"Life is lived forward, but understood backward. It is not until we are down the road and we stand on the mountain looking back through the valley that we can appreciate the terrain God has allowed us to scale.” Jill Savage

Thursday, May 09, 2013

Diet tip of the day - May 9, 2013


The two winners of Jack's Book are: 

1.  Sheila at the Quintessential Magpie
2.  Susannah 

Please send me your full name and address so I can forward them to Jack - and thanks for playing.  Remember Jack would like you to - after reading it - letting him know your favorite character. 

Blue Mountain Cards asked me to review their cards.  They gave me a month's trial and I sure do wish I had one to give away, but I don't.  And I have to say my review here is honest - I love them, so I do hope you check out some Blue Mountain eCards!.   They're fun and different.  And yes after my free month I will be purchasing these for a year.

They have eCards for grandchildren, friends, family and even pets!  I have sent out about 30 already in three weeks.  There are cards for everything you can imagine.   The site is easy to use as well - for us oldies but goodies. 

I used to belong to Jackie Lawson for years - but I have to be very honest with you - the cards got boring and everyone had them.   These Blue Mountain Cards are interactive - you can have them talk and they come out with new ideas all the time.  Such a great variety.  Please check them out for yourself.  I think you will LOVE them.   sandie


They have sugar free chocolate chips at Wal Mart - for baking!

Recipe of the day sent to me by Jenn of Three Graces 

Tell me what you think of it.

1 can artichoke bottoms, drained
1 bottle Wishbone Italian dressing
1 pkg. Stouffer's Spinach Souffle, thawed
1/4 c. bread crumbs, mixed with 1/4 c. melted butter

Marinate artichokes overnight in the salad dressing. Drain. In a shallow baking dish, place artichokes side by side. Fill with the spinach and top with the bread crumbs. Bake, uncovered, at 400 degrees for 20 minutes. Serves 6 to 8.

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Coloring Outside the Lines said...

The lift was just perfect for me today. Have a great day Sandie!

nancygrayce said...

I used to subscribe to Blue Mountain cards and I had forgotten all about them! To be honest, since Facebook came along, many of my friends don't check email! I don't get that, and I'll check out blue mountain again!

Sandee said...

The Lift works for me everyday and has for a very long time.

Have a terrific day honey. ☺

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I am some what of a wonder woman to. and i see you got your upload to work on the side bar... blue mountain sounds good...

Eat To Live said...

Sugar free chocolate chips.... I need to check those out. I wonder if they are sweetened at all and if so, with what. Thanks Sandie, I will be looking at these.

Pondside said...

Thanks, Sandie - this will help with that last, uphill push toward Friday!

peggy said...

I will be trying those cards Wonder Woman. Actually that's me.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I am definitely a wonder woman! I'll be passing that one for sure! Hope you have a great day!

Gail Dixon said...

That lift was perfect! The artichoke recipe sounds delish. Thanks!

Rob-bear said...

Diet tip for the day: don't eat!

Blessings and Bear hugs!
Bears Noting
Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

Ginny Hartzler said...

I will check out these cards!! About ten of fifteen years ago, I went on a card website of the same name. Maybe it is the same place, only updated! Are they about the same price as Lawson?

Shelly said...

Ohhhh, I am Wonder Woman, too. Sadly...

Bev said...

I Love the LIFT!!

mail4rosey said...

Congrats to your winners.

The artichokes sound very healthy, lol! They sound good too. :)

Now I wonder where I left my stamps, I have a card to get out for Mother's Day. ;)

andy said...

Happy Wednesday !!!!!

Rose said...

I used to love BlueMountain Ecards when they were all free years ago.

Tanna said...

LOVE the sounds of that artichoke recipe, Sandie. Thank you!! =D blessings ~ tanna

TexWisGirl said...

congrats to your winners!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Yum, I love artichokes!

Decadent Housewife said...

- still laughing from your posts of last week. Just catching up now.

Have a great day!

Cranberry Morning said...

I haven't checked on Blue Mountain for a few years! I'll have to do that. Thanks, Sandie.

Southhamsdarling said...

Hi Sandie. Love the WOnder Woman quip!! I also love Blue Mountain e-cards, and I agree with you about the Jacqueline Lawson ones. They were definitely starting to look a bit old hat!

Cathy said...

Who knew? I am Wonder Woman! haha

Going to go checkout those Blue Mountain Cards.

Anonymous said...

always so much great stuff here, and chocolate chips sugar free, wow, my husband will be over the moon, he has a sugar problem,

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That recipe sounds yummy! Hope you have a great Thursday. Love, Debby

Tricia Buice said...

Amen on apologizing for how you feel - my feelings are my feelings - neither right or wrong! Lovely to see you again - hope all's well Ms. Sandie!

Nancy said...

Great post -- only I do sometimes say I'm sorry for saying what I feel if I don't say it the right way. If you know what I mean. :)

Dar said...

your winners will LOVE Jack's book. You are a Winner! So Sweet! Me?
I'm a wonder woman for sure...I wonder if I remembered to send you that recipe...hmmm

renae said...

Oh I am loving your "laugh" and your "lift" cards/sections each day! THANK YOU SO MUCH for being an awesome friend! Those eCards are great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

barbara l. hale said...

I am a Wonder Woman, too! And I sure agree with The Lift!

Ms. A said...

I have to admit... I don't think I've ever tasted artichoke, at least that I can recall.

LL Cool Joe said...

That last quote is so true. We should all remember that.

Unknown said...

I do like Blue Mountain cards.. I like the wonder woman hehe. I am so late today, doing some blog reading before I scoot to bed, it's nearly Friday over here wot wot. Enjoy your day my friend, hugs x

Cheryl @ TFD said...

Wow, who knew? I'm Wonder Woman and didn't know it! :) Thanks for the tip about the sugar free choc. chips.

I sent many Blue Mountain cards years ago when they were free. Sigh. So many things aren't free anymore, but I can understand in some cases.

Tomorrow's Friday! Enjoy!!

jack69 said...

I want to thank you Chatty for managing the Give-away. Thanks to everyone who wanted the book. I am so glad for Sheila and Susannah, And I will get the books out as soon as I can. We are out in the woods now, but will get into town as soon as possible.

Love the read and I always thought you were WONDER WOMAN, to do all you do.
Love you lady and thanks again for all the promotion and the review on Amazon.

Kay G. said...

Ha, I always thought I was Wonder Woman, now I KNOW that I am!

Lynn said...

I've never had a stuffed artichoke, these sound good:@)

Debbie said...

From one Wonder Woman to another: I love those sugar free chocolate chips. I nuke them and dip strawberries in it for my husband when I want to be very sweet.

I used to send Blue Mountain cards. I admit it that it was when it was free. I'm such a big fake cheapie.


Love the recipe. Blue Mountain Cards are very nice.

Miss Debbie said...

sugar free choc chips... who knew?? :-)

Susan said...

Thanks for a very nice, all inclusive post, Sandie. I've never cooked with artichokes. Ever. Have had them marinated in salad but that's about it. Hmmmm. Sound good. Take care, Sandie. Susan

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Have you tried the cookies? just wondering. I'm trying to cut out some of the sugar in my diet for sure!
hugs, Linda

Savannah Granny said...

Gotta check out those sugar free cookies at walmart. Thanks for the heads up. xo Ginger

Betty said...

I'm Wonderwoman too!!!

Sally Wessely said...

How are those chocolate chips? I'll have to try them.

Grandma Bonnie said...

My family hardly ever checks their email. I usually send them a text message telling them I sent an email. I do like their cards though.
I guess I am a wonderwoman. I am always wondering what I was looking for or who I was going to call.

Grandma Bonnie said...

My family hardly ever checks their email. I usually send them a text message telling them I sent an email. I do like their cards though.
I guess I am a wonderwoman. I am always wondering what I was looking for or who I was going to call.

Marie said...

Sugar free chocolate chips! I'm so excited!:)
The lift is wonderful just like you. :)

Scooter said...

Love the Laugh!! cute!!
I have used Blue Mountain in the past and have always loved their cards.


Wendy Annabeth said...

I've heard of them! On my way to check them out more. Thanks for the recipe...I was wondering what to do with artichokes :) Happy Friday!

Jim said...

Sometimes I "wonder" too, Sandie. Oh well, life is good any rate.

And I remember back when those Blue Mountain eCards were free 'forever.' Haha, this is the trend isn't it?

Nikki (Sarah) said...

Hey Chatty...love love love the wonder woman....hehehehe. And the last quote...right on. And something I needed to read this morning. Hugs and more hugs...okay and a few more from me to you!!!!!

Theresa said...

Hi there Sandie, congrats to the lucky winners:) LOVE Blue Mountain cards! Have a blessed day my friend, HUGS!

Optimistic Existentialist said...

That last picture is some great advice my friend...I need to heed that.

Granny Annie said...

My doctor just ask me this week if I was having trouble remembering things. LOL I wish I had known the joke and I would have told her I was Wonder Woman!

Betty Manousos said...

good morning sandie!

sometimes i wonder, too..

congrats to your winners!


Jemma@athomewithjemma said...

Great recipe Sandie! Lift is wonderful-been so much going on at work and home-needed to hear this!

Terri D said...

Love the Wonder Woman piece, especially!!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Sandie, I just got in from out of town, and I'm so excited I won. I will get the info off to you soon. THANK YOU! This made my week!!!



Ann said...

I used Blue Mountain years ago when they were free to send.
Now I'm starting the day off with confirmation that I too am Wonder Woman...lol