

Nancy said...

You just have to love animals, uh? My cat has me wrapped around his paw......Sounds like Disco likes to make sure others know he's around to protect what is his....gotta love that....

momto8 said...

he is guarding you who he loves!!

Beth said...

Disco is the perfect guard dog, protecting his family.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Disco is a sweetie and so cute! He's wanting to protect you!

Charlotte Wilson said...

Disco is so blessed to have you as his owner! Cute pictures.

Love Of Quilts said...

Good guard dog.

Unknown said...

Hey my friend...at last I found my way into the bloggy world again. Disco is really cute! I love dogs and really miss having one. Have a lovely day!

Dee said...

He wants a job to do and he has chosen to be protective... :)

Sandy said...

I think he's adorable. Our little mini dachshund is so cute. He also thinks he's a big dog and barks so loudly when someone comes to the front gate,or even walks down the street. I absolutely love dogs, cats, too.

Miss Debbie said...

Aren't you glad to have someone to protect you like that? :-)

Debbie said...

he is soooo cute!! that's all that matters!!

Ann said...

Little dogs do seem to have a tendancy to think they are much bigger than they are...lol You would think Duke was a vicious watch dog the way he goes off sometimes. Of course Duke didn't come from the same type of background that Disco did

Hootin Anni said...

I think the world of Disco...he's a great protector. As long as there is someone watching him; no harm done. I'd rather have a service guy come to my house with fear of the dog than have a happy go lucky, playful dog. You never know these days what they look at when they come to work on the furnace/ac.

As for the hair standing up on end...all dogs do that. In fact there is one breed, a ridgeback, that has that on it's spine all the time...that's why they're called ridgebacks.

Mary said...

Our 52 lb. pit bull is afraid of everything. She's 7 months old, and she runs & hides behind the chair (if she's in the house) when she gets scared. crazy.

Lynn said...

Just doing his doggy duty and being a good watch dog! He is a cutie and shame on that big burly man for being scared:@)

LL Cool Joe said...

I have a confession. I'm terrified of all dogs! :D

Renegades said...

Our little Aggie Mae is horrible when people try and get in the door. However, once they are here and when they leave she's ok with it all.

Angela said...

He thinks he's a macho man! lol Is something wrong with your furnace? I've never had a guy come to the house for ours. I always just turn it on until it comes on. If it stinks I open the windows. lol It didn't stink this year but that is probably because I had just changed the filter.

Ms. A said...

Cesar could get him calmed right down. Have you ever used his techniques? I have and they worked quite well. I don't have dogs anymore, but wish I had know about Cesar when they were young. We could have corrected a lot of problems sooner and been a much more peaceful household.

Paula said...

It is hard work being a dog when you do your job well like Disco does.

renae said...

Well ...this is a whole new look! WOW! I love it! At first I thought it was a demure new white look and then BAMM, the background filled in and nope, no subtleties here ...hahahaha.

Thank you for your nice words, my friend, thank you!

Sweet Tea said...

I love everything about Disco - his name, his spunk, his story. Plus he's a cutie pie!

betty said...

He is being protective indeed, Sandie, but I know how embarrasing it can be. We just put Koda in his crate when someone comes in to work on things; he doesn't bark at them (other dogs yes, repair people no) but a lot of repair people won't come in to do work if a dog is out and about in the house. Our cable company specifically asks if there is a dog and if it will be crated.

I always just crate him when I hear the doorbell ring if we are expecting a repair person and then I tell the repair person that we have a dog and its crated in case they hear him barking.

I'm sure because Disco was abused, he's probably carrying around some memories of that and that's why he might act up like this.


Suzan said...

Sandie - He is protecting you and his turf!! Rescue dogs are like that, you know :-}}}

Mevely317 said...

Wouldn't-cha love to crawl inside their brains for just a bit? Caraleigh (17 lbs.) believes she is the biggest, baddest thing to come along ... that we, her humans, are sadly pathetic, not to sense the danger that lurks around every corner - lol!
Love these photos!

andy said...

Got to love animals!!!!!

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I remember most of our dogs having their hair stand.up in the middle when they became frightened. Disco is very normal. Unfortunately, that first owner who abused him will probably have an impact on him for all his life. Poor feller! However, his luck has now changed and he has owners who love and care for him. Lucky feller.

Mary said...

Disco is doing such a good job of defending you...that little over weight sweetie. Hahahhaaaa..loving the dog.

Jim said...

Disco is a nice dog, Sandie. Has he ever jumped the baby gate? We had a dog that did once, she then got on the kitchen table and ate 11 donuts that were in a box.

Katrin is a cat in a dogs body. she pays no attention if she doesn't want to. And doesn't always come when she is called. More too.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

:) Yep...I have one like that. She does have her dark side..hates kitty kats! I mean HATES 'em! :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Did I say he's a cutie? Just doing his duty and watching over everything.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

but he is adorables


Lynn said...

He's protecting his family - I love that.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The smaller they are the harder they fight. We had a Westie who controlled the two labs we had. They couldn't eat until she was done! I believe Skye would be great with kids but I don't risk it and always she my younger friends children at their house.
Hope all is well with you. xoxo

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I LOVE Disco! He is a cutie. Hoping he gets past the anxiety and finds love and security in loving youl

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

Disco is a beautiful dog. :-) Those rescued pets are often skittish. But he looks healthy and loved now. So glad you have him. :-)

Kerrie said...

Disco is gorgeous! I need one of those gates for our dog Rachel.

Unknown said...

I'm just glad our little Grayson doesn't weigh more than six pounds. For he is more than a handful when he decides to become a killer attack dog.

SquirrelQueen said...

Disco is just protecting his pack. He is a cutie. I have cats and when someone comes over they all hide.