"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

I am the big 60 today...

I am always giving reasons why I am behind on my blogs - but here goes for this month.  What kept me away from being a good blogger.

Valentine's day

My daughter's birthday and making her blanket.

Harriett Tubman and the Underground Railroad Project

 The folder jacket HAD to be 3-D and stenciled letters.

Inside he had to draw three illustrations.  There had to be four sources - note cards - bibliography - 600 word paper - oh yeah - the famous outline we did about ten times.
You would think this teacher expected him to get a PHD in English with this thing.

 That is 8 motorcycles in one cage at the circus.

 King of the beasts???

Lots of elephants

Grandson's favorite - the llama???

Girls in balls in the air.

So of course the circus took a day.

Oh and let's see - my dear friends took me out for my birthday and we had to have some play time.

Sandie- Joyce - Susan - and Linda
I am so blessed to have them in my life.

Sue made me a birthday cake.  It had some orange peel taste on the outside - it was so good.

Wonderful GIFTS! 
I loved it all.

Got a sewing machine from my family.  Now I need to find a project!

 Dinner with my dear friend Denise - with my mouth open - chatting...

Today is my actual birthday - and do you think I'm going to take it easy? 
I am going to see Bon Jovi!!!
My daughter and her friend (like a daughter to me) are taking me out to dinner and to see BON JOVI tonight at the Phillips Arena downtown.

I love his hair - don't you?



“Mix a little foolishness with your prudence: it's good to be silly at the right moment.” Horace (65-8); Roman Lyric Poet


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Friends are diamonds! How much fun is that . Hats and all. Sandi your a hoot.

What a lovely cake.

Enjoy the Guy with the big hair.

Lady Jane said...

Happy 60th Chatty. You are blessed with a wonderful family and friends.

Anonymous said...

happy happy birthday sweet lady! Rock on!!

Denise said...

Happy Birthday Sandy!You and I are the same age.I turned 60 in Sept.I graduated from H.S.in 1970.Were you class of 70 or 71? Your life is full of family and fun just like mine too.You would be great fun to go on that cruise with :) Denise

Cheri said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU...HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR SANDIE...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! (Pretend that Bon Jovi is singing this to you). Have a blast tonight and remember you are 29.

Dee said...

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to you :) I am impressed with the fun you have been having...except for the help with the homework...yikes! 60 is a milestone...what a fun way to celebrate it. have fun :)

Sally said...

Happy Birthday! You share this with my great granddaughter, Hunter.

Sounds like a fun time tonight. Enjoy!!

andy said...

Happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear sandie happy birthday to youuuuuu!!!!

peggy said...

What a nice post! And a Happy Birthday wish from me too. Looks like you have had lots of fun this month. The Harriet Tubman project was wonderful, do you get to keep it? Enjoy your birthday with Bon Jovi!!!

Kim said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Sounds like you have been celebrating for a few days! (My kind of girl) Please, please, please take me to see Bon Jovi......Love.....Him.....
Lucky girl :)

Jeanie said...

Your are a very good grandma...still helping with homework at 60. Happy birthday. Have a wonderful day.

Theresa said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you dear friend! I hope you have a wild and crazy BIG DAY:) BIG HUGS!!!!

Unknown said...

I hope you have a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Remington said...

Happy Birthday, my dear friend! I hope you have an awesome day and Bon Jovi has you get up on stage with him and he sings you Happy Birthday....wouldn't THAT be cool? Enjoy!

Beansieleigh said...

I most certainly do understand, and my best wishes to you for a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sandie!!! Have fun at the concert! ((hugs)) ~tina

Lynne said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, enjoy the day and the year!

Jennifer said...

The bestest Birthday Wishes Sweet Friend! Hugs, Jennifer

Shelly said...

Whoohooo! Happy birthday and what a celebration! Are you going to do your hair in the really big 80's style thing?

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A very Happy Birthday today! It's always a special day when you have family and friends to celebrate with.

rubyslipperz1052 said...

Happy BIRFA-day!!!! And, welcome to the distinguished group of ladies 60 and over!!

Hey...whuz yourz fav color??


Stella said...

Happy, Happy Birthday. Hope you year is filled with love, laughter and peace. Still keeping up on your life although I am not blogging. Stella

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Happy Happy Birthday to you!

Marie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sandie! 60 years young you are today! I love the fact that you are going to a Bon Jovi concert tonight! You will be rocking on your birthday! Have a blast!
Love you!!!

Parsley said...

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!

Furry Bottoms said...

Oh, have a wonderful day, Sadie! Happy Birthday!

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Birthday!!!! Looks like you had a busy month. Your family and friends are what makes you so sweet! Enjoy your day.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Happy Birthday Sandie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

what a month, busy bee is thy name... all this is much more important than blogging and i would love to have 3 people to go to lunch with, i would gladly leave the bloggin to go to lunch. that is some school project, glad i am not in school now.. that looks more like a college paper to me. i never had to write a 600 page anything. enjoy your loud music...

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sandie...
They used to say, life begins at 40.. It sure does begin at 60.
Enjoy your evening.. envious..I love Bon Jovi..
you will rock the night away.
lovely gifts you received..and you and your girlfriends look real cool in your hats.
enjoy the rest of the day and week..
best wishes
val xx

TexWisGirl said...

happy, happy, happy bon jovi day!!! :)

jewels in the garden +: ) said...

A big Happy Birthday to you! How fun to spend your birthday with Bon Jovi!

betty said...

happy birthday Sandie!!! Sounds like a fun time too with how you will be celebrating it!!! Enjoy the day! It does sound like its been a great month for you and yours!


Bev said...

Happy Happy Birthday:))) HA your older than me... but I'm not far behind...but I DON"T WANT A BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR:))))

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Have fun at Bon Jovi and welcome to the 60's!!!! I love you Sandie and I am wishing you a wonderful day!
hugs, Linda

renae said...

Awh Sandie! I wasn't going to forget your birthday and yet I sort of did! Glad I came by this morning or I would have been a dork of a friend!


renae said...

...and you get to see JON BON JOVI ! YAY FOR YOU!!!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Happy Birthday, Sandie!!! I'm here to tell ya that the sixties aren't so bad after all. Enjoy your special day and have a great time with Bon Jovi and your sweet daughter tonight!
Love and hugs,

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Have a wonderful day and enjoy the concert. Love, Debby

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Sandie .. had to come out of my blogging break to wish you a Happy Birthday - sounds a great present - and you'll have a 'luverley' time - what fun ... cheers to you - Hilary

BECKY said...

Hello dear Sandie....I'm sorry to be late to your party...but I just spent TWO HOURS working on a facebook imposter! Accckkkkkk! I swear, I am so close to deleting it and just staying with my blog. I don't even like facebook! LOL

I'll send you an e-mail a bit later!
HAPPY B'DAY! WE'RE THE SAME AGE NOW! We're 35, right?? That's how I feel!

Susannah said...

Happy Birthday, my dear! You deserve a wonderful, wonderful day!!!!!

BelovedBomber said...

Happy Birthday! Be blessed! Enjoy some livin on a prayer and you give love a bad name :) All that kept you from blogging looks wonderful and valuable. I have had that struggle the last couple of months, but I am trying to make every moment count. Shana

Gail Dixon said...

Sandie, you are precious. Happy birthday!! I wonder if Jon Bon Jovi still has all that hair? Something tells me no, but you'll enjoy anyway! What an awesome birthday treat. :)

LL Cool Joe said...

Well good for you being so busy and having so much fun with friends and family. That's the way it should be too!

Happy Birthday and enjoy the concert!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Happy Birthday to YOU.... WOW--you truly have been busy. The circus looked like so much fun..

Looks like you will have a great time tonight: dinner and Bon Jovi.... Life is GOOD.


Betty said...

WOW, YOU'RE OLD! (I'm only kidding.) You're actually a kid compared to me. I could have been your babysitter when I was 13 and making 50 cents an hour. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy Bon Jovi.

Sweet Tea said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY you rockin' busy Blogger Friend!! Bon Jovi? Really? I am soooo jealous!! Rock on, GF!!

BTW, thanks for playing along on my Starbucks Give-Away for guessing about our soon-to-be baby. Someone else beat you to the weight guess of 6.7, so would you please choose a different weight. 6.0, 6.1, & 6.4, are all open. email me at bunkodeb@aol.com so I can add you to the list. Thanks!

Southhamsdarling said...

Happy Happy 60th birthday Sandie. Eeeek! Believe me, it only gets better from here on in!! I was surprised to see the circus photos. We haven't been allowed to have animals in the circus for many years over here.How lucky are you, getting to see Bon Jovi. Love them - have a great time and I wish you only happiness in the year ahead x

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Sandie!!!!

Love you, Carol

Ginny Hartzler said...

Oh Sandie...HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ROCK ON, sister!!!! Actually Bon Jovi does some really good things and is a good guy. I hope you have a blast. I saw these motorcycles in the round cage on America's Got Talent!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday my dear sweet friend.Wish I was in North Ga,so I could go see Bon Jovi!..and give you a big Birthday hug.Love you!

Miss Debbie said...

Happy Birthday! You are ahead of me by only a few months. Glad you are having such a wonderfully special celebration!

Paula said...

Okay Sandie you're excused this time. lol Hope you are having a wonderful birthday with many many more to come.

The Boston Lady said...

Happy Birthday and you are spending it in the most perfect way - at a rockin' concert! I saw them last year and had the best time! You are as young as you feel and yes, he's always had awesome hair! Rock it Sandie! Ann

Suzan said...

Ohhh Sandie! How wonderfully exciting that you are having such a fun month filled with celebration for your birthday!! I'll turn 60 in Dec. and I can't wait!! Then I can RETIRE!!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

Happy Birthday!! Happy Birthday!! i hope you have a very very happy day. big big hugs. i never knew you enjoy Bon Jovi. have fun!! some one else i know on the bloggy world is going to see them soon.

enjoy it all. celebrate for a long time & love it up. big hugs. ( :

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, my sweet friend.
Regarding blogging: I can remember having six blogs at one time, every one of them updated regularly. That seems like such a long time ago but was was actually only about five years. Now it's all I can do to keep one updated. Since Johnny's death is harder to stay focused but hopefully before much longer I'll be back on track. I'm so glad your birthday was so great.
Take care,
Love you much.

Merlesworld said...

Happy Birthday, you should sneak backstage maybe you will get a birthday kiss from mr flying hair.

Jackie said...

You HAVE been busy...and a sweet and loving lady.
Happy birthday to you!!!
Happy birthday to youuuu!
Happy birthday, dear Chatty!
Happy birthday to you!!
Sung in my best voice...just for you!
Hugs and love,

Ann said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Sandie
Happy Birthday to you
And many more :)

Lynn said...

Happy B-Day! And have a great time tonight:@)

Nonnie said...

Happy, happy birthday, you young whippersnapper! You are a good Mom and Grandma.

Scooter said...

WOW!! I guess you have been busy.LOL Hey, with that new sewing machine, we could have a sewing day together!!!
Have fun tonight


Debbie said...

Happy Birthday to you!! I can just picture you at the concert. It sounds just plain wonderful to me.

And I feel your pain about the project. I didn't mind so much when the girls were in elementary school, but we had an honor's English teacher in high school still assigning the things, and she had those kinds of stipulations.

I just want them to write (and her to grade) a paper. Grumble...

Sandy said...

Happy 60th Birthday, Sandie!!!! That's a milestone that I celebrated last year. Going to see Jon Bon Jovi, huh?? Well, he is just gorgeous and has such a fabulous voice so you should enjoy yourself. Can't believe everyone here doesn't know who he is??!!

Jill said...

Happy Birthday, my beautiful friend! I want to hear all about that hottie Jon! :) Enjoy!

Susan said...

Ohhhhh, Sandie! Look at all the beautiful comments you got on your special day. SO MANY PEOPLE LOVE YOU!

Hope the day was great, the dinner luscious and the concert fabulous.

You deserve the BEST. Susan

nancygrayce said...

Happy Birthday and welcome to the wonderful world of the 60s........I'm half a year older than you. Sigh. Looks to me like you had a fabulous time so far with more to come!

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

Happy Birthday, Sandie! Our birthdays are only a few days apart and a few years apart. :)

Mevely317 said...

How cute are YOU?!!! I hope your today was nothing short of spectacular!!!

Connie said...

Happy birthday! Wow, you have had a busy month. Sounds like it was a good one.

barbara woods said...

Happy birthday dear

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Birthday my friend

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

Happy, happy Birthday, Sandy. Haven't you heard, 60 is the new 40, or maybe it's the new 30. You pick.

Suzan said...

A fond look bac at everyday life in 1953- such a very good year - I might add :-}}
Milk - 94 cents a gall.
bacon - 55 cents pd.
eggs - 24 cents per dozen
bread - 16 cents loaf
Ave. new house- $9,525.
Ave. income - $4,011 per yr.
Ave. new car - $1,651.
Ave. rent- $83. mth.
Tuition to Harvard univ. - $600. per year - WOW!!
Movie ticket- 70 cents
gasoline - 20 cents per gallon
stamp - 3 cents
Top TV shows-
I love Lucy
The Noneymooners
Adventures of Superman
The Three Stoogies show
Top Songs-
The Doggie in the Window-Pattie Page
Crying in the Chapel- The Orioles
Your Cheatin' Heart- Hank Williams
No Other Love- Perry Como
Pretend- Nat King cole
Stranger in Paradise- Tony Bennett
Dwight D. Eisenhower is President
Queen Elizabeth II is crowned in Westminster Abbey
First color TV sets go on sale for $1,175. (we didn't get our first color TV untill 65 or 66)
JELL-O Instant Pudding is introduced and Kellogg introduces Sugar Smacks.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Wishing you a wonderful year ahead! Lots of good laughter, great times with friends, abundant love and good health!!

Cheers my friend!

Sush said...

Happy Late Birthday and welcome to the club...beats the alternative! It ain't so bad being sixty. Just don't feel sixty and you'll be fine!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday my friend, that is some awesome birthday gift/s...and to see Bon Jovi that's so cool!
Enjoy your day!

Linda O'Connell said...

ROCK ON tonight, Sandie. Happy Birthday to you!

Granny Annie said...

Well I was on time with my facebook greeting. Happy belated birthday here. You absolutely exhaust me!

Tanna said...

Happy, happy, happy belated birthday, Sandie!! I love that you got to rock with Bon Jovi on your BD!!! =D

I think it is good we have so many wonderful things taking from our blog time lately. ;)

blessings and hugs ~ tanna

Jean | DelightfulRepast.com said...

Love the photo of you with your mouth open "chatting" - sweet! And the photo of that cake your friend made for you looks good enough to eat!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Happy belated birthday! Sorry I missed it (bad vertigo lately, I'm not keeping up w/ blogging so well myself). That cake looks delightful!

Jenny said...

Happy, happy birthday!

What a wonderful post...

So happy and vibrant!

Your cake looks delicious!

Charlotte Wilson said...

Dear Sandie! Happy Birthday a day late! I know you must have had a ball going with your daughters to see Bon Jovi! and that cake looks wonderful!

Stephanie said...

Almost missed it!! Happy Birthday to you! Hope you had a wonderful day ")

Journeyin' Lady... said...

First of all, happy 60th!! You are celebrating this birthday in the most fun way! The birthday cake looks SO good. Fun blog post as always.

Thistle Cove Farm said...

Happy Birthday; hope it's fabulous!

Wanda's Wings said...

Happy belated Birthday my friend.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Sandie!

Dar said...

Some fine friend I turned out to be...so sorry I missed your perfect day. So, tell me, how was the concert, other than loud.

Love Of Quilts said...

Happy Birthday! O boy a sewing machine.

Unknown said...

happy birthday to one my fave bloggers on the web that horns me by following mine as well.

Betty Manousos said...

oh, how did i miss this post?

happy belated birthday!!
hope it was fabulous!!


Liz Mays said...

Have the happiest birthday ever!!!!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

I think it's oprah who said....the best is yet to come. Happy B Sandie and boy o boy...you've been busy with awesome stuff. From my heart to yours...tons of hugs.

Starry Dawn said...

Hello my sweet dear friend, Sandie,
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday to you!!
Happy Birthday, dear Sandie!!
Happy Birthday, to you!!
I am singing this for you...
I am happy to know that you are having a great time watching Bon Jovi in a Concert with your friends. You have got lots of wonderful birthday gifts. So, I am sure you are having a great time. Have a blessed time, my friend, and for many more happy years ahead on your way!!
God may always touch your life with many blessings, happiness, health and wealth with those you love...
Big Hugs,
Poet Starry.

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

luscious cake! Must have been divine. Hope Mr. Jovi was all you hoped for! Belated happy, happy day!
from The Dugout