"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesdays Tails

We dogs have a hard life!

Okay another saga here and I want your vote on this.  My humans went to the grocery store.  They couldn't find one thing they wanted so they stopped by another store. They left me alone and you remember I am a dog.

Well, dogs hunt - I'm a dog and a great hunter.  I smelled bread - I hunted bread - I found bread - I killed the bread - I ate the bread....

Naw, they didn't get to mad at me - they were pretty good about it - but I think my hunting days in the back of the car are gone!
But, do you think food left alone in the back of the car is fair game?


LL Cool Joe said...

Ha ha, I don't blame you eating that bread! You were left alone in the back of the car with food, what else would any normal dog do!

Remington said...

Ha ha! A Bread Hunter....ha ha!

Cheri said...

Love that first cartoon, it isn't fair that us dogs have to go outside. My mom felt sorry for us this morning with all the rain and cold temp., but we get babied and lots of love so I guess for that we can suffer.

Bread hunter...you are just doing what a dog does naturally...got your back Disco.

Kizzy and Macy

Shelly said...

And what a brave bread hunter you are!

The cat pic at the end completely cracked me up-

Jeanie said...

Well, a dog's gotta do what a dog's gotta do....who can blame you for that.

Connie said...

Food in the back of the car seems like it ought to be fair game to me! haha! I love the cat eating pizza (I think that's what that is?)too. Have a great day!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

all I know is if i left Jake or Baby in the car with anything edible it would be gone when i came back... i don't even leave food on the edge of the counter. push it way back so it can't be reached. once my cousins German Shepherd ate a whole beef roast...

Nonnie said...

Oh no, Disco! You are sooooo funny and quite the hunter! You remind me of my little dachshound, Max. He could never resist any food and made himself sick lots of times. I hope you didn't get sick. Sing it! Who left the dog in? Grandma, that's who. Naughty Grandma.

Knitty said...

Good boy Disco! You hunted that bread and saved your people from carbohydrates! You're a hero!!

jack69 said...

Nah, you done good. No telling what trouble that bread would have caused if you had not found it.

LOL great entry. But there is no real proof for court, pictures can be photoshopped etc. hahahaha

What a surprise for the humans though.
LOVE it. (((HUGS)))

Theresa said...

Oh I might have had to search out that bread too:) Enjoy your day, HUGS!

Denise said...

Oh My!We love dogs around this house.Always fun visiting you, thanks for giving us a laugh,although I don't think I would have been laughing,if I had to go back in the store and replace the food.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

After many years of being a pet owner I found that any food left within reach of my dogs and cats too was fair game. It didn't mean that I didn't get upset with them though, I did. I also learned to put things out of reach.
A little bread is easy to replace and I hope was enjoyed.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

That bread must have smelled pretty durn good! I'm glad you captured it before it did any harm to your humans.

Linda said...

You always make me smile!

renae said...

well Disco, I don't blame you one little bit. You should be grateful you get to go for rides. My doggie never goes for a ride. She is too unruly yet. We are hoping she learns more manners soon.

Tell Grandma that 'ydd' (not ytt) stands for 'youngest darling or dang daughter' as opposed to '1dd' which stands for first darling or dang daughter. I can't very well say "odd" for 'oldest darling or dang daughter' because then readers would just see 'odd' and wonder who Odd is, so I have '1dd' and 'ydd' as my daughters (just on my site) not in actuality. Thanks Disco, you are a good DOG!

Furry Bottoms said...

hehehe definitely fair game on the backseat food!

Debbie said...

HAhAHAHAHAhAHA!! Oh yes, I do believe food left in the car with you is fair game. So funny. I'm glad you hunted that bread down like the good bread predator you are.

I'm smiling.

Anonymous said...

nope, food in the car is fair game, completely!Oh my gosh the eyes on that cat!

betty said...

I have to think you were clever Disco to find a way to the back of the car to get the bread!! We leave Koda in the car with food at times and he's never gotten to it. I'm glad no one was mad at you! Thankfully it wasn't chocolate!


Scooter said...

Hey!! If they are gonna leave you there, then it is fair game!! Hope it was yummy!!


TexWisGirl said...

nope, can't say that i blame you. i've been known to devour fresh french bread in the car on the way home, too.

Sharon said...

Disco, this is Marty.

Yes, anything and everything left out is fair game. I recently snagged a plateful of barbeque potato chips my boy left out. I waited until he went to sleep - I work really good in the dark.

So, you're really smart to wait until you're alone. Humans often underestimate our ingenuity. Heh, heh...

By the way, was there any peanut butter back there???

woof, woof.

Paula said...

Who could blame you, I couldn't.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Poor Disco... Those HUMANS should know better than leaving you somewhere where you can SNOOP... That's just what dogs do... Right??? Be careful though.. Next time, they will leave you HOME....


~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I just love the Be Soft angel...what beautiful words to live by. And some cute puppies, too!

Inger said...

Samson Says: I have hunted bananas, avocados, and once I caught a pizza slice, still wrapped in plastic! Outside I hunt lizards and mice. I'm pretty good at it. The one I really want to catch though is called a gopher. He gets on my nerves because he dives deep into the ground so I can't catch him. So you are OK with the bread as far as I'm concerned. Is this too much information for you, Disco?

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

If I was on a diet I'd kill the bread too.

Ann said...

hunting, and killing bread is a way of life. I see nothing wrong with it at all. My mom is laughing hard at this though I don't know why

Anonymous said...

I am laughing also.
Oh No.
Oh my goodness. Wait till I run to the ladies room.

Beth said...

You are my hero Disco!

Jim said...

Disco is a dog. He's a good dog, but he IS a dog. Adi once ate 11 tomales with the corn husks still on. In about three days she left them in the back yard, still with husks on. She was a dog also.

Belle said...

Yes, food left in a car with a dog is fair game. Love that you took pics of it!

Betty said...

They should just be grateful that you didn't eat so much bread that you got sick all over the car's seats.

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Well Disco..
I think I would also attack some good smelling bread. It was in a very tempting place. I hope that you enjoyed the bit you ate. something we shouldnt have always tastes better.
Be a good boy and listen to mum and dad.
xxxx your friend val and her 5 friends..

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Good thing you were not out numbered,Disco and they didn't have HOT DOG rolls too!...:)JP

Mevely317 said...

High-five, Disco!!! Your forefathers (and mothers) would be proud. :)

PS - Please tell your Grandma, "Happy day before!" from Phoenix!

Jackie said...

The cat photo is soooooo true!
They regret nothing!!!

Jill said...

LOL! Max would vote with you on this one!

Andrea said...


Fair's fair... that about sums it up.

LOVE this, Chatty!!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

I think food in the back of the car is fair game and you should never be left alone in the car!

Love Of Quilts said...

I vote for him to be a stay at home dog from now on.

Susan said...

Ha ha ha ha hah Ohhhhh, that was a good one, Sandie.

Disco, remember, "dogs do not live by bread alone."

But hey, if the humans left you alone (hungry) and also left bread, it was fair game. You done good to get rid of your hunger, boy.


The Boston Lady said...

Darn right it is, Disco! They should have known better! Kudos to you for teaching them a lesson! Sorry it was just bread and not hot dogs, or something more yummy! But I know you canine types will eat just about anything,,,Ann TBL

Suzan said...

Ohhh my goodness!! And he didn't get into trouble??? Augie loves cheese, but will take bread if held in front of him!!

Annesphamily said...

A bread hunter! Darn good one too! LOL!
Love love love the shares today!
Tough day, hard work day, feeling crummy with this overextended flu bugging biting me back!; (
Good to be here with you though!
Hugs Anne

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Disco, you did just what any good Bread Hunter would do!! Fresh bread is hard for any of us to resist!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Can you eat lots of bread? I can!

Joyce said...

Stopping in from Just Breathe to wish you a Happy Birthday! : )

Southhamsdarling said...

Oh dear Disco, you're always up to something, aren't you?! I love bread as well, so I would have been right there with you, hunting it out and eating it!! Serves them right anyway, for leaving you all alone. Woof!!

Gail Dixon said...

Well, if it was in the car and the dog is left alone, then fair game it is! Such a good hunter, but I guess he wasn't thinking about the consequences. Hard to get made tho with a cute face like that. :)

Chicken Wrangler said...


Unknown said...

Aren't you brave Disco? Going on a food hunt. Funny cartoons :)