"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

W E D N E S D A Y !

 I don't know what y'alls problem is - but yesterday was Tuesday and today is WEDNESDAY!

Indian Longhouse
Okay grandson had to make a project with another boy in class. And they had to do an Indian project.  This is an Indian Long House.  They built a long house and actually had fires in them to heat it up!

My husband and son went fly fishing for the first time last weekend - they met in Tennessee.  This is my son.

This is hubby.

Very beautiful! 


Don't forget it is breast cancer awareness month! 

Some times I think of my family who is gone and my friends and I think:


Grandma Bonnie said...

Oh my I think your grandsons project came out great. I remember my daughter making a long house for her project in the 7th grade. Wow, what a small wourld we live in.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i did not know you have a son. great they got to go fishing in such a beautiful spot. BS did a great job on the long house. i did not even notice you had the wrong day yesterday, so i guess we are in the same boat

Pondside said...

What a sweet post - a little of this and a little of that, but all precious. Happy Wednesday!

Remington said...

Great post! I wish there were visiting hours there also....

Susan said...

Hi Sandie! Loved the pumpkin photo. Funny. GS did a good job on his log house!

So glad the hubs and son went on a fishing exhibition. Looked lovely and peaceful.

Have a wondereful Wednesday, Sandie! Susan

Shelly said...

Love that project! The fishing pics are glorious~

Anonymous said...

Bless your Grandson. He is doing so well. He is very creative young man. I like his project.

I am sure he will get a great mark on that.

Oh hubby and son pictures.

I love them Sandie.

Like I can imagine one is standing at the shore watching them. It reminds me of the comercial of guys fishing and the other one yells. We won the big lottery. Have you seen that comercial.

Nice waders. I never knew your hubby was a fisherman and your son. Unless you told me and I let it slip my senior moments.

Brings smiles as my neighbour does that type of fishing.

I was always amazed as the patience men have with this kind of fly fishing.

They are like Job in the bible upright with much Patience indeed.

Sr. Ann Marie said...

That project looks great! Reminds me of making things out of popsicle sticks.

Susannah said...

Your grandson's indian longhouse is great. Looks like he put a ton of work into it. Very interesting!

I adore your pic about visiting Heaven.....wish I could!

Maggie Ann said...

Your grandson's longhouse is very interesting. We forget what life used to be like for many different people. Imagine....no shopping!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You know I didn't even realize that you did a wordless Wednesday post on Tuesday! So many blogs I read seem to do posts ahead of time. I probably just thought you were ahead of yourself there. Anyway today really is Wednesday and we go over the hump of the week and now we can slide right into the weekend. It never fails to amaze me just how fast the time goes by. It's a beautiful fall day here. We had morning rain but now the sun is out and it's warm enough out to open a window and let some fresh air in. Have a wonderful Wednesday!

betty said...

How interesting to think of visiting hours in heaven; the thing is we would never want to leave once we got there; God would have to send "security" to "kick" us out until it was our time to be there :)

GS did great on his project! I'm amazed too with the thought of the fire; they planned it out well!

Tennessee is beautiful! Glad hubby and son got together like this for a bit of "male bonding"

enjoy the day!


Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Ah, but if we visited, we'd never want to leave. :)

Your grandson and his friend did a great job on that project.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love the pics of the fly fishermen!! I hope they had a great time! GS's project looks great! Hugs, Linda

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Wow fly fishing is on my bucket list. How neat they got to meet up and do this. I love these pictures too.
Hope your doing well.

andy said...

Tell grandson very cool project! !!!

Jim said...

Nice Sandie ~~ The pumpkin man has the important things right. Looks like Hubby and Son do also. I am hoping they took you along to help.

Like Mrs. Jim did, she promised to clean and cook every fish I catch in my retirement?

Unknown said...

I wish there were visiting hours as well in heaven

TexWisGirl said...

sure. blame the calendar mix-up on us. :)

Rose said...

I've never seen an Indian Long House before. Very interesting project.

Great photos

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Cute pumpkin. Love the log house, looks like they did a great job on it. Fishing is so relaxing. Glad they got to meet up to fish. Yes visiting hours would be awesome.

Beth said...

I would so love to visit family in heaven. Perhaps I will someday.

Helen said...

Your grandson and his classmate did a great job on the house. And after tomorrow it will be TGIF! Yay!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I love to see people when they are fly fishing... Looks like fun!!!! Glad hubby and son could meet. Bet they had a good time.

Your grandson is very talented... Love the Indian house--even with a 'fire'...


Wanda's Wings said...

I too wish there were visiting hours in heaven!

Unknown said...

Great project! Hope he gets an A+!
I think I would enjoy fly fishing!

Lynn said...

Gorgeous pics from the fishing trip! Looks very peaceful:@)

Unknown said...

There will be long glorious visiting hours in heaven one day Sandie!

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Glad to see hubby got away for a trip! The Indian house came out great! Hope is learning what we don't do for the Indians!!!...:)JP

Miss Debbie said...

Yes, I would like to visit my mom in heaven, too!

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Oh this week is dragging for me! I hope yours is going smoothly. Nice project- grandson did a good job!

Ms. A said...

When I see fly fishing, I always think of "A River Runs Through It" I love that movie!

Great job on the long house!

Yes, visiting hours! I'm not ready to become a permanent resident, but sure would love to visit, especially Mom & Dad.

Dee said...

Your grandsons project is excellent...lots of detail. It is nice your husband and son got to be able to get together for some dad and son time...it is good for them.

Ann said...

I'm assuming your son doesn't live near you? Looks like a great spot to go fishing.
I like your grandson's project

Betty said...

Great picture of your husband and son, but I don't think I could pick either one of them out of a line up. :) You need a close up, but the scenery was beautiful. I think you said TN? That's one of my favorite states. I'd love to live there...especially in eastern TN.

Your grandson and his friend did a great job! I'll go ahead and give them an A+.

nancygrayce said...

Seems like I have a memory of one of my sons and a long house.....very interesting project.

Cute pumpkin photo.

My husband would be jealous if he saw the fishing photos.


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

That's interesting ... I'd never heard of an Indian long house.

jack69 said...

neat project. Never heard of a long house. It looks sorta like a bunk house. Interesting.

Love that thought about visiting hours in heaven. Would be great.

Nice place to meet and fish.. looks inviting

renae said...

Awh, tremendous post, Sandie dear. I love it all in every way; the cussing of what day it is, the punkin, the fly fishing photos in a Lake (see we both are associating with lakes)and the visiting hours in heaven.... I would love that...but probably wouldn't want to come back to human earth again.

Catherine said...

Dear Sandie,
I bet it is fun doing these projects with your grandson. Sandie, I was thinking about the cornbread you baked for your grandson and I would think a zip lock in the refrig. even the freezer until the morning of should be good.
What beautiful scenery for fishing. They must have had a nice day with or without catching fish, just beautiful.
Blessings dear friend. Catherine xo

Nonnie said...

I never heard of a long house before. That is very cool and nice that you can be involved in your grandson's projects. Our son and son-in-law would love to do the fishing trip. Beautiful pics.

Hootin Anni said...

Love your halloween background by the way. As for knowing what day of the week it is....they all seem to be just the same no matter what I do, so if you tell me it's Wednesday, I'd believe you.

LOVE the Long House. What a clever creation. And fly fishing....I used to do that during the summer with my dad. Tho, I must admit, I got bored with it quickly and threw rocks in the water...ticking my dad off. But I did get real good at 'hitting the spot' where I wanted the line to go.

Lynn said...

Lovely shots of the fly fishing and love grandson's project. :)

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Most excellent Indian longhouse I've ever seen! :-)

Parsley said...

I love to fish but I don't eat it. LOL Looks so peaceful out in the water.

Sorry I've been reading and leaving without a comment. So busy here right now. HUGS

Debbie said...

Oh my how that project brought back memories just to look at it. He's definitely in the "project" years, isn't he? I well remember.

Tell him his south Georgia cyber teacher gave him two thumbs up.

And I agree about visiting hours in heaven.

Unknown said...

That pumpkinhead reminds me of John Candy for some reason.

Mary said...

I LOVE the log long house. Truly a great project..home help gratefully given.

Annesphamily said...

What lovely photos! Your hubby and son look like they had a great time!

Your pumpkin photos are fun!

Mary said...

Fishing can make for such happiness.