"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday - brownies

I made a dozen brownies for the last bake sale. And my dear grandson ate one pumpkin so I had to some candy corn on one.  They all sold which is good.  The kids are holding these back sales to make a $100 for each missionary they sponsor for Christmas.  I think this was the last sale.  All this week the missionaries will be in town and will come speak to his classes.

This looks kind of sad doesn't it? I sure do try though.  I want to do such a great job - and it's okay - but not professional.  I just do not have that professional touch some people have.  I mean don't feel sorry for me and try to cheer me up - lol - I know what I know.

I baked another pumpkin loaf and banana bread and sent some into school with the grandson for the teachers - they were all back Monday - so I didn't kill them or anything.  lol

Today I am going to try caramel apples. 

I believe!  I believe.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it!  
You can borrow it too!


The Quintessential Magpie said...

You have something more important than the professional touch. You have the touch of love.



Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness...you're in Christmas mode already. (psssst....I believe too)

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

Hi Sandie,

I bet they tasted delicious!


LL Cool Joe said...

Christmas?? My mother is pressurising me about Christmas but to me it's only just the end of the summer! :D

Unknown said...

OMG, i want some! love the new blog look. big thumbs up.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

good job on the brownies, would not have thought of decorating them, they look great. when i got to the bottom i thought i was in Walmart, you know Christmas stuff out with Halloween stuff? LOL

Cranberry Morning said...

What cute brownies, Sandie! What kid wouldn't love those! And I love your signature today. :-)

Liz Mays said...

I'm positive they tasted just as deliciously as anyone else's. YUM!

betty said...

I like the new blog look, Sandie! So appropriate for this month! How neat with the bake sales and the reason they are earning the money; I'm sure the missionaries will appreciate their efforts! I think those brownies look delicious; I would have bought the whole pan!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I think they are wonderful! When the kids got older and came home saying they needed something for a bake sale, they had to make it themselves. I always thought it was good for them to be responsible for what they volunteered for. They all loved baking and cooking anyway. They still do. All except for my daughter who liked to be the social butterfly and was never home much at all. I love the believe quote...I do believe!
Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Unknown said...

You are so funny, I"m sure your brownies were gobbled up - maybe you should have put turkeys on them :)

Love Of Quilts said...

Those brownies are looking awfully good to me.

Anonymous said...

These look delicious! My brownies always taste yummy but they look absolutely terrible when I cut them up. What's your secret for keeping them straight like that?

Hilda @ From Overwhelmed To Organized

Beth said...

The brownies look delicious and your site looks VERY nice!!

Susan said...

Oh yeah, I believe, Sandie. And I believe your pumpkin brownies are ADORABLE! So there! Susan

Marti said...

What a great way for kids to be involved in missions. And to learn about doing for others. I love your decorating efforts, they look fine to me. Have a good day.

TexWisGirl said...

very sweet! i'd buy one of your caramel apples if i could!

Dar said...

Me too, I believe, I mean. Cannot get enough of the fun stuff.
Your brownies look loveably delish.

andy said...

Those look great!!!

Bev said...

they look great!!! I should bake today...it's snowing out!

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I would buy your brownies!!
hugs, Linda

Michaele said...

Oh I bet those sold first!

Linda @ Life and Linda said...

They look so yummy and so cute. Carmel apples, I love. Cute signature, by the way.

Mary said...

Are the reindeer & Santa dancing 'cause you're through with your Christmas shopping??? (ha, ha...just read Debby's -at Just Breathe- comments)

Ms. A said...

It's all about the taste, don't you know? I LOVE brownies! Christmas... not so much.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

They don't look sad! They're totally cute and I'm not surprised they sold well - they look yummy!

Unknown said...

Look delicious to me! I too believe!

Paula said...

I would say you killed those teachers with love. I know they must appreciate you.

Unknown said...

They look very tasty :) I love your new bloggy look!

Nonnie said...

Are we so shallow that we really care what brownies look like? ;-) I just gobble them up! Cute! (I like the signature)

jp@A Green Ridge said...

I just made brownies Tuesday!...I love yours with the pumpkins!!!...:)JP

Miss Debbie said...

I think they look just fine and I bet they tasted great!

Wanda's Wings said...

Wonderful brownies. I'm out of the hospital for the second time!

Ann said...

I think the brownies look great.
I also believe and I totally agree with that whole thing

Dee said...

The brownies look good.... Do you ship? LOL You get the good grandma award...:)

renae said...

Miss Chatty!



Mary said...

I know fun is your motto. Good going. Love, M

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie, I think the brownies look just perfect! I bet they were delicious!
The motto is the key to a youthful outlook and staying happy. I believe too.
Blessings my dear friend. Catherine xoxo

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

My philosophy is that who cares what they look like as long as they taste good. Still, I know what you mean - if I'm making something for someone else, I still wish I had the creative touch to make them look nice. ;-)

Marie said...

Tell me how your caramel apples turn out. :) Your brownies are really cute! I send brownies to work with hubby weekly. :) I'm ready for your Christmas fun!

Catherine said...

Well those look pretty darn yummy to me!
Good job!
xo Catherine

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

MMMMM brownies but caramel apples are my favorite. I'm now ready to tear apart the kitchen for some caramel apples.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

How creative... You did an awesome job, Sandie... You are so good to your grandson. Great project for the bake sale monies.....

How does he like his new school so far? How do YOU like it?


Jim said...

I like your brownies, Sandie. You are ready too soon for Halloween.

Yes, I could do comments like you do but I have soooo many blogger friends with Wordpress, etc, who wouldn't be able to comment. I am sure they wouldn't want to make a Google account just for me. Google is very selfish.

Rob-bear said...

Oh, Sandie, the brownies are amazing! I'd love to have a dozen.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

You are just too darned cute! All of it looked delicious..and I'm not that great a baker either. I let the daughters do all the cooking any more. ONLY IF I HAVE TO ....and that's not often.
You did a great job!!

Irene said...

Looks delicious to me too! =)

Lynn said...

I think they look tasty!

Granny Annie said...

Could anyone deny their grandchild a pumpkin off the brownie? Nice job with the replacement.

Debbie said...

The brownies look yummy, and the reason for them even better.

I'm all about supporting missionaries. I'll share a secret and tell you that sometimes, I think I'm being called to be one myself. Seriously.

And I love the part at the end. Standing right with ya in the beliefs.

Angela said...

I love brownies! Makes me want to make some now! They looked great to me. I tried to make caramel apples last year with the sheets of caramel. They didn't turn out right for me. The kids didn't like them. They do like the caramel dip. I think that is easier! lol

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The brownies look yummy.
I believe too!

Grandma Bonnie said...

I believe also. I have not even started thinking about Christmas.