"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Monday, April 01, 2013

Meandering on Mondays . . .

I hope y'all have a wonderful Easter!  We did - very quiet - worked on two school projects - watched The Crucifixion - and thanked God . . . 

Why you should try not to give retailers your zip code!  Thanks Monica.


Do it yourself guardrail.  Thanks Carmen.



 Remember - we can make anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just takes some PVC and duck tape. Duck tape is the new "IT".

Stop Child Trafficking - this is near and dear to my heart.
And yes it still goes on today!

TICK Warning from Fran

I have something to share, as most of you know I have lived here for 51 years.
Something I have never had a problem with is Ticks,, 
yes found them on me,the kids removed them,
put antiseptic on them, no problem.

This year,,, oh my goodness, please watch yourselves, in May I had to go to the doctor's after coming from the hospital
found this tick on me before I went on my waist, it was red, I showed it to the doc, DEER TICK he told me,, gave me
antibiotic's, for 10 days, it went away.
Two weeks ago I found a bruise on my leg, then I started with what I thought was kidney infection,HURT!!!
went to doc (again) no it was a bladder infection, I had checked the bruise only to find it had gotten BIGGER, showed him ,,, again TICK ,,
that I had for about a week or so, this had caused my bladder infection,now I am back on antibiotics again for 3 weeks,
now you can look this all up online LYME disease. it can cause a whole lot of trouble! believe me!!!!
So I am telling every one about it, because, what you may think is a bruise, but it gets bigger by the day, may be something else.
Just be careful, I was lucky enough to be going to doctors and he seen it,
If the bruise gets to be as big a a quarter with a white spot in the center, beware!
I think this is something we all need to know,, I know it was news to me.
Take care .. Fran

Are you interested in the psychology of color - I ran across this from Life Hacker:


Now I borrowed this from someone's blog and I forgot who - sorry.  This is Chatty - reminding you to exercise every day in some little way for your health.

x_1af5533 photo x_1af5533.gif

The laugh:

I thought this was so cute - you can feel his joy - rolling and exfoliating his skin in the sand - he's warm - free - and happy - hope you feel like this today.

The lift:

Have patience with yourself.  See you tomorrow!


Debbie said...

I need that "It's a process" as a big old poster on the wall to remind myself. I am such an impatient person sometimes.

And now you have me skeeeered of ticks. I don't know why since I'm one of the least outdoorsy people I know.

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Hope you had a nice Easter!

We had a ton of ticks last summer. I hope that since this winter has been colder they won't be as bad.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i just looked up symptoms of Lyme and there are more than 100 symptoms and it says all people are different, i do know a woman who has it and it is there for life, she will always have problems. she got the tick from camping.

BelovedBomber said...

We also had a wonderful weekend! Love the beautiful colors on the blog and as always, I enjoy reading the great info and humor. Many blessings!

Shelly said...

Your Easter sounds wonderful, and I loved, loved, loved the elephant on the beach. That's kind of how I feel today~

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

April always starts flea and tick season here and they warn us to have meds on our pets. Here in town we don't see many ticks but they do travel on animals so it's better to be prepared. It's hard to believe Easter has come and gone...it's till pretty cold here, but at least we above freezing and that is something to be thankful for. Hope you have a wonderful Monday!

peggy said...

Some good things to know from you this morning, thanks Chatty. Happy April first.

Suzan said...

love it!! Instead of a "beached whale," it's a beached elephant!! Same difference :-}}
Have already found 2 ticks on Augie!! Was hoping the cold had gotten them!

Jill said...

Glad you had a good Easter. Ours was quiet too.

Love the little elephant. That's joy!

Carol said...

LOVE the little elephant rolling on the beach...so cute and YES, so free!

It is a process, isn't it!

Love to you!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I used to get ticks all the time as a youngster playing in the woods :)

Hope you had a nice Easter!!

Karen Lange said...

What a good way to start the week! Thanks so much, Sandie. :)

Susan said...

Hi Sandie...Lovely holiday here..glad yours was good too.GOOD POST. Next time I'm asked for my zip code, I'm not going to give it. Learn somethingi new every day, eh?

Thanks for visiting on Easter. You are a faithful follower. Susan

Gail Dixon said...

Thanks for the warning on ticks! We hike quite a bit and my husband is always the one finding one or two after our walks. I call him a Tick Magnet. lol But it really isn't a laughing matter. Hope you have a great day!

TexWisGirl said...

my husband worked with someone who had lyme disease. really took its toll on her well-being - for years and for the rest of her life.

Linda said...

I LOVE starting my day off with you!!

Maggie Ann said...

How heartbreaking about child abuse and trafficking. How depraved...and the tick info is really helpful. Those things scare me. I thought sure I had one on my face by my ear one summer. I panicked big time...and clawed it off. My doc said it was not a tick....I think it was, she put me on meds. Have a nice day! I'll try to exercise...=)

Liz Mays said...

That's scary about the tick!!! I worry about those too. I'm glad you had a wonderful Easter!

Nikki (Sarah) said...

hey Chatty girl...love the new look here. The bit on Lyme's disease...scary. How does that happen...how do ticks jump from deer to people!!!!!

Hugs and love all your animations. Soo cute.

Ginny Hartzler said...

The zip code thing, I always give it to them and never for a minute think why they ask. I just thought it was to find out what area their shoppers come from and would be helpful in opening new stores. Have you seen the colored and patterned duck tapes? Very cool, they even have pink leopard.

BlueShell said...

I'm glad to come here again, dear...
i've been away for so log...I'm sorry!
That film is strong as it should be...
I miss you so much...

jack69 said...

Hey lady, What a beautiful illustration at the top, Dead on Friday alive on Sunday. Great illustration.

Gotta get some car work done. Outta here. ((HUGS))

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh My--about the ticks... I have read that due to our rain this winter and since we didn't have any severe weather this winter much, the BUGS (all of them) will be WORSE this year... Yuk...

Interesting info about the colors... I like most all colors --but tend to be a plain-jane when I choose colors for things like my home.


Sandee said...

Yikes on the ticks, and I didn't know about the zip codes. No wonder we have so much junk mail. Good grief.

Have a terrific day. :)


IMPORTANT to pay attention to the ticks. My mom got lyme disease. NOT something you want.

Elizabeth Edwards said...

my hubby is the one with the most ticks. i have issues with snakes. a big yuck to both.

have a great week. ( :

how was your Easter lunch?

Jackie said...

Lyme disease is serious; thank you for the reminder. Deer ticks are prevalent here, too, so it is always best to beware.

Susannah said...

My husband is out in the field starting to prepare the veggie garden for this year. I will be checking him when he comes in.We have many deer here, too. Thanks Miss Chatty for this advice and reminder!

Also, I love the elephant in the sand. Wish it was me laying there getting al exfoliated!!!!!!

andy said...

Love the elephant picture ! Gla you had a good weekend !

valerietilsten59.blogspot.com said...

All little interesting snippets.
Having lived many years in Africa.. we are aware of ticks. If you have animals.. they should have the front line on them.
Lyme's is very very dangerous.
love the elephant.. so so sweet.
wishing you a happy 1st of April Sandie.

Eat To Live said...

The Tick warning is something that really needs addressed more often. I think I have a post about it on my blog.... but maybe I didn't get it posted yet. One day maybe....

Have a wonderful week Sandie!

Ann said...

Interesting on the zip code thing. That would explain how I end up getting some of the junk in the mail that I wonder where they got my name

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

I had no idea about the zip code thing...I can think off-hand of about 5 places that do this every transaction. I thought it was to confirm ownership of the card! Great post today Sandie!

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Tick...yuck! I've had to go to the doctor with a tick bite myself. We seem to have a lot of them around this area.

Hope you're having a great day!

renae said...

Hi Sandie! Sounds like your Easter was nice. I had a great break. It felt so goooooood. I was starting to suffer 'burn out'. I took the time away cuz I could and I am so glad I did. I'll have a new post up by morning (Tues). Thought I would say 'hi' to my buddies first. I had fun shopping, eating, spending time with my grandies and just slept a ton, too. It was a nice weekend to scrub the car and go out to lunch. awhhhhh.

Nonnie said...

DH has always complained about the zip code entry. It never bothered me, but I am going to skip it from now on.

Love the elephant and I feel like that in this beautiful weather.

Gotta remember everyday that it is a process.

Glad you got the projects done. You sure are a good grandma.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Thanks for all the information.
Have a wonderful week. Debby

Dee said...

Ticks scare me...they seem to be every where. So many illnesses attributed to them. I personally know a few people who have illness related to ticks. The little elephant made my day....:)

Elizabeth said...

I appreciated the tick warning. I know someone with debilitation Lyme disease. It is heartbreaking.

Ms. A said...

I need to roll around in some sand and do some serious exfoliating... preferably on a relaxing beach, with a margarita!

Betsy Brock said...

Found you at Sandys and had to come say hello! :)

Grandma Bonnie said...

Happy Monday! Thanks for the info. I am going to stop giving out my zip-code to the cashiers. Thanks.

Blondee said...

Oh, I love the elephant in the sand!!

Glad you had a nice Easter! :)

Jim said...

Nice Monday post, Sandie. You be careful of the ticks also.

I'm glad you had a nice Easter. Mrs. Jim and I were by ourselves, we at catfish and etoufee at Papadeaux after church. They weren't too very crowded.

One last item, in Britain the schools, P.O, banks, and bigger businesses were closed today for Easter holiday because Easter was on Sunday.

Dar said...

the tick warning is a good one. There are so many vital organs that are affected if Lymes goes undetected. My sister, brother and son have all had it and it can be very debilitating.
Hope your Easter was a great one for He Is Risen.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

tee hee hee- you got some fun stuff on your bloggy!
i had a tick last year- its kinda scary

Angela said...

I didn't know that about the zip codes. They won't get my zip code anymore! I was wondering why I'm getting lots of junk mail and now I know why! I probably throw away a bag of junk mail every week.

I got a tick off of Jazz the other day. It's that time of the year. I need to get the Frontline on my girls. I did give them a flea pill 2 weeks ago.

Glad you had a great Easter!


Marie said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful Easter. :)
I like the color red, dark brown and much more. My son's favorite color is green and hubby likes brown.
I Love the elephant and I have been feeling like that! :)
Mama Mallard's eggs starting hatching today!

Lynn said...

I started to look up the symptoms for Lyme disease, but then I'll be sure I have it. :)

Theresa said...

Loads of great information:) My house is in the woods and we really have to keep a look out for ticks! I hate them! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Hootin Anni said...

I always, shhhhhh, don't tell anyone....give out a bogus zip code. Take that you nasty cashiers. LOL

And the exercising dudess? She's too cute.

Hootin Anni said...

ps...yes, Irene is my mom's name too.

Jo-Anne's Ramblings said...

I have nothing to add so I am just saying I came, I read and now I am leaving...........