"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Saturday, February 09, 2013

Sunday's Grateful

Please visit Linda at A La Carte and join us for gratitude Sunday - what are you grateful for?

Something to think about:

Mercy - another thing to be grateful for.........



Buttercup said...

Love the picture of your grandsons. Couldn't be sweeter. Wishes for a wonderful week!

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I am grateful for my family they are amazing........

Nonnie said...

Such precious boys and such a sweet picture. Aren't boys just the greatest? I am so grateful for my family, and really, really grateful for the mercy God has shown to me throughout my life.

Suzan said...

I know Sandie, you're thrilled to have BOTH your Grandbabies with you!! Such good looking guys!! God Bless and ENJOY :-}}

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the picture of your grandson, and the Mercy quote! Hope you have a great Sunday!

Elizabeth Edwards said...

beautiful - give them a big old hug. say it's from Beth in VA. thanks, for sharing - i linked up too. fun, fun, fun!! ( :

Jackie said...

Isn't the love for our Grandchildren just the BEST kind of love there is... Sweet photo of your Grands!
God's Grace is THE best love of all...period.
Love to you,

Sr Crystal Mary Lindsey said...

Yes grandchildren are a pot of gold. Andy is growing, I can see how long his legs are getting...and his smile lights up his face.. And your other grandson was just a baby in the last pic I saw.. Wonderful to have them both together at once.. xxx

Pondside said...

Yes, children - the are what make so many of us go forward every day. They make so many things worthwhile. I can't wait until my grands move a little closer - soon they will only be a 90 minute flight away.

Grandma Bonnie said...

I am thankful for our healthy family,

Diana said...

Thankful for my family and 7 grand kids. I have a sign in my LR that says: If I knew that grand kids were going to be this much fun, I would have had them first!!! LOL


Diana said...

Your grand kids look so cute. Do they live by you?


Susan said...

Oh,definitely grandchildren are huge sources of gratitude. They are the pizazz in a Grammie's heart. Susan

Lynne said...

Cute grandsons . . . I am grateful for my grandchildren too.

In fact I am thankful for my family, health, friends, happiness, freedom to be me and how about . . . grateful for feeling thankful too . . .

betty said...

your grands are so adorable, Sandie!! Lots to be grateful for indeed; mercy and grace are favorites of mine!


Linda @ A La Carte said...

Sandie I am so grateful that you shared your Grandson's today! I love that photo! I know how much your Grands mean to you and how happy you were for me when I finally became a Grandma!

Micupoftea said...

Darling grandsons! Happy Valentine's Day~

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I agree grandchildren are a blessing. I often feel like the richest woman on earth. My cup overflows. And God's mercy is new every morning. Like you I have a lot to be grateful for. Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

Raindrops and Daisies said...

Lovely grandchildren Sandie.

You are right to be proud of them.

Have a good week.


Ann said...

oh yes, mercy is a big one to be grateful for. I know that well....lol

Liz Mays said...

Beautiful sentiments, beautiful grandchildren!

Shelly said...

Beautiful grandchildren you have! (I don't know why I'm talking like Yoda this morning.)

I'm so grateful that God loves me with His infinite love.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Sandie. Lovely photo of the two grandchildren! It is always good to remind ourselves to be grateful for all that we have. The health of my family is always number one in my book. For my loving, caring family, the gift of friendship,including my bloggy friends, the home that I love.
So many, many things!

andy said...

Happy Sunday sandie !!!!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

like that pic of your kids and you are blessed and have every right to be grateful for them.have a great Sunday

Theresa said...

We are so blessed:) Have a SUPER Sunday! HUGS!

Melissa Ann Goodwin said...

Beautiful grandchildren. So much to be grateful for - enjoy life's blessings!

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

How sweet! We are both very blessed!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

Beautiful grandkids. I hope you have a wonderful Sunday Sandie :)

Beth said...

I am grateful for each new day that I am given.

Jackie said...

I am grateful God loves me. His love makes everything else possible. I hope you have a great day and a blessed week!

Hugs ♥

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Hi Sandie....Thank you so much for the sweet V-day card. I was so surprised when the package of cards came....I just love the thoughfulness of bloggers!

Gail Dixon said...

What an uplifting post for a blessed Sunday. Your grandchildren are beautiful. I thank God for His mercy, too. I really have so much to be grateful for even tho sometimes I concentrate too much on the negatives. Thanks, Sandie.

Betty Manousos said...

beautiful grandchildren, sandie.
adorable photo of your grands.


Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Such cuties! You know g-kids are at the top of my list too! Have a fantastic day Sandie!

Betty@SouthernGrace said...

I don't have grandkids yet, but I am sure thankful for mercy too:) Visiting from Gratitude Sunday.

jack69 said...

Good things to be grateful for, that is for sure.

I am grateful for live and love, another day just to be....((HUGS))

Nancy said...

What beautiful grandchildren you have and how we love them....I too am blessed with three and love them to pieces...

I hope you have a wonderful week ahead....

Sandy said...

Your grandkids are precious. Waiting for some of my own. What am I grateful for? Too much to mention, really. But, right now I am thankful to have my oldest son back home with us.

Dar said...

I too, am so grateful for my grandchildren, all 11 of them. And without their parents I'd have none of them...so I'm doubly grateful for them too.
You liked our snow and asked where we are...north central WI

menopausal mama said...

Cute picture of the grandsons! I am MOST grateful for my amazing & patient husband, my 4 children and my baby granddaughter. Oh, and of course, my pug 'toddler". And chocolate. 'Nuff said.

Marsha Young said...

today I am grateful for "red flags" and a wonderful church service this morning. :)

momto8 said...

my blogging buddies!

Starry Dawn said...

Hi Sandie,
Yes, I agree!
Grandchildren are a pot of gold.
It is a real blessing to have them with us, a great gift from God...
I love the pics of your children, grandchildren, family and your puppy too.
Thank you for sharing your world, dear friend, Sandie!
Happy Valentine's Day with all your loved ones!
Have a blessed time, sweetheart!
God may always touch your life with many blessings.
Warm Hugs,

Susan J. Reinhardt said...

I'm grateful for blogging friends like you. :)

Blondee said...

BEAUTIFUL grandsons you have there! How are they doing?

Sally Wessely said...

I'm grateful for much, more than I usually acknowledge. I am grateful for a loving and supportive husband, a wonderful family, supportive and loving friends, my beautiful new home, and for the grace of God. His grace is not last. His grace is first.

Jim said...

I'm grateful for a lot, Sandie, because I have a lot. Everything that I need and all that I want.
Well, ...

Marie said...

I'm thankful for you! Such a sweet pic of your grandboys. :) Hope you have a wonderful week!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I am thankful for His mercy too. Also, my family makes my heart smile...specially my husband. Your grandbabies are beautiful.

Holly from 300 Pounds Down said...

Love the pics of the boys and love the quote about mercy!!

Granny Annie said...

Any one who knows me, knows what I am grateful for this week:)

Lady Linda said...

I am longing for a grandchild. Trusting God that I'm going to be a grandma someday. How sweet...great blog post. Great reminder of mercy.