"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, February 11, 2013

Now how is this for a barn?

Since I don't do the actual Barn Charm I figure I can cheat a bit. So tell me this - isn't this a cool old barn? What do you think about it - any thoughts? Anything you can tell me about it?  I thought this was pretty.  Can you use your imagination and pretend you used to live there a hundred years ago...Oh the stories it could tell.   Like Little House on the Prairie.

Ever think about power?  When I was younger power meant a lot to me. I think it was because when I was a child - I had none.  I struggled and struggled to become stronger.    I would fight and argue.  It took me years to get this point in my head - If I had to struggle to have power then I really didn't have it. I finally worked my tail off by 'letting go'.  That was not easy for me either!!  It is hard to let go of what one thinks they need.

But then what is easy when you are growing up and trying to change? 

I think I have come to the other side of power or close to the other side.  I don't have to worry about power anymore.  The power is already in me.  It was there all the time - I just didn't get it.

 Calmness is the cradle of power.

Love, Chatty


Kathy ... aka Nana said...

I think that there's a certain amount of power within all of us ... if we just know how to access it. ;-)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm glad that I've changed the way I think about a lot of things as I've aged. Like you I had to let go of somethings that I thought I couldn't do without, but am all the happier for it. The sunshine just peeped out for the first time here this morning. It does have a powerful hold on me. Things all the sudden look so much brighter! Hope you have a wonderful Monday there!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

That's a beautiful bard, rather unique. I wonder what the story behind it is? I wonder where it's at. This sounds weird but I it looks like it's in western Australia.

Theresa said...

Sometimes we have the power when we get it figured out:) Have a blessed day, HUGS!

Susan said...

Hi Sandie. Lots of thinking material in today's post.

None of us really have power as children, I think. It's a struggle to get it and then a struggle to let go.

Living in the moment, thinking in the most optimistic manner possible, maintaining an attitude of gratitude, but most of all, letting go and letting God, all help contribute to a very quality way of life. Susan

betty said...

I love that barn, Sandie. I can imagine living there (though I wouldn't necessarily want to without the comforts we have now).

I do agree with letting go of things, especially not letting them have the power over us that we can allow them to have.

enjoy Monday!


Anonymous said...

That is soooo old . Sandy Awesome!

Oh it looks like from a movie setting.

Now Sandy lets think . What Movie

would this be in or even become?

Could the guy who says.
Make my day be in this kind of Movie setting. Clint Eastwood.
Riding up on his horse. Hmmmmmm

Need a rugged man and I think it would be him.

Oh well. Have a great Monday girly.

Pondside said...

Those old barns are few and far between now, and after all the snow in the east, there will be even fewer.
I love that saying! I need it today, as I'm going into a terrible meeting - will need all my self-confidence.

Charlotte Wilson said...

Love that old barn. When you started talking about power, I thought you were referring to the device on top of the barn. LOL

jp@A Green Ridge said...

Not sure what I like more...the old house (barn) or the fact you discovered that "the power" is within!...:)JP

MadSnapper n Beau said...

it is beautiful and when I see things like this, i go back in time when i lived without running water in the house and he outhouse was down the hill and we had to carry water to a tin tub to take a bath. i was happy as a bug in a rug, but i would not be now. not sure i lacked power, my thing growing up was i wanted to be in control and daddy was the controller. now i am a control freak.

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Nice photo, Sandie! It looks kind of like the old one-room country school I attended for 6 years. It was shaped like that with a porch across the front. Barns come in all shapes and sizes. It's fun to see the many different ones.
Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Seeing the old barn today brought back wonderful memories for me. I lived on a 30 acre farm for over 20 years, while rearing my children. We had an old barn too, and my kids loved playing in it, showing it to their friends when they came to visit, etc. The good old days are gone, but not the sweet memories for sure. Not sure I have come to the point in time to let things go, but I am much, much better than by gone days. Good blog today!

Felicity Grace Terry said...

Such a wonderfully thought provoking post, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I think Kathy aka nana said it perfect!

TexWisGirl said...

cheater cheater pumpkin eater!

Sally Wessely said...

Love the barn, but glad I don't live in this wind swept place.

I guess it depends on what kind of power one wishes to have. For me, my source of power is the healing power of The Lord Jesus.

jack69 said...

I love the barn/house. What hits me is the wind mill, how important the wind POWER to bring the water that is so much required.

One of my daddy's favorite sayings was,"If you are educated, you won't have to advertise it, folks will know."
Love the entry!!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

What a pretty homestead!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i wonder where that barn is from? that is a great shot - what a neat place. i want to visit. hope you are doing well this Monday. rainy here. big big hugs. ( :

Unknown said...

Love the photo, it as photos usually do, got a story going in my head. I've never lived on a farm just visited many, always secretly yearning to own one myself.
Power? Everything disagreement in life is about power; somebody wanting his or her own way. I'm glad you figured out the letting go part. There is power in that...a LOT of it.
Take care. Love you much.

Sharon said...

Yes, I love that barn. It looks hopeful in the middle of that dusty landscape.

And, the whole issue of power? Yup, I get it. For all of my life I've been short, and teased because of it. But, the older I've gotten (and hopefully, a bit wiser!), I realize that the only *power* that counts is the power of the Holy Spirit within me. Only Jesus is big enough to power through my life!


renae said...

Beautiful! Sandie, I loved that and in me knowing you, I know you are so correct in what your post said today. I loved reading it.

Now the house/barn photo? I say it is an old country store/post office/police station place. Barns don't have front porches. Stores do and in those days those stores housed many things. Poor old wind blown places. But the photo indeed has character. awh ~

Jim said...

I like the old barn. A lot old houses were used as/turned into barns in their later years.

We had a chicken house/barn that was once a house:

"We called this the 'chicken house.' The laying hens lived here and at another newer chicken house beside it. Before the house was moved onto the property, this was the farm house. The folks never lived here, as the newer house was moved onto the property when Dad was a child."


I can remember back before we got power on the farm.

Nonnie said...

Deep thoughts there this morning. The barn pic is really nice, but it makes me a little sad, because the story I would attach to it would be a family who had to leave it when Oklahoma became the Dust Bowl.

Unknown said...

You are so right there my friend, the power is already within us, we only need to figure out how to access it. It's a great thing to discover though, that we are strong in ourselves :) Great post. Enjoy your day!

Andrea said...

What a neat analogy... between powers!!! I loved your post today. And yet, I love the barn/house too! Now that's MY kind of living!! :-)


barbara l. hale said...

I am there with you on the power thing. Very true.

Diana said...

yes, I am sure that ole barn could have a ton of stories!! I am so Thankful for POWER!!


Ginny Hartzler said...

What an amazing piece of Americana! It gives me a sad feeling, it is run down and forlorn and I wounder about the days that a family lived there.

Ann said...

Little House on the Prairie was the first thing I thought of.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beautiful Barn! I think you have finally discovered what so many seek! I am proud of you my friend!

Inger said...

I love that barn, it speaks volumes to me. And what's that on the ground? And where did you get your Valentine background wall paper? You know Samson is working on a poem for Gracie for Valentine's Day and I think the post needs something more than what we have. Maybe. I'll have to check and see if he agrees. I'd appreciate your advice. Thanks.

LL Cool Joe said...

Any power I have comes from God. :)

Nice Barn!

Lynn said...

I've kind of let power struggles go - I had an incident recently in which I had to choose between my church or losing a friend (long story) and I chose my church. I won't be a party to power struggles and control freaks.

Gail Dixon said...

What a wonderful post! Letting go is very hard to do and to me shows the true strength of a person when able to do so. Some deep thoughts for me to ponder this evening! Love that barn and the setting it's in.

Paula said...

This house reminds me of an old house we passed several times a week going to feed cattle. I used my imagination as to who lived there and what they did to write a poem "And The Flower Lives On". No matter how long the house had been vacated and run down there was a flower bush in front that bloomed every spring.

Jackie said...

You KNOW that I love barns, and that place looks like a very old home to me. Charming, to say the least.
I love the windmill, especially.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I love the barn photo. I could imagine living there. I hope you had a great weekend.

Dee said...

The barn has developed a lot of character standing alone against the elements of harshness just like you.

Pat MacKenzie said...

I loved the quote about power being like a lady. It's so true.

The barn in the picture looks more like an old abandoned house to me. It's always fun to imagine people living there, kids racing around the yard with cats and dogs. There's power in imagination too!

Marie said...

I was the same as you when I was a child, powerless. At least that's what I thought. I don't need to control everything. I love the wisdom that comes with age.:)
Adorable little house!

Bev said...

Great barn!!

BlueShell said...

Oh...wise words...indeed...If we have the power we don't need to tell every one about it. we just have it. Period.
If we NEED to announce that we have it ...that is 'cause we don't have at all...

I used to see "little house on the prairie"!--great ! I was just a kid...and i was so happy! I

had so many dreams...


Sweet Posy Dreams said...

Really neat photo. I think it's a house though because of the porch. It looks so desolate.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

The Wizard of Oz comes into my mind when I look at this picture.
We are all stronger than we think we are inside. God shows us that at our weakest point. At least that's how it happened for me.

Annesphamily said...

Aw....this was awesome! I know each one of us has a special power and God has to show most of us how to wise it wisely! Hugs Anne