"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Tails and Tales

I think kids feel that way when you bring home a second child!  It is like saying - honey I'm bringing home a second husband - you'll really like him when you get to home him!  lol

Okay I am a dog person - and there is nothing wrong with that - and some people are cat and dog lovers.  Nothing wrong with that.  And some people are cat lovers and there is nothing wrong with that - or is there?  Which one is your favorite?

I think my favorite is number two, but I think they are all cute.  

x_3bb4eaad photo

Hehe - they gave me a bone! It looks like I'm in jail! 
I get to tell  you the tale for the day.  Grandpa called Comcast and changed some things on their plan (nothing to do with the phone). Now for some reason the person on the other end deleted our phone number of 30 years and gave us a new one and we had no idea they did this for awhile.

We have been fighting to get our number back since then.  Obviously the family is a bit tense - lol. 

On top on that the grandson turning 12 - got an Iphone 5 and his mom.  Gramps and Gram took the leap and got free Iphones 4 from Sprint - they had the old flip phones.  Grams is a hoot with it - we are kind of laughing at her.  The only problem with that is - in the house there is no reception!!! 
Sprint is going to ship them a booster - to arrive in 5 to 7 days!   So they are a little further stressed.  Hehe - anyone want to come over and trade places - no not really - just fooling. 
But it is stressful - I don't get humans - I'm happy without any phone.



You can make any negative into a positive!!!!!!!!!!!


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I have a son that has bad luck when it comes to thinking...
i would absolutely love to live life with no phone, just like you Disco..i rarely talk on the phone, maybe 2 times a month when my friend calls from Savannah. the only thing our phone is for is emergencies and for the idiots that call over and over giving us a last chance for what ever they are selling....
you look adorable in jail, at least the door is open.

Carol said...

Oh my gosh…LOVE the cat’s expression regarding getting a dog. Made me laugh out LOUD!

I am a cat AND dog lover!!! I like them all but #5. If I have to choose then #2 is funny!

LOVED the ‘party puppies’!!!

Have a HAPPY day!

Love, C

Nancy said...

Phones; both land lines and cell can be such wonderful things when they work and such aggravating things when they don't....Hope you get it all straightened out soon.....

I am a dog and cat person but probably alittle more cat...love the photos....Disco is a cutie.....

andy said...

Love the cat look !!!! I have a 120 pd dog and a cat I never thought I would like this cat so much !!! Lol

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I was always a dog person until I got my cat Ruby three years ago. She's psycho and borderline sociopathic but I love her to death :)

Eat To Live said...

I don't like having a cell phone, but my Hubs thinks it is a great idea for me to have one. Sometimes, I have to admit it does come in handy.... but I would rather not have it.

All the cats are very cute!! couldn't choose just one.

Jackie said...

I love both cats and dogs; I wouldn't turn around for the difference. We don't have either one now. We've had dogs (outside) and a cat (inside.) Losing them is like losing a member of the family.
Regarding phones: can't live without them. So glad that the family has the iPhone. I still have my Blackberry, but I am about to switch to the iPhone. Hubby has had one for about a year, and I love using his.
Hugs and best wishes for a great week.

Cheri said...


I think you are in a much safer place with your bone...he he

Love ya,
Kizzy and Macy

Anonymous said...

One time the phone company gave my phone number to another person so all my calls were diverted to the other people...and when they would get calls my phone would ring and I could listen in on their conversations (not that I did, haha). So annoying though.

Gail Dixon said...

I am most definitely a DOG person. I've had so many bad experiences with cats. And I've seen so many hoarding episodes, many of them involving cats and it's scary! Sorry your number was deleted. Mercy, what an ordeal!

Sandee said...

I like the second one too. That's so cat/kitten. They just have an attitude and then some.

I understand about not having a phone. I don't have one either and I don't want one.

Have a terrific day. ☺

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

Love the cat pics. I guess we are just cat & dog people- but we have had more dogs than cats. Good luck with the phone company... or any utility for that matter. Customer service is not the norm anymore.

Shug said...

I'm not a huge fan of cats, but I will admit these photos are cute.
Have a blessed day.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Disco you are so funny! Give those humans a break about those crazy new phones! You know I'm a cat person and I love the first pic of the cat drinking out of the faucet cause my Charlie loves to do that!
hugs, Linda

TexWisGirl said...

'bad luck when it comes to thinking' haha.

yeah, cell service can be rough in certain areas.

the reassigned home phone # would REALLY tick me off!

Terri D said...

We have cats, but I do love dogs, too. Dogs just don't fit into our lifestyle right now. Cats are easy.

Susan said...

Oh boy. The kitty drinking drips from the faucet could have been Honey Cat. She LOVES jumping up into the sink and looking for drips.

I'm a kitty person all the way!

Disco, I'm with you. No more new fangled contraptions. I'll give you a bone and you give me some ice cream and we'll be as happy as we can be, right? Woof! Woof! Susan

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I used to be the same with no reception with my phone then switched companies and now I can talk in my house. Apparently the new phone service has a tower closer to home. It was ok going outside to talk on the phone, but not in the winter. I love my new provider. I also love my Iphone. The greatest thing is facetiming with the grands. I have had both cats and dogs and have dearly loved them all!

Inger said...

Well, Disco, at least they didn't bring home a CAT!!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I like cats and dogs both, but if I were forced at gun point (can I say that without the men in black showing up at my door? ha!) to choose than I'd choose cats. I've loved my German Shepherds we've had to pieces, but in my...ahem...older years, I find cats less work. They don't need to go for walks outside to potty. And they can stay by themselves for a weekend if we want to take an overnight trip. All that said, right now I could cheerfully give away at least 2 of the 4 we have! Maybe 3. LOL!

The first and third pics look like something I'd see here in my house! That's why I said the above!

Love the puppies after a night of partying! Cute.

Hope you get the phone problems straightened out!

Tricia Buice said...

Do I have to pick one? They are so different. Our cat is a serious butt head and our dogs can be great big pains - but so can I. They put up with us - we put up with them and we all love each other. Such fun. All the pictures are so cute. Hope the telephone stuff gets straightened out soon - what a nightmare!

Maggie Ann said...

Would animals have a lot to say if they could talk? I wonder! I like cat #1. We used to have such fun with Mom's cat. Just didn't like the cat hair all over.

Thats a shame about your phone #....why on earth?!!

barbara l. hale said...

I love dogs and cats but I have to say that if I had my druthers I would have cat(s). I always say that I am one husband away from being a crazy cat lady. Right now, I don't have a cat and I don't feel complete. BTW, good luck with the new phone.

Nonnie said...

Hands down, it has to be a dog. And my people would be all flutterated if they lost their phone number. Hope you get it back. -Trudy

Our family never had a phone in our house until 1958! How in the world did my parents manage to survive??? Now that you all have iPhones, you will seldom see the faces of your loved ones. :-(

Donna said...

Can you be a Cat AND dog person?Hahaaa...love them both!
Photos are TOO cute!

Stephanie said...

Oh I always thought I was only a dog person...until a little white kitty found his way into our lives. I am now firmly both:)

Shelly said...

Oh my- that would aggravate me to no end to have my long time phone number changed! Disco, you need to go down there and growl at them a little to speed them along. Loved all the pics!

When does Disco get his own Iphone?

Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the first few pictures! Well, you know that we are cat people! For one thing, we are old and cats do not need much care and can also be left alone for a few days. But dogs really know how to show their love!! Comcast is rated as the worst service in the country for their customer service! They once made a little old lady wait in line for two hours, then when the line got too long,made her sit on a bench outside in the rain. Then they CLOSED before they got to her. She came back the next day with a shotgun. Did not hurt anyone, just yelled. And SHE was the one arrested! I try to tell all my friends please do not use them, Consumer Reports hates them, but no one will listen to me. So this does not surprise me. SO sorry!!!

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

Dear Sandie,
My sides are cracking.. I love the first photo.. ha ha
It brought back memories, of when i told me three elder children, there was another on the way..and their reply was.. Oh Gosh..not another one.!
I love all the phots.
I used to have cat and dogs together. Then i moved and now i just have the dog..but i love cats.
Great post Sandie.
Only you can make us smile like you do.
happy days
love val xx

Elizabeth Edwards said...

i love the cat completely under the water facet. too funny!! i wish i could do that. i love my water. ( :

have a great week CC!! big big hugs.

Bev said...

What a smart dog to be happy without a phone!! Should be fun to watch old grandma there with hers:))) hahah...don't tell her I said that!!! please!!!!!
Well if I am an animal fan...I'm not a great fan...but I would prefer dogs...especially if they were like you!

Ann said...

I like both dogs and cats but dogs first then cats second.
When I got my new phone I had to has lessons from my kids on how to do things with it


When we gave up our landline our old phone number went with it. We were traumatized. I understand your frustration. I like the first cat picture.

Blondee said...

I am a cat person, but it just about killed me yesterday when we had to take the boy's dog to be put to sleep. :( I blogged about it, read at your own risk.

Andrea said...

OMGosh... cell phones!! I have one...don't like it...don't want it...but kids say I need it. I've only got the texting plan...so no phone calls come through on it (that I answer anyway). I'm not so sure I could answer the dang thing even if I wanted to!

Technology & me = definitely a love-hate relationship. Kind of like dogs + cats! *haha*

Love ya--Andrea

Lynn said...

I was always a cat person but ended up with a dog because my sons wanted one. Worked out fine:@)

Debbie said...

I didn't think I was a cat person until my niece got the sweetest little thing named Whiskers. I can't put her down when I'm visiting. Spoil her rotten, I do.

I'm so excited for you about the Iphone. I would love one but I have enough trouble with my dumb old regular phone.

And I hope you get the number back!

Jill said...

I love them all! They make me smile. I guess I'm more cat than dog but I like dogs too.

Sorry about your phone number. That's terrible!

Merlesworld said...

I'm a bit or both at the moment I have 4 cats and a part timer and a dog who visits two days a week because he gets lonely his mum and dad both work so he misses them and likes grandma company.

The Boston Lady said...

Disco, stick with the bone and forget the phone. They are a pain in the neck. Your humans will soon figure them out (when they get reception) and be totally addicted to them. I predict your gramma will even be taking lots of pictures on the go with hers.

I used to be a cat person. Now I'm both. Ann TBL

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post, Sandie... I lost my breath when you said that you didn't have service inside your home after buying Spring iPhones... GADS.... Shouldn't they tell you BEFORE you bought them???? I never liked Sprint.... Hope what they send you helps....

I like dogs and cats ---but don't have one now and do NOT want one... They are alot of responsibility for sure.... I love my Duchess when we had her --but don't want to go down that path right now. We travel too much...


Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I am a sucker for anything on four legs. Now if hubby could only grow two more.....

Buttercup said...

Oh Disco, I'd be upset if they gave me a new phone number, too. I grew up with a cat, but I am more a dog person.

Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

There are some things in life that just are not right-you cannot have a new phone number after 30 years!! You may have to picket-if you need me I'll fly down and picket with you!!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

i cannot pick a favorite- they are all cute

Marie said...

Wow! That is awful about your home phone! I've had the same number for sixteen years.
I love all animals, but I'm a life long doggy lover!
All the pics are funny!
What color is your iphone?? Mine is white. :) I wish they had red. :)

Ms. A said...

They took your phone number??? OMG, what dolts they are. I hope you get that resolved with a quickness and somebody gets a severe lashing and reprimand.

Ms. A said...

AND, for the inconvenience, they should give you FREE SERVICE.

Lady Linda said...

Fun picks.I love your colors in your blog header! Very springy.

Susannah said...

I have heard these new phones are such a pain. But...my granddaughter got one and she has had not one bit of trouble.

I never was but now I am a cat lover! My 42 year old niece is director/owner of a shelter in South Carolina.She rings me up - "Aunt Sue, you said you would like a persian cat someday, right?" So one thing led to another and we have a male.. buff colored.. long haired.. persian cat named Oliver - Ollie for short. My husband and I are in love with him. He is such a nice cat. Only problem is the cat hair. I like things neat and tidy and this means the vaccum is running almost everyday. But it is worth it. He is so loving.
My children and their families have 4 little dogs that I just adore but this Oliver has taken my heart! Silly, right?


Scooter said...

I am a dog person but I do like kitty picture # 1 the best. Oh no!! about the phones, thats companies for ya!! I sure hope they get their number back and reception so the stress will be gone!! if not, you can come to my house, we are stress free right now but do have lots of kid peeps around LOL

Diana and Jazzi

Unknown said...

I think I am a bit of both, but a cat you cannot really tame them, they sort of do what they want anyway. I use to have cats and they were all different personalities, and sometimes drove me insane lol!
Have a lovely day!


Debby@Just Breathe said...

Enjoy your new phone. You will love it. Sorry about the reception. We have stayed with Verizon and have never had issues anywhere. Sorry about your phone number. That is so sad, I would be so angry. Hope your having a nice day. I am a dog person but mainly because of allergies. I like cats too!

Dee said...

Good grief...that is some tale....I hope you get your phone number back...we will be phone hunting soon...I dread it.:( I am a cat person...but also dog...but more cat. :) I like the cat drinking out of the faucet.... remind me of my Ethyl. I have some pictures to post of her drinking water. :-/

renae said...

Oh this was a fun post. Disco did get in on the action. I love seeing comics/funnies on Tuesday, too. Thank you Sandie!